Death: Rin x reader

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Your POV


"Onii-chan?" I called

"ONII-CHAN!!" I screamed and ran over to his body

I called his best friend Rin. He picked up after a few rings

"What is it (Your Name)?" Rin asked

"RIN!! ONII-CHAN WON'T WAKE UP AND HE ISN'T BREATHING!!" You screamed into the phone

"WHAT!? I'm coming" Rin hung up

I called the ambulance and shook his cold body, Rin ran in the room and picked me up in his arms. The paramedics ran in and got my brother to breath again, Rin held me tightly as I tried to get to my brother. I kept screaming, once the ambulance was out of sight, I cried and wouldn't stop. Rin took me to my room but I couldn't sleep even though I knew he was in safe hands

"Can I sleep in Onii-chans room and sleep in his clothes?" I asked trying not to cry, Rin picked me up and carried me to my brothers room

"If it makes you feel better, I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight and tomorrow we will go visit him" Rin smiled and sat me on the bed.

I grabbed a folded shirt that was sat on the bed and wore it, I smelled the shirt and started crying. Rin lied down with me until I fell asleep.


I woke up and saw Rin was next to me, I got out of bed and changed into black tights and a navy blue singlet. I grabbed my brothers jumper and put it on, I shook Rin awake and sat there until he woke up fully.

"I see your ready to go" Rin chuckled

"Hurry up and get ready. I want to see Onii-chan already" I wiped my eyes

~10 minutes later~

"I'm ready, lets go" Rin picked me up in his arms

"Ok, hurry I need to see Onii-chan" I put my seat belt on.

Rin's mum drove us to the hospital and parked near the entrance, I hopped out the car and held Rin's hand tightly in mine. We walked over to the receptionist and asked where Onii-chan's room was, Rin picked me up and I cried into his neck.

"What is your relationship with the patient?" The lady asked

"I'm his best friend and this is his younger sister who really needs to see her brother" Rin spoke as I cried

"Are you Rin?" A doctor asked

"Yes" Rin replied

"Ok. Come with me" The doctor instructed

Rin and I followed the doctor in to Onii-chans room, Rin put me down and we walked over to him. I held onto Rin's hand tightly, Onii-chan looked at me with a frown. Rin placed me on the bed with Onii-chan.

"Hey, (Your Name)" Onii-chan smiled and cupped my cheeks

"Onii-chan" I whispered as I cried

"Hey, why are you crying?" Onii-chan pulled me into a hug

"Onii-chan" I whispered again and clung to his arm

"I'm here right now, Shh!" He held me tightly


We got home and I stay with Onii-chan all the time now, I share a bedroom with him cause I'm scared. I crawled over to Onii-chan and shook him, my lip started to quiver and tears streamed down my cheeks. Onii-chan opened his eyes and pulled me into a hug, my body trembled.

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