At first it was heartbreak then I found love again: Nagisa x reader

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<Warning: I don't know what your idea of sexual stuff is so this is just a quick warning. If your not interested please don't read any further>

Your POV

You walked up to your boyfriend with a smile on your face, (Guy's Name). You stopped in your tracks and saw he was cheating on you, you turned on your heel and saw (2nd Guy's Name) standing there in shock. You smiled sadly at him and he cried, you let your tears fall. You lied on your bed until your phone went off, you picked it up and answered it.

"Hey, babe" You sniffled

"Hey, I have to cancel our date again" (Guy's Name) chuckled

"Yeah I understand, you want to spend time with the girl you have been with while you were cheating on me. Don't worry, I'm just going to starve myself and die, its not like you care" You sniffled again while wiping your tears

"I'm going to be honest with you. I'm cheating on you but I broke up with her because it felt wrong, I'm still dating you and I love you so much. Work has a new employee and needs me to be there, I love you baby girl" (Guy's Name) explained

"I don't think I can trust you, that's why I'm breaking up with you. Just to let you know, I really don't want to but its for the best. I love you and I'll miss you" You cried

"NO! PLEASE GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE!!" (Guy's Name) panicked

"Sorry but its best for the both of us. Bye (Guy's Name)" You hung up

"You did good. I hope you find someone who will make space for you and who doesn't cheat on you" Nagisa popped up beside your bed

"You mean someone like you? Someone who is always there for me, someone to make time for me, someone to not cancel our dates, someone to love me, someone who actually cares and doesn't cheat on me" You smiled

"Yeah. You'd like that wouldn't you, I can help you forget (Guy's Name)" Nagisa smiled

"Sure. Why not, he did it to me so why can't I give it a shot" You shrugged your shoulders and bought Nagisa into a kiss

Nagisa kissed you back, Nagisa climbed on top of you. His lips never leaving yours, Nagisa pulled away and you smiled. Nagisa placed butterfly kisses down your neck and onto your collarbone, You moaned out Nagisa's name. Nagisa smiled and slipped your top off and chucked it across the room, Nagisa looked at you with lust in his eyes and you nodded.

"Are you sure?" Nagisa asked

"I'm sure, Nagisa. Do it" You smiled sweetly

Nagisa chucked your pants and undergarments across the room, Nagisa bit, sucked and licked on your harden bud and massaged the other with his free hand. You moaned uncontrollably, you slapped a hand over your mouth. Nagisa swiftly switched and did the same to your other breast, you moaned out Nagisa's name which turned him on even more.

"Ready (Your Name)-chan?" Nagisa asked and you nodded


Nagisa collapsed on the bed next to you smiling, you rolled over and cuddled into him.

"That was fun" Nagisa stated

"Haha yeah" You smiled

"We can go for a second round later" Nagisa smirked

"What-" Nagisa cut you off with a kiss

"I need a shower" You sat up

"Lets go" Nagisa picked you up and took you into the bathroom

Lets say you woke up very sore the next morning.

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