Nagisa x reader: Whats wrong?

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You quickly and quietly made your way to the school pool, you sat down on the benches and looked at the water while crying. You've been avoiding everyone lately and the swim team is worried except Gou.

"(Your Name), you need to talk to the swim team. They are getting worried, mostly Nagisa is getting worried that you won't come back" Gou giggled

"I'm sorry. I need a little more time" You wiped your tears away

"No. No more, you can't always avoid them. Nagisa is scared that he is going to loose you and the swim team is worried about you. Your going to get up there to them and at least sit there with them, you don't have to talkk but you have to sit up there" Gou grabbed your wrist and dragged you up to the roof top

"(YOUR NAME)-CHAN!!" Nagisa hugged you tightly

"Hi Nagisa" You faked a smiled

"Whats wrong?" Nagisa asked

"Its nothing" You giggled

"(Your Name)!" You warned

"Goman" You apologized quietly

"Sit down" Gou sat you next to Nagisa

"Ok. No need to shove me" You coughed

"I thought I was going to loose you" Nagisa hugged you

"I'm not going anywhere, I just needed time alonee to um to think" You smiled and hugged him back while blinking your tears away

Gou sighed and shook her head, Nagisa looked at Gou with worry in his eyes then back to you. Nagisa pulled you away from the rest and looked at you with pleading eyes, you shook your head and Nagisa held your hands tightly in his.

"Please tell me" Nagisa pouted cutely

"My parents died" You whispered as tears rolled down your cheeks

"Shh! You can come live with me, I have a spare bedroom" Nagisa buried his face in your neck while hugging you

"Thanks Nagisa" You smiled

"You smiled, I like it better than you crying" Nagisa chuckled and walked back to our little group

Nagisa sat you in his lap and hugged you while everyone talked and you stayed quiet. Haru and you locked gazes for a second before you broke it, Nagisa sat his chin in the crook of your neck.


Its been 3 weeks since the death of your parents, your living with Nagisa and he would always check up on you. Nagisa walked into your bedroom and saw you sitting on your bed, he wrapped his arms around you and you lent back into his chest.

"You ok?" Nagisa asked

"Yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking" You laughed

"Alright. I'm always here if you need to talk to someone" Nagisa lied you next to him

"I know and thank you" You cuddled into him

"Your welcome" Nagisa kissed your forehead

"Night, Nagisa" You closed your eyes

"Night, (Your Name)" Nagisa held you against him

You both fell asleep. The swim team walked in the house and you quietly walked out of the room and into the bathroom locking the door, You picked up a sharp razor and cut into yourself. Someone banged on the door and you made a yelp, you hissed in pain as the blade cut your skin. You wrapped you arm up and opened the door, Nagisa embraced you in a hug while Gou stood there with a worried expression. You tried to hide your wrist but Nagisa found it and unwrapped it, the swim team watched as he took the bandage off your wrist. You let your head hang and Gou gasped, Haru walked over and touched it. You pulled it back and hissed.d

"She only just did them" Haru stated

"Why?" Nagisa asked but you never replied

"Gou-chan! Make (Your Name)-chan tell me" Nagisa hugged you

"(Your Name), why did you do it?" Gou asked and shut the bathroom door leaving You, Nagisa and Gou in the bathroom.

"I thought this was a way to get rid of the pain but I was wrong" You shook your head

"I told you if you needed to talk to someone I was here for you" Nagisa held your hands

"I know but I couldn't bring myself to tell you guys" You cried

"We can help you, I want to help you" Nagisa rested his head on your shoulder

"Yeah! We can help you and we will help you" Gou cheered

"Thank you guys" You smiled a real smile

"You smiled" Gou giggled

"Yeah. I did" You smiled more

"I think your pretty when you smile" Nagisa hugged you and rested his chin on your head

"I'll leave you alone. I'm also going to find ways to help you get over it" Gou walked out the bathroom and into the lounge room

"Whats wrong with her?" Haru spoke which shoked everyone

"We have to help her..." Gou explained everything

Nagisa lifted your chin so he could see your face, Nagisa moved his face so his lips were just brushing yours. Nagisa pressed his lips onto yours and kissed you, you kissed back while wrapping your arms around his neck. Nagisa snaked his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him, you pulled away for air. Nagisa smiled and kissed your cheek, you hugged him and let Nagisa pick you up. Nagisa carried you into the lounge room, Nagisa sat on the floor and sat you on his lap, he braided your hair and wrapped his arms around your waist. Gou smiled and bid her goodbyes along with the others, Nagisa turned you around and tucked some hair behind your ear then placed his hand on your cheek. You leaned into his hand and smiled, Nagisa pecked you on the lips.

"You alright?" Nagisa asked

"Yeah I'm fine" You smiled

"Good. Will you-" Nagisa smiled

"Yes" You giggled

"I love you so much (Your Name)-chan!!" Nagisa hugged you against him

You drifted off to sleep because of Nagisa's warmth, Nagisa looked at you and lightly chuckled. You stirred and Nagisa picked you up in his arms, he hopped in bed with you and wrapped his arms tightly around you. You opened one eyes and saw Nagisa's sleeping face, You went into the bathroom and saw the razor with blood on it. Nagisa watched you, he wrapped his arms around your waist and locked them in place. You jumped and knocked the razor onto the ground making a small cut into your hand, you hissed in pain. Nagisa grabbed your hand and frowned, he fixed it up and kissed your shoulder. You smiled to yourself and blushed, Nagisa chuckled and rubbed his nose against your neck. You shivered and Nagisa smirked, you rubbed your eyes and yawned. Nagisa took you back to bed.


You woke up to someone poking your sides, you rolled over but they didn't stop. You started to laugh uncontrollably, you saw Nagisa chuckling. You tried to grab his hands but he was too strong for you, you squealed and kicked Nagisa in the stomach, he fell off the bed and you rushed over to him.

"Nagisa, I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?" You asked in concern

"I'm fine" Nagisa chuckled and pulled you into a hug

"Oi! You scared me" You wriggled around in Nagisa's grip

"You love me" Nagisa giggled

"Of course I do silly" You smiled and stopped wriggling around

"Hmmm. I want your home made pancakes" Nagisa rubbed his nose against your neck, you shivered and Nagisa smiled

"Sure sure. I'll make them for you" You giggled and got up pulling Nagisa along with you

You ate breakfast and washed the dishes, Nagisa sat you on the lounge next to him. You cuddled into Nagisa and watched TV for the rest of the day.

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