Rei x reader: Girlfriend over sister

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Your POV

You ran into your bedroom crying, holding on to your bleeding cheek. You locked your bedroom door and walked into your bathroom. You cleaned up your cheek and covered it in a protective layering, you grabbed a sharp razor out of the cupboard. You took a deep breath and began cutting yourself, you cleaned yourself up and wrapped your wrist in a bandage.

"Open this door right now, (Your Name)" Rei banged on the door

"Hold on, let me get dressed" You called

"Alright" Rei sighed and walked away

"Finally" You pulled out a bag and begun packing it

"You finished yet?" Rei questioned

"No! Just give me a minute" You told him

"Hurry up" Rei groaned

You wrote a note and sat it on your bedside table, you put a blue sleeveless hoodie on and a pair of grey tracksuit pants on. You put your hair into a messy bun and put your blue joggers on, you put your phone, wallet and toiletries in the bag and slung it over your shoulder, you unlocked the window and the door.

"You can come in now" You called and heard footsteps. You jumped out the window and shut it.

"(Your Name)?" Rei looked around the room

You jumped onto the ground and began running, you jumped the front gate and made your way to where ever your feet took you. It started raining, you groaned and pulled your hood up and covered your bag with and plastic cover. You found a little shelter for you to stay under until the rain let up.

"Stupid rain. I should have checked the weather before running away" You groaned

"(Your Name)? What are you doing here? Won't Rei be worried?" Haru asked

"No. He has his girlfriend there, I'm not needed ACHOO!" You shivered

"Come. You can live with me for the time being" Haru grabbed your hand and pulled you under his umbrella

You reached Haru's house and quietly sat down on his lounge.

"Why did you do a runner?" Haru asked

"Rei was going to tear me to bits. His girlfriend lied and said I slapped her and cut her cheek open when she tied me to a chair and slapped me until my cheek got cut, she used a knife to cut her cheek" You took your hood of and showed you hurt cheek

"What happened to your wrists?" Haru handed you a cup of tea

"I cut them. I have been cutting myself ever since Rei's girlfriend started hurting me" You quietly spoke

"I'm sure Rei would have let you tell your side of the story" Haru tried to reason

"No he wouldn't. He'd send me to bed without dinner and take away all my electronics. I'm eating little amounts of food and Rei doesn't even care. I starve myself somedays, Rei doesn't care about me anymore" Your stomach growled but you ignored it

"I'm getting you something to eat. I don't care if you say no, I'll force feed you if you don't eat" Haru warned

"Alright" You drank your tea

"Haru?" Rei called

"Shit" You sweat dropped and ran into Haru's room taking all your stuff with you.

"What is it?" Haru asked

"Have you seen (Your Name)?" Rei asked

"No" Haru stated

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