"Excuse me?" I joke, plopping my hand down on her head and giving it a shake. "It will be an impressive story."

"Whatever you say Ash," Maddie smirks, pushing my hand away and fixing her hair. "Thanks for telling me the truth. I think that is the main reason why I'm not mad."

I just shrug, "so we are okay now?"

"Ash, we are always okay, even when we aren't okay." She laughs, reaching her arms out and wiggling her fingers. I giggle, pulling her in for a big bear hug. My arms engulf her little body and squeeze tight, making her yell into my chest. I just laugh, swaying us back and forth. "I can't breathe!" Her muffled voice says into my chest.

I let go, Maddie laughing and gasping for air. She brushes her hair out of her face and grins up at me. "I love-" oh shit, shuttup Ashton, "your dress by the way!" Nice save. Way to sound like the nerdy best friend.

"Thanks, it is Grace's, she let me borrow it," Maddie smiles up at me, doing a little twirl so I could see 'how it is a princess dress'. "I should probably go now, Luke is still waiting."

I turn around, Luke was sitting in the driver's seat of the car playing on his phone. This had taken longer than I thought. "Yeah, you should probably go."

"It was a good talk," Maddie gives me another quick hug and waves goodbye. She runs over to the car, getting in and greeting Luke with a kiss. I let out a long sigh, sitting under the tree and staring at the now empty parking lot. It was just me now, but then again, isn't this how it always is?

"Love sucks bro," a voice comes from the side, Calum sitting down on the grass next to me with a sigh.

"Shouldn't you be with Charlie?" I search his face out of confusion. "I'm sorry again about that. That was a really dick move of me, I dunno what happened."

"Its ok, she doesn't care about me anyway," Calum shrugs, picking at the grass.

"What do you mean? She looked like she needed you a hell lot today."

"You would think," Calum begins pulling the grass out more forcefully. "I was there for her, I confronted emotions for her which we all know I sure as hell don't know how to do. I really fucking care about her."

"But then- what happened?"

"I don't know." Calum frowns, his jaw clenching as he groans and looks up at the sky for answers. "I don't fucking know!" He swears, stomping his foot and bowing his head in angered defeat.

"Hey, chill, just tell me," I grab his shoulder.

Calum shuts his eyes, leaning his head back against the tree. "I walked her to her car and asked if she wanted to come over, or if I could take her out for some lunch. Do you know what she said to me?"

I stayed silent, afraid of his answer.

"She said 'this doesn't change anything' and then got in her car and drove away like I am nothing to her." Calum's voice breaks off towards the end. "Nothing to her. Fucking nothing, that is what I am. I am a fucking piece of nothing!" Calum shouts pounding his fists against his knees.

"Hey, calm down, she obviously isn't thinking like herself," I try to calm him down.

"I just thought that maybe for once in my life I could prove I wasn't a self-centered, empty-hearted asshole," Calum shakes his head, "but I guess that is just me, and I can't change myself."

"You can change yourself," I look over at him. "Don't give up on her yet. She is hurting right now, but soon enough she will see you aren't the one hurting her, you are the one helping her."

"You know, you are really good at love advice for someone who is shit at love," Calum chuckles, giving me a half smile.

"Thanks, I think," I give him a push.

"Want to go get some food?" Calum stands up, holding his hand out. I nod, grabbing his hand as he lifts me off the ground.


"Yes," Calum nods, his eyes wide, mouth gaping open as he points to his cell phone, trying to mouth something to me from across the table. "Yes of course. Yes. Mhmm. Yeah. I'll tell them. We will call you tomorrow. Thank you."

He hangs up the phone, staring at me with his mouth wide. Calum puts his cell phone down in the middle of the table, and whispers, "holy fucking shit."

"What?" I question him, sipping my milkshake and pushing my burger aside.

"Oh my god." He grabs his face, squeezing his cheeks.

"Tell me!" I groan, kicking him from under the table.

"That was our manager," Calum says, still staring blankly ahead.

"And?" I wait for him to continue.

"Are you feeling up for another London trip?" Calum smirks, signaling for the waiter to bring us our check. "Shit is about to get real."

Ha you all thought Ashton was going to tell Maddie. No, not yet.

Just curious, who do you ship more? Mashie or Muki/Laddie? It is so hard to pick oh my god.


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