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Much to my surprise, the scene happening in front of me was very much real. Perhaps this occuring at 2 am in the morning had something to do with it.

While doubts cleared up on my mind, a certain feeling made this exchange somewhat... not comfortable.

Despite this, I looked on ahead, unmoving from my current posture.

"As for your last task," he cleared his throat, as if preparing for something heavy.

Heavy orders such as this one wasn't all that rare, but was not common, either. I could only speculate as to what it is by observing this man's behaviour, and it seems like this might be the hardest order he has yet to give me.

I could clearly see sweat forming on the man's forehead, not the first time this has happened as this can only mean the matter at hand was that serious. Needless to say, surely these signs were not of fear or anything similar, but was out of sheer pressure of the subject.

"As I'm sure you're aware, schools are mean to be the foundation of youngsters, readying the students for adult life," His tone became prickly at the subject, I wasn't accustomed to jokes and such but I knew that the man was joking.

"All of what I said are rubbish, of course," He spat out a hah! to mock the schools he just mentioned.

I held off on commenting, what does school have to do with this? As I've grown accustomed to certain unspoken rules. One cannot just speak in his presence without permission, as I've learnt the hard way.

"Crush them,"

An all-knowing smile spread upon his face, as if he already knew what was about to unfold.

"Show them just how superior you are, as the masterpiece of your generation, to each and every single so called elites."

There was no anger in his tone, just pure confidence. It would seem that someone, somewhere out there had incurred this man's wrath, and I was sent out to clear some stains those people had left.

"As you wish,"

I replied curtly as the man turned his chair around. Still looking very tense as he signalled, you may go.

"... make some friends."

As I turned on my heel to leave,
I heard as such. For a second I was taken aback, but nevertheless opened and left the room.

It could be that all the years in this place had gone and left me hearing things, just imagining him saying such encouraging things was enough to send shivers down my spine due to how creepy it is.

That man was the very definition of cold-blooded, not sparing so much as a glance to the people he crushed, those that turned against him.

What he said was minimal, an instructor I was familiar with briefed me in on all the details I needed.

Advanced Nurturing High School.

Home to so called elites, as said in it's advertisements, it would cover everything you need in dorms, money wouldn't matter.

Naturally, on a normal student's point of view, this is all too good to be true.

As such, there's naturally a catch, that being contact outside of the school throughout three years inside was all but prohibited. In any and all circumstances with the exception of emergencies.

The elite school boasted a whopping 99 percent of granting students wishes by getting them a job in seemingly impossible places. That is, if you graduated there. It was easy enough for everyone, it seemed like a load of nonsense, or that, it was indeed a load of nonsense.

I brought up conjectures upon conjectures in my mind about the catches, but that's all: conjectures will stay to be conjectures. The only way
I could confirm is after I arrived and see this school for myself.

Which was coincidentally today.

With roughly 4-5 hours left, the attendants went here and there to prepare my luggage. I was left to my own devices walking outside for the third time.

This time, apparently, the mission would continue for three whole years as a learning experience, supposedly to help me migrate to human society for when the time comes for me to lead Japan.

I saw no reason to decline, nor did I posses any power to do so. Despite doubting the very mission itself, I had nothing to lose.

"Young master, you're all set to leave,"

Matsuo came with four heavy looking baggages, despite him being well over 50 years of age, the butler possessed seemingly superhuman capabilities.


I tried to take some for myself, but he merely shook his head to deny.

"You must rest well, your trip is straight to the island."

His tone was firm as usual, carrying the bags with ease towards the van waiting.

I was forced to go straight to the black van, clad in black, even the rims were coated in black painting. As I went inside, the all familiar scent of the vehicle brought some memories back.

Was this the same vehicle as that time I was sent to the United States?

If so, then that could only mean it's only used for such occasions like this.

With a creak I sat down peacefully, Matsuo was now loading new, transparent luggages that were filled to the brim with necessities; Vitamins of all sorts and kinds.

4 men in black stood guard around our vehicle, two on front and two on the back, watching over potential threats to the butler.

"We're clear," with a thunk, Matsuo slams the door close. His movements as he entered the door to my left were practiced and precise, no mistakes to be criticized.

The four men didn't move from their positions until we were well out of sight.

"Any more information about this 'school?'" I chimed. Looking dully outside the window, I saw that the surroundings have had more trees throughout almost a decade.


Pulling a clipboard out of his suit, Matsuo went over the ones that had colored marks.

"There are no students that can even potentially hope to rival you, much less the teachers, however, that would be quite boring, wouldn't it?"

A gentle smile washed over him as he looked for my confirmation. I simply nodded in agreement.

"40 students in each class, from Class A to Class D. From Year 1 to Year 3, there are some students there that could be called geniuses and such, this time, your mission would be to graduate in Class-A, the means doesn't matter."

Anything goes? I almost wanted to ask out loud, but it has always been this time, I suppose. From the wording
I could already name some inconsistencies. If there were hundreds of students, then surely, someone out there could be called the best? Nevertheless, I let doubts be doubts until I had the means to confirm it.

Classroom of The Elite: Defective Where stories live. Discover now