Chapter 19

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I found myself in Torys room for a few hours just sitting there crying, I felt like a terrible friend and just all around a terrible person.. I then heard a knock at my door, I jumped up and walked over to the door opening it up slightly "hello?" I said as two unfamiliar faces stood at my door, "oh hi, Mark told us that if we couldn't get into his apartment to ask you.." One of them asked as the other one quickly cut in "we are sorry if we are intruding" I took a step back from the door pulling it open a bit more "just let me clean up quick.. You can come in" both guys smiled and walked in as I turned to the bathroom. After cleaning up my face, I couldn't seem to get the now white tear marks to go away. I walked into the living room to be greeted once again by both guys "we forgot to introduce ourselves earlier I'm Daniel and this is Ryan" I nodded my head "im (Y/N).. Coffee?" They both shook their heads no so I proceeded to make myself one "so how do you know Mark?" Ryan asked, "oh well.." I finished making my coffee and joined them "it's not that great of a story.. I moved in and tripped dropping a bunch of my boxes and hurting my ankle in the process so out of no where Mark showed up.. Carried me into my apartment then brought all the boxes up for me" "yeah sounds like something Mark would do" they both chuckled. My phone soon rang scaring me, "i gotta take this" I quickly picked it up "hello?" "Hey how you feeling?" "Decent.." "Better then last night?" "A little yeah.." "Good, well I'm over at cyndago's place but their not here" I let out a small giggle "Mark, I think they're both in my apartment" "what are they doing there?" The line went silent for a little bit "oh never mind.. I know why they're there" "alright well hurry back, we need to talk about something.." "Alright, I love you" "I love you too" "bye bye" "haha bye" I hung up the phone to be looked at with two confused expressions, "um.. He'll explain it later?" "Yeah sure he will" Ryan soon looked into my bed room then back to me "have you been sleeping with no sheets?" "Oh no, I spent the night.. Somewhere else.. Last night.. Oh and quick question.. Are you two gamers?" "Well we create sketches but we play games for like a pass time" "good can you guys help me with something?" "Well we can try" I got up out of my chair and grabbed my laptop out of my room then came back, i gave my laptop to Daniel "can you test this out for me? My boss is very precise with my work and I want to know if it's good enough to give to him" "sure sure" I walked into my room to go change into some clothes instead of my pyjamas, not too long after there was a knock at my front door and Ryan offered to get it since I was getting changed, I heard a deep voice and automatically knew it was Mark. I bent down to grab a shirt as my bedroom door opened, I stood up straight not turning around with the shirt clutched to my chest, with no words exchanging I felt cool hands lightly touch my hips making my upper body tense up but soon relax when a small kiss touched my cheek, I curled my lips and smiled.. "Good afternoon, I wasn't expecting such a delicious surprise" his words made me feel weak at the knees "I was just getting changed" I giggled turning around to face him, he soon leaned forward and kissed my lips as the shirt  then dropped from my hands "we can't do this right now" I smiled leaning back a bit "I'll send them off to my apartment" he smiled now kissing my neck, now that I was biting my lip everything was soon cut short by a knock on my bedroom door "is everything okay?" I laughed as Mark let go of me to now walk to the door, I began putting on my shirt just as Mark opened the door "give me a moment alright guys" they both answered with a slight laugh to their voices but I was already finished changing "no minute needed" I laughed walking past Mark, I had decided to grab one of Torys sweaters, I just wanted a reason to go into her room again.. The cyndago boys were shoo'ed over to Marks apartment "now where were we" Mark pushed open Torys door, I stood in the centre of her room clutching one of her sweaters as tears starting streaming down my face "hey... (Y/N).." Mark walked up behind me and placed his hands on the side of my arms "let's get out of here.." I stood there for a moment before turning around and walking into the washroom, shutting  the door without saying a word, "(Y/N) come over when you want alright?" "Yeah.. I'll come later.." My voice cracking with each word I said.. I heard my front door shut and I just let it all out, I missed her so much and I felt like it was all my fault that she was there and the fact that I couldn't help her made it worst.. After about ten minutes of just crying I looked at myself in the mirror "it should be you in the hospital not her.. She's obviously more importantly.. No one even likes you they're all just faking it" the voice in my head was making me feel Insane "stop.." "Your a worthless piece of shit" "stop stop stop!" "Your nothing!" With rage now building up inside of me I let it out by punching the mirror, I yelped in pain as a loud crack came from my wrist, my hand was now bleeding but I couldn't care less about it, I grabbed a long sharp piece of mirror and started to carve the word 'worthless' into my arm, after a few minutes of constant bleeding I dropped the mirror and collapsed onto the floor slowly feeling more and more tired.
I felt bad for leaving (Y/N) like that, she was all I could think about when I got back to my apartment.. Ryan wanted to jump straight into work when all Daniel wanted to do was actually meet (Y/N), "okay Daniel 35-40 minutes of work then we can go "meet" her if she doesn't show up alright?" "Fine". About 30 minutes into working on a sketch Daniel perked up and looked around with an odd look "dude what's up?" Ryan looked at Daniel " did you guys not hear that?" "Hear what?" I started looking at them both, I don't remember hearing anything but he seemed pretty distracted by it " it sounded like something smashing?" "I don't know what you heard but I don't think it's that important" I shrugged it off and continued to work, he started to seem more and more eager and it was starting to distract me now too "okay Mark it's been almost and hour! Let's go get her" "fine" I rolled my eyes standing up, all three of us walked towards the door. I knocked and opened (Y/N) door as all three of us piled in, I didn't hear anything so I thought maybe she was sleeping so I walked over to her bedroom, I opened the door to see her bed empty "huh? That's weird.. I don't see her here?" I shut her door and walked to Torys room that one being empty as well "um Mark?!" The panic in Daniels voice startled me "what?!" Ryan's eyes were locked onto the bottom of the bathroom door as Daniel looked at me panicked "I think we found her.." I looked at the bottom to see blood slowly spilling out from under the door, I started to panic. "(Y/N)?! (Y/N)?! Open the door! (Y/N)?!" I started hitting the door "why is it locked?! Call an ambulance!" Ryan started helping me with the door, we both body checked it and got it open, the scene inside was terrifying and so unbelievably bloody, she was laid out on the  floor barely breathing there was blood and glass everywhere and all I could think was that I've lost her.. My everything and I've lost her.. I dropped to the floor picking her up and hugging her almost lifeless body, tears started flowing as my shirt and arms started to be covered in blood "(Y/N) wake up! I can't lose you! I love you too much to lose you like this!" After about 10 minutes the ambulance had taken her to the hospital, I changed, washed up and the boys drove me to see her.
I guessed a few hours passed but I woke up in the hospital, my right hand casted and my left arm wrapped up. I looked around my room to see a blur sitting on the window ledge, I reached over and picked up my glasses to look over and see a bright face turn around "your awake".. "Justin! Your early!" I smiled as he walked over, I hugged him and he sat down on the end of my bed. "How was the trip?" I sat up and quickly frowned at the pain shooting up both my arms "woah woah don't use your arms, it was fine but it looks like I'll be up a little longer then expected" "oh why?" He let out a small laugh turning toward me "oh you know, something came up.. Like my sister is in the hospital and her wrist is broken" I laughed and a nurse walked in. "Oh your awake, well that's good. We just need to see how your doing and then we can get your discharge papers" Justin looked at the nurse "that fast? Okay..". After a few more checks I was out the door with Justin and got to go home.

Markiplier Fanfic (Markiplier X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя