Chapter 16

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The February air was chilly against my skin, like a soft layer of ice being laid on you, Mark and I had sat down on a bench and I had fallen asleep to the calm environment, the icy waves hitting the beach almost no traffic sounds, just a peaceful and calm place. "Mark.." "Yes?" "I never want this to change okay?... I.. I love you Mark" he tightened his grip on my coat "I promise.. I'll never leave you (Y/N), I love you more and more each day"... Later that day I spent most of it at my computer looking for jobs as Mark played games for his channel, it made me happy knowing some one was there for me.. I finally got a call back for a interview and I started in march so I didn't have to worry about everything happening this month, I felt relaxed and in control of my life for once, it was amazing, the next few days past by till it was Valentine's Day, Mark and I spent the whole day together just doing random things and I watched him play and record a few games for his fans, they still didn't know about me and that was fine, I didn't need death threats from his fan girls even though once upon a time I was one.. I am one, I sat there and giggled at the thought I laid down on marks couch till I heard a loud bang, Mark opened the door and slowly walked over to me and then picked me up off the couch "M...Mark?! W...what are you doing?!" "Just relax babe" babe?! He never called me that?! What is he planning?! He soon brought me into his recording room "a live stream?!" I quickly said as the chat started blowing up 'who is it!''I want to see her face''is it a guy?' I felt terrified, Mark sat down with me in his arms and I quickly hid my face "I can't do this" "you want to meet my family, here they are" I felt like I was being judged and my grip got tighter, I could feel my breath getting faster and shorter.. "M..Mark" I said  and looked up at him, he turned his chair around so the back was hiding me "you'll be fine" he kissed me and I started to feel better, I stood up as he turned his chair around "she's a little shy" he said looking at the camera, he pulled up another chair beside his and soon enough grabbed my hand leading me towards it, I sat down and pushed my hair out of my face giving of a shy smile "guys, this is my girlfriend.." The chat started blowing up again 'girliplier?''she's prettier then I thought!' 'What's her name?' He leant over and kissed my cheek "say your name hunny" I smiled and nudged him "you do it" I said very quietly "well I'm not saying another word till you say your name" he crossed his arms like a little kid pouting, I giggled covering my smile then simply sighed "Mark" he didn't turn, "Mark?" I could see him trying to fight the urge to look at me, "ugh fine" I looked at the ground and sighed then looked straight into the camera "hi guys, my name is (Y/N).. Also now known as marks girlfriend" I immediately felt sick to my stomach and I regretted this, "I would love to stay and chat but I have things to set up and get ready" Mark looked at me with a half pleased half sad look, he knew I had nothing to do and the whole chat started to 'aww don't go', I suddenly felt a warm hand on my leg "don't leave us" Mark looked at me "play a game or something, just don't leave" I started to feel even worst then I did before but I had to hide it, I smiled and kissed Mark "fine, I guess I'll stay a bit longer" I smiled and looked to the ground "yay! She's not leaving! Everyone say hi to the new mom of the markiplites!" I gulped down some water and brought my feet on the chair "what game you wanna play?" I said looking at Mark "you choose" I knew I wanted to play a rage game because those were my favourite "hmm" I hummed tapping my finger on my cheek "what is a game that will piss off Mark" I turned giving him an evil grin " how about Bloody trap land?" "Oh god no" I smiled looking at the camera "yup, that's what I want to play" the chat busted in smiles as I started to giggle, Marks face dropped "your serious?" "I'm serious" A few moments into the game I had to take a break from laughing so hard at marks frustration, at the end of the livestream I was tired and didn't want to do anything so Mark said his goodbyes and picked me up bringing me up to his bedroom "we are going to Cincinnati in two days.." "Yeah I called my mom and she's getting a little bit of the family to come visit so they can meet you" "oh..." I rolled over taking off my glasses and rubbed my face "well I just want to surprise Matthew.. It's been forever and it would be nice to see an old face" I laid back with my head on Marks shoulder "I think it will do you good to escape this for a little bit" "yeah" I kissed marks cheek and cuddled into him soon enough falling asleep. The next day was full of packing, we were leaving at 6pm so we had most of the day to pack, we caught our flight and booked a hotel for the night, the next day was the day I got to see Matthew, Mark had gotten his brother to pick up our stuff so we didn't have to drag it around with us, the sad part is I was in the shower when he came so I didn't get to meet him but that didn't matter, I was going to meet him later anyway. We got ready and got out of the hotel making our way down to were they had built up the make-shift ring, it was an outdoor match and we had gotten front row seats which was fantastic, "I can't wait to see him.. Its been too long" "I'm just happy to see a smile on your face" Mark then grabbed my chin and kissed me , the announcer came to the centre of the ring and announced the first fighters, they fought then the next two and so on, Matthew was the last fighter to fight so I knew he would be easy to find, the announcer announced the opponent and then soon enough we heard "now in the left corner we have the Canadian fighter, get ready to welcome Matthew Andrew!" A bunch of people clapped and cheered as he walked out, my grip tightened on marks hand seeing matthew for the first time in 4 almost 5 years, I hoped he still remembered me.. The fight started and I cringed every time Matt got hit but it was over quick, his fast reflexes and dodges made for a fast fight as he soon won, cheers were cheered and screams were screamed, everyone started to scatter after the fight but I knew I had to see Matt, soon enough a now tall muscular disgustingly sweaty guy comes out from behind the ring with the name "Matthew Andrew" right on his shorts, he turned his back to me which I took as a prime opportunity to strike, I ran up behind him placing my hands over his eyes, "hey you'll never guess who" I said trying not to laugh, "I have an idea" he said turning around "Jesus! I didn't think you were here (Y/N)?! What are you doing in Cincinnati?" I hugged him backing off realizing how sweaty he was, "haha well I was in LA until I saw your name on tv and I thought 'well now we need to go see him'" "we?" Matty smiled and his gaze soon rose up to see Mark walking up to me "who is this kind gentleman?" I laughed turning back to see Mark standing behind me, "Matthew, this kind gentleman is" "Markiplier" Matthew cut me off "haha yeah.." Mark held out his hand "Nice to meet you Matthew, I've heard a lot about you" "oh! I've heard plenty about you" Matthew replied giving me a nudge. I turned away looking at everyone scattering away trying to get out of the awkwardness, when I turned back both boys were grinning at me "what are you two grinning about?" They stopped grinning and looked at me  with a serious expression "okay what's going on here?" Mark looked at Matthew then back at me "why don't we go to dinner together so you two and catch up" I gave a cheery jump as Matthew agreed, I hugged him one last time as I knew I had to go back to meet Marks family, "well Matty" I said giving him my number "I will communicate with you once I can and I'll give you the rest of the information" he nodded and waved as he walked back to the change room, Mark and I walked back to the car and got in "are you ready? I'm sure they will love you" I sighed looking down at my hands "it's now or never right?" I looked back up at Mark "now or never" he replied, there was a silence  for a couple moments as my sigh quickly broke it, " what is your family like anyway" Mark looked at me like he asked the wrong question "well you've already.. Sorta met my brother" I started "my mom is a nice lady but she does get irritated very easily... My dad on the other hand is a nice gentleman but he doesn't understand what I'm going through which makes it harder for him to help.. He prefers to think that I'm fine but you know... He finds his own ways to make me smile" Mark smiled at that statement "well I can only hope to meet them soon" "don't worry they will probably be up for my birthday" "oh yeah that's coming up soon, I'll have to find something for you" "you don't have to do that.. Really" I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he wouldn't let it go, we pulled into his driveway and I felt my stomach turn "you sure you want to do this?" "Well we won't have anywhere else to go" Mark laughed as he got out of the car, I could see children starting to pile at the window, Mark soon opened the door beside me and grabbed my hand slowly pulling me out of the car, he then pulled me closer and kissed my forehead "your gonna be fine" Mark held me tighter "okay stop putting on a show" I pushed him away smiling and turned to the car to start collecting my items, I then heard a deep voice and as I turned I saw Mark hugging a guy, after I got the rest of my stuff I turned back to see Mark pointing at me. I slowly walked over to meet up with him and he proceeded to intertwine his fingers with mine. "(Y/N), this is my brother Tom, Tom this is my girlfriend (Y/N)." I nodded and we shook hands. "You guys don't talk much" Mark continued. After a bit of chit chat between the boys, Tom invited us in. We walked in and his mother greeted us. Tom soon introduced me as Mark got attacked by his nieces. Mark seemed so pleased I couldn't help but smile. After  a few moments his mom and his brother brought me into the living room. "(Y/N)... Will you please take a seat," his mother asked me. I quickly sat down as Tom walked and took a seat beside me "(Y/N)" his mom started "your the first girl Mark has brought home in a while.. His last break up was terrible and I don't want him to get hurt again " I started looking up at her now " oh.. To be honest for the past few months that we've been together.. I was the one who was scared of being hurt..." His mom looked at me and smiled "well you seem like a perfect girl and I would be happy to accept you in our family" I giggled as Tom nudged me "I'd like a sister" We all started to laugh as kids started piling into the room, Mark hugged his mother one last time then put out his hand for me to grab, "I'll show you around" I hesitantly took his hand and got off the couch, he showed me the room we'd be staying in and then pulled me and to the bed, where we cuddled in bed for a few hours.

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