Chapter 20

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I directed Justin on how to get to my apartment from the hospital, even with what had happened I was happy to see my brother... I was just talking to him earlier that day and now he's here, driving me home.. It felt like a dream. We parked the car that he rented and he grabbed his stuff. I felt bad because he had to do everything for me but in the end it was better then doing it myself, I have him the keys and he opened the door, I was surprised because someone had cleaned up my bathroom.. I was just happy because Justin didn't have to see it. "Justin I don't know where your gonna sleep.." He smiled and walked over to my couch "(Y/N) if you didn't know this already but I'm the one who picked out your couch for this exact reason.. I made sure it was comfy" We shared a laugh and he placed his bags on the floor, he sat down on the couch and pulled me down with him, I laid down over his knees and he placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'm gonna be here for a while so get comfy.. I'm not leaving you this time" I smiled at that because it made me feel more safe and less alone, he was the one who was always there for me and he was the best brother any sister could ask for. we started watching tv and I fell asleep on him, I missed my big brother so much and to be with him again made everything better.

She had finally fell asleep, I felt like the worst brother for not being there but what could I have done... About an hour after she fell asleep there was a knock on her door, she was laying on me so I didn't move, I shouted in a weird quiet way for whoever it was to come in, she didn't wake up which was perfect, I doubted she had been sleeping much lately anyway so I tried to keep it quiet. Torys parents came over to our house to tell us what had happened and at that point I knew I needed to get up there as soon as possible. A few moments after the knock came the door slowly opened, a guy walked in and looked shocked to see me "who are you?" I asked, "I can come back later" "who are you?" I asked again "I'm Mark and you must be her brother right?" I nodded my head as he walked in and shut the door, he came up and shook my hand and then sat down across from us. "How long has she been home?" "Well I brought her home about two hours ago" "two hours?.." I could tell he was tired and that he hadn't slept, I became good at that because I was the only one who would stay up nights on end with (Y/N).. I wonder if he did the same things.. "She looks relaxed.." He snapped me out of my thoughts with that, I rubbed her arm and smiled looking at her "it's hard seeing her self destruct.. I know that first hand.. It's not the first time either.. But you can't give up no matter how hard it gets.. I remember I went 4 days with no sleep because of her and I left the house for a month after that... I regretted it so much because she felt like I abandoned her and that I didn't care.. With out me there, Tory now or even Matthew... Your the only person near her that cares.. Don't let her down... Please..." I felt bad right after saying that. He just looked at me so blankly, this was my little sister.. The baby of the family.. I didn't want to lose her... Mark looked up to me "I don't think I could ever leave her.. To be honest she's the best thing that has ever happened to me and well this might sound cheesy but I can't lose her" I moved my arms under her and picked her up to bring her to her room, I laid her down on her bed and kissed her forehead dragging her blankets up on her. I closed her door and turned back around to face Mark, I found it amusing because he was shorter then me. "So how did you even meet my sister anyway?" I walked back to the couch and sat down "oh well.. Umm.. When she moved in she was trying to carry a bunch of stuff upstairs and she fell, so I helped her with all her stuff and from there I mean we are neighbours so we spent a lot of time together" "well I'm just happy she has someone when I'm not here" we spoke for a while until I heard soft creeking and foot steps then a decently loud ow, I walked over to the bedroom door and laughed at her struggles "I couldn't open door.." She gave me a pouty face then smiled when Mark got up.

I saw Mark and my face lit up, "I didn't think you were gonna be here when I woke up" Justin sat on the couch as Mark walked up and hugged me "I'm glad your alright but why didn't you think I'd be here?" I pushed off him slightly so I could look at his face "well I heard what you said at the hospital..." I mumbled out. "When you were at the hospital.. I thought I had lost you.. I went to see Tory and Vic was there.. He came to visit you and I told him that It would be better if I left... But then he told be that it wouldn't make anything better in fact it would make things worst.. So I came back here to clear my mind " I step to back looking a little startled.. "You... You were gonna leave?..." My hands dropped from him causing both my arms to hurt, my brother stood up and took a step closer, "I would never leave you, I just thought maybe .. " "maybe what?!" I could feel anger building up and Tears surfacing, Justin now walked up behind me and touched my arm which made me move over "Justin stop, Mark, you were gonna leave me weren't you? Why didn't you just go!? You could have a better life elsewhere!" At this point I was crying and Justin was trying really hard to calm me down "(Y/N) I would never leave you because I fucking love you!" His yell echoed through my mind, I turned and hugged Justin using his shirt to wipe my tears "Mark I think it's time you leave" Justin looked at him which made me look up to Justin "no.. I'm not done yet... I'm sick and tired of being an emotional little bitch.." Mark stopped at the door and turned back at me, Justin walked into the kitchen as Mark walked up to me and grabbed my arms "Get mad at me! Yell at me! Punch me or just hit me! I don't care but I'm not leaving you!" I could see tears building up in his eyes, I realized right there that I struck a nerve. He let me go when I looked at Justin "Just.. I'll be back in a few hours..." He nodded, even if this hurt my arm I grabbed Marks hand pulling him out of my apartment and into his. I shut his door and turned around, he had such a shocked expression it made me want to laugh, "what was that about?" I let out a smile "I didn't want my brother to witness this" "witness wh.." I cut him off with a kiss, I closed my eyes and he picked me up, I could tell he was hesitant but at this point I wanted one thing. He put me down and took a step back "um what was that about?" I smiled and started walking up stairs, once I reached the top I looked over the railing at him "you know with my cast its hard to take off my clothes by myself" I smirked then unzipped my sweater dropping it down to him and walked into his bed room. I sat on his bed and waited for a few minutes with nothing.. I started to feel like I shouldn't of done that, I slammed my back on his bed and started kicking my feet, after a couple more minutes of nothing I brought my hands to my face and rubbed my eyes thinking I should just go back home... I fucked up.. I stopped moving my legs and just laid there with my hands on my face "I guess I fucked up" I whispered, I went to sit up but was interrupted by two warm hands on my waist, at first it startled me making me flinch but the kiss placed apon my lips made everything better. I smiled moving my hands away from my face onto Marks shoulders, I curled my legs up onto the bed and smiled "are you still mad at me?" Mark said a little quiet "if you prove to me that your not gonna leave..." He gave me a slight devilish grin and sat me up, he curled his fingers under the rim of my shirt, he lifted it up slowly taking it off of me and tossing it near the door, he then proceeded to take of my jogging pants and tossing them to the side aswell. I sat up farther on the bed as he took a step back, he started slowly unbuttoning his shirt making me bite my lip harder with every button, after taking off his shirt he slowly climbed on top of me and started kissing my neck, I placed my hands on his back and moved them to his shoulders as he started kissing my collar bone down to my stomach. At this point we were both down to our underwear and I was now on top of him, I had teased him a lot and still he wasn't as pressured as I wanted him to be.. He had his hands on my hips slowly rubbing them and he kept eye contact, I took off his glasses and put them beside mine, I reached one hand behind my back and unclipped my bra holding it on my chest with the other arm, I could see his face getting more and more red and I started to giggle. I lent on him and started to kiss him then threw the bra onto the floor, i could feel the pressure getting to him and he rolled over so he was now on top "I think we can stop with the foreplay now" he smirked taking off his boxers and right at that moment memories from halloween started flooding in, he placed his hands on my waist and slid off my underwear, I bit my lip realizing what was about to happen. He forced himself inside me making a small scream escape from my mouth, his slow movements made me beg for more. My moans were loud and steady as my breath was fast and getting faster, he lent forward and kissed me very passionately at the exact same moment I reached my climax, I moved my face away from his allowing myself to scream, he started kissing my neck and became faster, my breath quickened once more and he reached his climax making me reach a second, we finally fell apart trying to catch our breath, I cuddled on to him and we ended up falling asleep. A few hours later I woke up to mark arguing with someone, I grabbed my glasses and wrapped myself up in his blanket, I walked out of his bedroom to see no one but the bathroom door was open and it was steamy so I guessed Mark had just gotten out of the shower?, I started walking down the stairs holding the blanket up close to my body, getting closer to the voices I finally recognized the voice.. "Justin? What the hell are you doing here?" I walked up to Mark who was wearing shorts, "I got worried when you didn't come home last night" "well I'm fine so you can go home" "go get dressed we are leaving" Mark looked at Justin then me "wait what? She's not leaving unless she wants to" "she will do when at ever she's told" Mark stepped forward but I intercepted placing my hand on Marks bare chest making me smile and look down. I looked up at him then kissed him and started to walk upstairs "(Y/N) I'll meet you back at your place" Justin walked out of Marks apartment, Mark stood there for a moment before following me upstairs.. I sat down on his bed and he stood in front of me, he placed his hand under my chin and lifted it up kissing my nose, I laid down on his bed and he cuddled in beside me "does your brother always do that?" I laid my head on his chest and cringed when I leant on my arm "he's just over protective, sometimes he thinks I'm 12 when in reality I'm almost 20.." I sighed and kissed Mark "I need to take a shower.." I sat up and he started rubbing my back "well I need to record so I guess we both have stuff to deal with" I smiled and stood up picking up my clothes in the process, I peeked around the corner back into his bedroom and he looked up at me "last night was defiantly the best" I winked dropping the blanket and walking into bathroom with a smile plastered on my face.

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