Chapter 15

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I spent the night at Marks after that dream, I told him most of it but not everything.. He told me that we had "fun" on the couch and then i got up to make popcorn, he met me in there and brought me back to the couch where he laid me down and I fell asleep so he put me in bed and now I'm here.. laying in his bed.. By myself... I sighed as I tried to fall asleep tossing and turning "why couldn't it have been real" I placed my hands on my face and rubbed my eyes "I might as well be at home" im by myself anyway I thought... I felt a cold hand on my ankle and it made me jump, I pulled the blanket off to see nothing "what the hell?" I rubbed my eyes, I need water.. I got off the bed and slowly walked down stairs and made my way to the kitchen, I grabbed a plastic cup and started to run the water as I placed my hand under the tap to feel the water, I looked away hearing a noise and when my eye returned I let out a scream "blood?!" My hand was filled with freezing cold blood and the tap was still flowing I backed away slipping on the floor and falling in the kitchen, standing up I felt cold hands wrap around my waist I looked down to see two arms covered in blood holding me then moving up to my shoulders and shaking me, a few moments later I woke up in a panic in marks room, he flicked on the lights looking at me "are you okay? Another dream" I brought my hands to my face they were freezing "is... Am... I. Awake?" "Yes you are, and your fine" Mark placed one hand on my shoulder which made me jump and slide off the bed, I stood to my feet as my breath got faster 'an panic attack?! Not now!!' I then turned for the door remembering my medication, I ran downstairs and out marks door into mine before he even got down the stairs, I ran for my bedroom opening up my nightstand fumbling through everything I gasped cutting my finger on the razor in the drawer, I finally found the bottle and I sat on the ground fumbling with the cap "why is this so hard?!" I threw the bottle curling my legs to my body and putting my hands on the back of my head, I cut my finger pretty deep so blood was dripping everywhere, Mark made it into my room and ran over to me wrapping his arms around me I grabbed his shirt, my grip very tight but with the feeling of someone holding me made me feel better, he saw the blood everywhere and started to panic he looked around the room and saw the bottle of pills, with him still holding me he reached over and picked them up reading the label, he opened it and took out one pill handing it to me which I then took, he picked me up and sat down on my bed with me still on his lap, I became very tired and soon let go of him leaning back in bed, he sat beside me stroking my hair until I fell asleep, I woke up around 1 pm to the smell of pancakes, I sat up with my throat and my hand hurting I looked to the left of me at my nightstand to see the bottle of anxiety pills and blood everywhere, *jesus I bled a lot..* I thought to myself as I stood up out of bed and walked out of my bedroom to see pancakes on my table, I went to the washroom and looked in the mirror to see my face and shirt covered in blood "oh my god" I simply whispered I washed my face and changed my shirt walking out into the living room, I sat down at the table and saw a small note.

Come meet me at my apartment, get dressed and eat ~love Mark

I studied the note and smiled, I ate and got dressed into jeans and a sweater, I put on my glasses and walked to marks apartment knocking on the door as soon as he opened the door I hugged him "I'm sorry for everything" "hey its fine, your feeling better that's all that matters but I need to talk to you" I felt my heart sink "o..okay.." I walked over to the couch as Mark shut the door soon following me, "what.. you need to talk about?" He sat down next to me, he looked really tired and I knew it was my fault "why didn't you tell me?" "Tell you what?" "That your taking anxiety or depression pills? How long has this been going on?" I took a sigh of relief "there's a lot of things you don't know.. I wanted to make sure you loved me for me" he placed one hand on my knee "don't be afraid to tell me.. I love you (Y/N) " those words.. Those three simple words meant the world to me at this point, I took a deep breath looking up at him "when I was little... I was always alone.. Yes my parents loved me and my brother was the best but.. I felt empty.." Mark looked up at me and grabbed my hand " my grandmother.. We lived with her.. She was the one person that I told everything too.. She knew everything about me and she was the one person who could make me smile, she made me the smiley kid I was.. But.. She passed away and I felt crushed and alone again... Depression hit me hard.. And my anxiety worsened.. Going through high school, everything was hard.. I only had two best friends and everyone else just claimed to like me yet always spoke about me behind my back... I felt like I couldn't trust anyone and my world was falling apart... But after high school we all went our separate ways.. And my life just felt like it was slow... I tried to kill myself but my parents found out and got me help... Then I started cutting" I lifted up my sleeves to show him the marks on my arms, he grabbed my arms and kissed them "I wish you would of told me this before.." I leant forward and hugged him, I wiped the tears from my eyes and just cuddled into him, "that's most of what you need to know" he put one arm around me "your beautiful" I smiled and looked at the tv, some UFC show was on so I tapped on marks leg and pointed at the television "turn up the volume" he grabbed the remote and I quickly sat up, there was a list of fighters up in the screen and I quickly read through them, I mumbled a few names until I got to a specific one "Matthew.. Andr..." I gasped standing up off the couch "Matty!" A smile grew on my face "Matty? Who is that?" Mark looked at me with confusion "He's one of my bestfriends! I can't believe he actually made it into UFC!" "He must be really good" i felt like a kid who was about to miss their favourite show, I ran up to the tv and sat in front of it and grabbed my phone to googled the next few times he would be fighting and where "February 16th.. Cincinnati? Mark wanna take a trip down there for a week or so?" He smiled "well you'll have to meet my family" "I don't care!" I smiled moving to the couch and wrapping my arms around him "I'd meet everybody in the world to be able to see him again" I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, "hey let's take a walk down by the beach" Mark got up off the couch and grabbed my hands pulling me up behind him, he grabbed his keys and we left, as we were driving down I called Tory "hello?" "Tory in not gonna be home, Mark and I are going to the beach" "yeah I know it's cold but we are just going for a walk" "be back later" "bye" I hung up "where was she last night?" "She took a hotel" "oh that makes sense" I have him a crooked look "how does that make sense?" "I don't know" I laughed turning to look out the window, Mark placed his hand on my leg and I placed mine on top of his hand curling my fingers beneath it. We parked the car and got out, he grabbed my hand as we started to walk, there was a little breeze but nothing too strong, it was a peaceful day and thinking of meeting Marks family made me realize.. He has to meet mine too...

Markiplier Fanfic (Markiplier X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora