Chapter 18

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After a while of sitting in silence I couldn't take it anymore, I got up to go to the washroom, I was stressed to my limit and I felt horrible, I stood in front of the mirror and started running the water to cut the silence, I splashed some water on my face and just stared at myself, still white as a ghost with red streaks burning down my cheeks, my eyes were the size of golf balls and I had a small head ache. I started hearing commotion so I walked back to Torys room, there were a few doctors and nurses in her room and I pushed my way through to see Mark sitting down with his hands covering his mouth "M..Mark.. What's.. Go.. Going on?" I walked to the side of her bed where she now laid attached to machines "ah you must be (Y/N) right?" One of the doctors had turned to face me, I nodded "will she be okay?" The blank expression on his face shot worry throughout my whole body "(Y/N), I'm terribly sorry to inform you but Tory is in" it felt like the world completely stopped as the last words came out of his mouth "A Coma" I sat up just blankly staring at Tory, everything went silent... I could see people's mouths moving and then I started hyperventilating which after a few moments caused me to black out. What seemed like a few minute for me was actually a few hours, I woke up in Torys room being held by Mark who looked like he'd actually been crying as well "please tell me this is all just a terrible nightmare" he simply kissed my head and held me tighter "Mark" he looked at me "I don't want to leave.." "They said you can stay but I can't, I don't know how much good it will do for you though" "I just... I can't leave her here all by herself" I looked over to see her laying there peacefully "what if she wakes up and no ones here... What if I'm not here.. If I'm not the first person she sees.. What would she think of me" Mark kissed my forehead "they brought a bed in for you, just remember this, she knows you love her but you will need to come home at some point alright" I pushed myself off of him and looked at her "I'm not leaving her" I stood up and stumbled over to the bed they had brought me and sat down there and just cried, Mark left around 4am after a nurse had realized he was still there, I ended up pushing my bed right next to hers because I really didn't want to leave, I stayed at the hospital with her for a whole week without leaving her side for more then 5minutes, some of Torys close friends and family came down to visit her but didn't have enough money to stay any longer then a few days, her fiancé raced off tour to be with her and it ended up being the first time we had met in person "Vic right?" I asked as he walked in, he walked right up to me and hugged me then sat down in the chair next to Tory "I haven't left her side since the accident" "what do you mean?" "I've been here for the past 7 days, I've slept here and I haven't done anything" he looked at me a bit concerned "how have you been holding up?" "well I haven't been able to sleep and the plane ride was terrible.. (Y/N) you should really go home.. I'll stay a few extra nights just to be with her and I'll call you everyday to keep an update" "but I.." "(Y/N)... Go home" Vic gave me one last hug before I left that day.. With my mind still trying to wrap around the situation... I didn't know how to feel anymore. All I know is that I felt drained and once again.. Alone... I called a taxi because I didn't want to bother Mark, I went home and realized my door was still unlocked, I walked in to see nothing has changed so I decided to clean up, I cleaned up the glass and tidied up the living room, washed the dishes and finished with cleaning my room. I walked out to my couch and sat down looking around my apartment, it felt so lonely and quiet... I hadn't talked to Mark since the accident and I wasn't sure if I wanted to, lost in my thoughts I walked over to the phone and called my brother, "hello?" "Hey Justin.. It's (Y/N).." "Oh hi (Y/N)! What's up?" "Well.. I was wondering when your planing on coming up.." " why? What's going on? Are you okay?" "I just really need someone right now... Everything is just really lonely..." " I'll try and find a flight sometime in the next week or two.. Is that alright?" "Yes.. Just Justin... Don't leave me alone..." The call went silent for a bit and he promised to come up, we split off and feeling tired I went to lay in bed.. After a couple hours of tossing and turning I finally fell asleep, I soon then woke up in a panic, I heard loud noises that sounded like they were being playing on repeat.. I stood up getting really dizzy and once I caught my balance I walked into the living room, I saw something on the floor shine in the moon light "glass? I thought I picked that up already?" I stepped around the glass to look out the window and the dizziness slowly turned into a sharp pain in my head.. Once I finally opened my eyes they locked on the horror, the noise on repeat was not what I originally thought, I looked out the window to see the crash on repeat at the worst moment. I covered my mouth before a scream could escape, I backed up barely missing the broken glass, I turned for the door but it was as if it was painted on the wall, I turned around to find another escape but this black substance was slowly covering my floor and making its way towards me. At this point I was hyperventilating which did not give me enough time to react and the black sludge was already on my feet climbing up my legs, I could feel the ice cold substance wrapping itself around me and climbing higher and higher on to my body, it was already nearing my upper thigh and at this point I was frozen in fear, soon enough the freezing cold sludge had fallen quite warm then.. I woke up.. I was hyperventilating and with my feet freezing but my thighs warm, I moved my blanket to be greeted by a light crimson colour sinking into my sheets, I started to hear banging and it sounded like it was coming from my front door, I stood up and pulled the sheets off my bed walking towards the bathroom. I had grabbed a change of pyjamas and jumped in the shower, after about an hour I got out and felt a bit better, the banging at my door had stopped so I thought who ever it was must have left but I was clearly wrong.. I walked out into my living room to see a tall figure frantically walking around I let out a small scream soon covering my mouth with my hand, I reached for the living room light and turned around to be face to face with Mark "Jesus mark! You scared the shit out of me" "when did you get home?!" "Earlier today, I didn't want to bother you.. But why are you in my apartment?" "I heard a scream come from your place and I thought someone broke in.. " he walked up and hugged me "(Y/N).. Come back to my place, I don't like the thought of you being here by yourself" thinking back to my bed sheets.. It sounded like a good idea "alright.." I grabbed the keys and in no time was out the door locking it then walking back into Mark's apartment.. I felt better knowing I wasn't alone.. I felt more safe.. I sat on his couch and he soon sat with me, "so you said you heard a scream?" "Yeah.. Was everything okay?" "Well.. I did have a nightmare but I didn't think anything of it.. They happen on and off" there was a pause "did you take your medicine?" "There was no need.." I leaned onto his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me, we started watching tv but I soon fell asleep. I woke up in Mark's bed feeling quite refreshed.. Well other then the fact that my period came early.. I walked downstairs to see a coffee sitting on the table with a note

Good morning,
I left to go pick up some stuff and I'm sorry if your coffee is cold but I thought I'd let you sleep, I love you and I should be back soon

I smiled at the note then realized the coffee was ice cold, I put it in the microwave for a couple seconds and returned it to a natural warm state. I ended up washing his dishes and then decided to go back to my apartment, I walked to my bedroom and started up my xbox.. I skimmed the front page for a few moments before getting a party invite from my brother, I smiled getting off my bed to grab my head set then soon joined to talk to him. We played a few games and it felt like I was back home, the only difference was he wasn't in the room next to mine but he was in the next state.. I spent a few hours online with him before I decided to make something to eat, I ended up making pancakes. I made a few too many so I ended up just putting them in the fridge anyway. After eating I started to think of Tory and without noticing I found myself in her room, I sat on her bed and looked around starting to feel more alone then ever...

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