I Eat Pineapple Bacon Pizza Again

Börja om från början

Jake, it's okay. I gave him the equivalent of a wolf smile.

Ro? He asked. I confirmed his suspicions as he took all of this in shock. This is why we couldn't be friends anymore? 

That was because of my Alpha order. I told her she wasn't allowed to see you anymore until you shifted. Explained Sam. Us shifters have tempers. When we get angry we have the tendency to shift and could hurt people around us. I could feel his regret when he said this, thinking of Emily's scars on her face.

So am I stuck like this forever? Asked Jake fearfully. I don't want to be a wolf! 

Well, you don't exactly have a choice bro. I laughed. He growled and sprang at me. I swatted him away like a cat as he prepared to launch himself at me.

Enough Jacob! Said Sam, using the Alpha voice. Until you're able to shift back, one of the pack members will be with you. I shuddered, remembering how I was stuck for five days.


Most of us weren't able to shift back for a week. Said Sam, finally chuckling before turning to me. Tell the pack the news. Jared is on the first watch. They should be at Emily's. Save some food for me! 

Yes Alpha, I teased. He smiled the wolf equivalent as I ran as fast as possible to Emily's I could hear Sam and Jake still conversing through the Wolf telepathy but I gave them the illusion of privacy. I shifted back while realizing I had skipped out on all meals today. Sam might not be getting any leftovers. 

"Hey Emily," I gave her a quick hug as I came through the always-open front door.

"You gonna tell me why Sam ran out of here like he was on fire?" she asked while smirking.

"Jake shifted," I said nonchalantly. Paul, who had been eating a bite of pizza, began choking. I slapped him on the back with more force than necessary while the pepperoni came flying out of his mouth and landed with a smack on Embry's head. He peeled it off slowly before he growled menacingly.

"Hey, if you shift in here Sam will have your pelt," I threatened. He glared at Paul a moment longer before settling down in his chair.

"You were there while he shifted?" asked Jared. I winced as the memory and the others seemed to catch the drift. "That's tough. You were the quickest first shift, didja know that Ro?"

"How long did he shift?" asked Paul.

"Thirty fricking minutes," I complained. Emily threw a metal spoon at me and I caught it without batting an eye.

"No cursing in my house!" she reprimanded even though I hadn't technically.

"Sorry, Emily. Oh right!" I exclaimed, everyone, jumping at my sudden loudness. "Jared! Sam wanted you to watch Jake first,"

"Great! Now Sam's gonna think I disobeyed!" he groaned, pushing away from the table. "I didn't even get to eat!"

"Don't worry, I'll eat yours for you," I grinned.

"Don't you dare Ro! I'll beat you up!" 

"I'd like to see you try!" I chuckled. "Sam's still waiting," He cursed as Emily scolded him for cursing before running out of the house and shifting. 

"I applied for the thing me and you were talking about Emily," I said. She looked up from the kitchen with excitement.

"And what did the school say?"

"They didn't respond yet! Can you believe it?!" I groaned. She gave me an encouraging smile.

"Well I'm sure they'll get back to you," she comforted.

"They better! I know how to catch a Science lab on fire!" Everyone stared at me, Paul's spoon halfway to his mouth. I shrugged. "Why do you think I got kicked out of my last school?" 

"Because you beat someone up?" suggested Embry.

"Psh! Don't be ridiculous," I laughed. He scowled as everyone resumed eating. Sam strolled in a moment later, giving Emily a kiss.

"I thought I told you to save me food, Ro!" He teased. 

"Oops," I grinned, taking a bit of the pizza.

"How do you eat that!?" groaned Embry, staring at my pineapple, bacon pizza.

"With my mouth," I said, giving the same answer I had to Bella all those months ago.

"No, really?" he said sarcastically.

"I know, right?!"

"Be quiet and eat!" 

"I am eating,"

"No you're not, you're talking!"

"I am?"

"You're so frustrating,"

"Thank you, I try,"

"Alright, alright you two. We get it," said Sam, holding his hands out in a peace-making way. Embry and I stared at each other before Paul kicked my chair out from underneath me. I fell to the ground with an oof. I stared up at the ceiling while everyone waited for my reaction.

"This is a very nice floor you have here Emily,"

". . .thank you?"

"Of course. Floors should be appreciated much more in my opinion. How about you join me Paul?" I yanked his chair out from underneath him as he grabbed onto Embry in a last-ditch attempt to stay upright. But instead, he brought the two of them down, and soon all three of us were staring up at the ceiling.

"I hate you, Ro," they said in unison.

"Awwww! I love you guys too!"

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