Chapter 27

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I quietly check my watch. Gary has been sitting here for over an hour. At least it's still early in the day. After what seems like an eternity, he looks away from the computer on top of the desk and turns it off. Then he walks out of the room. Yas!
We wait a few minutes in case he comes back in. But when it's finally clear, we come out. My neck is sore from being in the same position for so long. Obviously, we couldn't make any sudden movements. Julia shakes her leg and I can tell it fell asleep.
We stand over the bed and lift the heavy mattress together. It moves, but just a little bit. We're weak. If Gary can lift this with no problem, I know where Gingee's strength comes from!
About fifteen minutes pass and we finally heave the mattress off the bed. There it is! The silver safe. I type in 3471 and it swings open. I grab the document and it feels as though a hundred bolts of lightning shoot through my hands at the touch. It's not a bad thing. I feel like, reassured that it's finally back in our possession. I notice Gary's opened the window in his bathroom, so I start to climb out of it.
Luckily, the second floor isn't up to high from the ground. I take one long leap down and Julia and Ashley follow. Then we run.
When we're far enough away from the house, my eyes linger to his sign again. "Anyone found will be shot on sight," Ashley says. "I'm pretty sure he wouldn't hesitate to do that."
All of a sudden, we see the back door of Cripson's house open. I hope it's just Gingee, but it's not. Gary himself walks out carrying a rifle, and stares right at us.
"Get off my land," he screams at the top of his lungs.
We stare at him and start to run.
But somehow, he catches up to us. He blocks our path into the forest and stares directly into Julia's eyes. He looks her up and down, then turns to Ashley and me.
"You....." He says, astounded. "You were in my house!" After putting two and two together he yells,"GIVE ME BACK MY CONTRACT!" And with that we bolt around him and head for the woods.
I feel the document start to slip out of my pocket. He sees, and realizes who to go for. I try to run as fast as I can, but he's faster than me, and is getting closer.

How's that chapter? I'm coming up to the end of my book, and now I have everything planned out. I will be updating like crazy the next few days. Follow me and vomment!😏😏 thanks sooooo much for the 1.13k reads!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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