Chapter 1

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My "feelings" for school are........complicated. Most kids my age hate school. I mean, I don't like it either, but I don't hate it. I try hard and usually get excited before a new year. But this year was different. I felt nervous, which was new because I'm never nervous. But I was starting 6th grade which meant new people, unfamiliar teachers, and a whole different school.
But I adjusted. I have so many new friends now, the list would go on forever. The teachers aren't strangers anymore. We have awesome lockers instead of stupid little cubbies. (That was easy to get used to)! And I also learned to ignore the cursing. (What is the point of that anyways)? I can admit this school is a lot different than what I'm used to but all in all, it's fun to be a middle schooler.
I love everything about this school. And everything was so new and exciting.......the first week. After that, we actually started learning stuff, and then it got boring.
Anyways, it's finally summer. Four more days until we're free! Omg, I can't wait any longer.
Every summer, I'm outside ALL THE TIME. Living in Michigan, it's usually freezing and when warm weather finally comes around, EVERYBODY will be outside. Also, like, ALL of my best friends live right by me! We usually play lightning and stuff. But Ashley, Julia, and I like to do other things. We climb trees, run through peoples' backyards, jump fences, etc. But the main thing we do, the most interesting thing, is go through the woods. We've found so many cool things there. But we like to keep them a secret. One thing in particular. Because if we told someone, it could happen again. And if that happens, we'll lose everything.

This chapter sucked. I hate it but the rest is a lot better. People who read the whole thing know that it gets awesome, if I do say so myself. Thanks to whoever read this! I didn't really know a good way to start. So, if you do read this, tell more people and I'll keep updating! Thanks! Also, this was probably a short, boring chapter😂. I promise to make them more interesting but I was just trying to explain everything! Bye!

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