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   From the very next day jungkook started avoiding lisa.. he didn't want V to be disappointed in any way.. Lisa started to feel that maybe jk like someone else..  or she did some mistake but couldn't ask anything coz jk everytime dismissed the small talks.

     Few months passed by jungkook ignoring lisa and lisa still didn't got used to it. Jennie started to gain many fans internationally along with other group members. Taennie ship is getting many fans and many fans started to write fanfics and make fan edits about them. Other ships like jinsoo jirosè liskook started to trend too.

     The next day dispatch gave a worst surprise to jisoo

DISPATCH: Jin and Irene, members of one of those most successful groups are caught dating secretly.

DISPATCH: Jin and Irene, members of one of those most successful groups are caught dating secretly

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Jisoo hold her tears back and act like she was happy for them

Jisoo decided to do a thing..

Jennie saw the news growing so fast like covid bitch that every fan page and every news articles were filled with them.. Jennie knew jisoo liked.. more like loved jin..

  She walked to jisoo's room and room and was shocked by what she saw happened in there

🥴🥴 yall gotta guess what jisoo did to herself!

Loving Ms. Jane (Taennie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora