24 | the awkward walk home

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Although he looked fine from afar, Haneul wasn't that handsome from up close. He was nowhere near Taehyung nor Seokjin's level of beauty. To be fairly honest, he didn't deserve Y/n in terms of looks.

How should I describe him?

An average guy with round glasses and dark brown eyes. He had black messy hair which his girlfriend seemed to die over. She kept ruffling it whenever she saw him, and he always had the exact same reaction: he'd chuckle and tickle her. So childish. Anyway, he was just a random student who managed to seduce a younger girl.

"Kookie!" I flinched, abruptly being brought back to reality. That's when I noticed Y/n's hand pulling my arm like a child demanding an adult's attention. "Haneul asked you a question."

Immediately, I turned to the older guy. When our eyes met, he adressed me a warm smile. Ugh, he seemed so nice! With no other choice but to cooperate for the sake of (Y/n) and I's friendship, I smiled back.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I asked in the kindest way possible

The boy shrugged while that stupid smile remained plastered on his face. "It's fine, no worries. I just wanted to know more about your arts."

The (h/c)-haired added, "I told Haneul you were super talented!", with a proud smile on.

"I'm not bad." I shrugged, averting my eyes from the too excited female between us "But yeah, I love drawing. Thus, the art club. Y/n on the other hand..."

To that, Haneul let out a loud chuckle.

"She told me how she joined the club. She's lucky you guys were kind enough to give her a chance!"

I rolled my eyes, recalling the infamous day. Despite the fact that she made a fool out of me in the eyes of my fellow members, she managed to impress me. After all, she had the audicatiy to join a club where she clearly belong in the first place.

"She should thank president Sarutobi for that." I mumbled

The (h/c)-haired nudged me in the stomach, causing me to groan in pain. She seemed content with my reaction.

"What about you?" I ignored her "Do you have any hobbies?"

The boy nodded shyly, scratching the back of his neck as his girlfriend grabbed his arm as if he was about to fly away if she'd release her grip. He didn't seem to mind though.

"I'm into poetry." he shyly admitted

I couldn't help but glance at him as I thought how I'd never guess it. Although I wasn't interested in poetry at all, I had to say it was pretty impressive for an eighteen years old male to enjoy it.

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