20 | family dinner

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When my mother came home, Namjoon and Jungkook—who were the only ones left—greeted her with such politeness I found myself laughing at them, especially Jungkook. Still, it was definitely cute to watch, so I couldn't help but smile sheepishly when both brothers glared at me while Mom was too busy completing them.

"You guys are so good-looking! Is one of you Y/n's boyfriend?"

The smile on my face had vanished. "Don't answer that." I warned the boys, rolling my eyes

Sonali, who came back for whatever she was doing, decided to butt in instead of nicely keeping her big mouth shut. Oh how I wanted to whoop her ass...

"I think you are." she pointed straight at Jungkook

As a response, the boy frowned in disgust as if the thought of being my actual boyfriend was the most terrifying thing. I held back any reaction that might show my annoyance. Thank God, Mrs.Good Manners didn't buy it.

"Sonali," she spoke with a soft voice which was in fact a way to warn and threaten us whenever there were people around—my sister and I both knew that "you did not just point a finger at someone."

Said girl bit her lip, intimidated by the passive-aggressive behavior of our mother. She sighed as an apology escaped her mouth, to which Jungkook quickly answered it was no big deal at all, obviously embarrassed.

"Anyway," I spoke once my sibling left "they are my friends."

Mom nodded, seemingly not convinced at all. However, I didn't want to fight her on that, especially not in front of my schoolmates.

"Okay, go have fun! I'll call you when dinner is done. Boys, do you have any problem with spicy food?"

Jungkook snickered, nodding his head. "My dear brother hear can't eat spicy food."

Namjoon smiled shyly, and I realized it was my first time witnessing his timid behavior. To avoid him further uncomfort, I laughed it off stating his brother wasn't too fond of it either. My mother took note of it before disappearing upstairs. Neha—who was busy unloading bags of food kept in the trun—pushed the door open with a strong kick, almost loosing her balance. The brothers rushed to help, allowing her to breath out in relief.

With a shy 'thank you', she bowed to them. I noticed the pink shade spreading over her squishy cheeks. As if she could read my thoughts, she shot me a glare when Namjoon and Jungkook weren't facing her anymore, too busy carrying grocery bags to the kitchen.

Smirking, I cocked an eyebrow to which she answered with an even deathly stare.

"Y/n, mind helping us?" I heard Jungkook's voice from the kitchen

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"The food is delicious, Mrs.L/n." Namjoon announced, obviously enjoying the seasoned vegetables "I understand why Y/n always has her hands busy with lunchboxes at school."

I blushed, surprised that he had even noticed how often I did that. Most of the time, I would do it in a discreet place not to get caught by the vice-president.

Before my mother could thank him, Jungkook nodded in agreement. "It is! By the way, I admit I've had my share of your homemade food." he said with a sheepish smile

Mom cocked an eyebrow, genuinely surprised. "Really?"

My classmate hummed in response. "Y/n shares the food with me."

The woman shot me a suspicious gaze. "Would you see that! The girl won't even allow her sisters to have a taste." then she tilted her head on the side, staring at Jungkook "I take it you're the boyfriend?"

Sonali snickered at that whereas Neha didn't look amused. Please, don't tell me she has a crush on him when freaking Kim Namjoon is sitting across from her?

The black-haired guy's eyes opened wide, panick written all over his face. I could tell his brother wanted to laugh, but he managed to stay quiet. On the other hand, I did not like where this was going. Why would she say that? She was so shameless!

"Mom, stop."

She ignored me, eyes still glued to the poor boy's figure.

He cleared his throat, clearly nervous. "N—no. Y/n and I are friends."

At that, I couldn't help but smile victoriously. Aware of how much of a tsundere Jungkook was, I was pleasantly surprised to witness such a blunt confession. To my family, it was no big deal, but to me? Boy, I wanted to hug him so bad to embarrass the hell out of him. By the sparkle flashing in Namjoon's eyes, I could tell he was as staggered as I was.

Speaking of which, the Student Council's president stepped in to defend his brother. "To be honest, I'm not sure even thinks about dating. He keeps himself busy with arts."

The successful attempt to divert the attention towards a whole different subject caused me to silently thank Namjoon who shrugged it off with a small smile. Thanks to that, my sisters, my mother and the boys talked about their hobbies. I didn't really take part to the conversation, but I enjoyed listening to each of them.

For a moment, I allowed myself to glance at Jungkook. His nose would scrunch everytime he smiled, making him look like a bunny you'd want to pet for the rest of your days. I couldn't believe that the very same boy refused to even joke with me weeks ago. Now there he was, sitting at the table surrounded with my family and his brother. For some reason, I felt at peace watching him enjoying himself. I could tell he needed that, and I was glad to help.

"Oh no, Mrs.L/n, do not worry." Namjoon smiled "I genuinely thought you were in your thirties, you don't look like your fifty-two."

Out of the blue, laughter erupted from Mom's mouth. Well, it sounded more like giggles. My sisters and I weren't even surprised, she loved compliments regarding her physical appearance. Just tell her she looks like our sister, and you'll gain her eternal gratitude. It was true she didn't look her age, but to pretend she looked like a woman in her thirties? Come on, Namjoon. There was no doubt we were going to hear about it over and over for the next weeks.

"Anyway, thank you, boys. I'm glad you enjoy the dishes. You can come back for more whenever you want." she addressed them a heart-warming smile to which they both answered with a timid bow "Also, thank you for being kind to my daughter. I've never seen her this happy until she entered Bangtan High."

As I expected the older sibling to respond to that, I was taken aback when Jungkook's fruity, even gentle voice resonated. I turned my face to him, watching how his features had softened in a matter of seconds, probably due to my mother's words.

"I've heard she has been through a lot." a lump began to form in my throat as I recalled the conversation we had following the 'I prefer active girls' episode "I'll do my best to make her feel safe and happy at school." He vowed, not even sparing me a single glance.

And everyone sitting at the table shot him a grateful smile, even I.

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