23 | high schoolers x ARTS contest

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"Registration has began! We have to submit our application before it's too late, so I need you all to listen to me." Sarutobi's voice resonated in the art club room "Three members have to submit an individual piece of work, along with a group work to which every single member has contributed to." setting her dark brown orbs on me, she nodded in my direction "Obviously, you won't be one of the three. So, apart from Y/n, who feels confident enough to send an individual work?"

There was a long pause during which we were silently staring at each other. The fact that Sarutobi was on serious mode did not help at all; she was freaking intimidating.

At some point, Kwon broke the silence.

"We should vote."

We all agreed, silently bobbing our heads in agreement. The president could not fight that.

"Fine." she said "All of us will write two names on a piece of paper. Fold it then place it in that box." she pointed her finger at an empty box of tissues "Who wants to proceed to the counting?"

I raised my hand right away. "I'll do it since I won't be elected anyway."

The next ten minutes were quiet. We were thinking hard, willing to chose the most skilled members. Sarutobi was obviously one of them, but I couldn't possibly chose between the rest. They were all talented in their own way. But of course, some of us were better than others. And by us, I meant them (considering I was most definitely the least talented).

Eventually, the moment of truth arrived. One by one, I counted the votes and made sure to build up suspense to make it more interesting.

"Can you start already!" Kwon yelled

I read the first vote. "Sarutobi, Solene and Hyemon."

While I read the names, Jae wrote them on the blackboard and marked a cross next to each of them whenever they had votes.

"Hyemon, Jungkook and Sarutobi."

Jungkook's gaze and mine met, but he quickly looked away. Knowing him, he was probably being shy.

"Y/n," I frowned "Sarutobi and Sol—huh, someone wrote Solange instead of Solene." I scanned the room to discover who had written these names, but all my fellow members seemed innocent.

Solene timidly raised her hand. "It is Solange, actually..."

I pursed my lips, incredibly ashamed.

"Why don't you ever correct me?" I tilted my head on the side "Jae even wrote Solene on the blackboard!"

The girl with beautiful brown locks smiled sheepishly. "I don't really mind, as long as Jungkook gets my name right." then she turned to the quiet boy "You know my name's Solange. Right, boo?"

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