"Come on Harry, you clearly know."

"Why won't you tell us, will ya?" The younger twin smiles.

Harry pushes them aside with a blush. "Knock it off will you? Also you don't even like this person. So for all I know you could jinx them, or something..."

"We promise we won't do anything to them."

"But only if they don't deserve it."

Harry sighs and smiles up into the sky. "Cedric Diggory. Always has been and always will be. I lost my chance with him the first time around."

"So pretty boy Diggory, eh? How come you lost him? Look at yourself." George makes an exaggerated hand gesture with a hearty chuckle. Harry rolls his eyes.

"Right, right. I'm a scrawny ass fourteen year old with the mentality of a snarky twenty-one year old. Anyway, the first time we were only friends. And he liked Cho, even got together with her. But at the end of the year he died."

"Cho Chang? Your ex?" The twins echo together.

Harry nods. "Yup, that's the one."

"Now, however did that happen? Diggory and Chang?"

Harry shrugs, his smile withering away and quickly replaced by a frown. "I wonder...."

No matter how hard Harry thinks about it, he just can't make sense of how Cedric and Cho actually ended up together. It just doesn't make sense, sure they were friends before but they never struck Harry as being that close. It just somehow happened, Cedric and Cho just started dating very much out of the blue. Harry will just have to figure this out eventually in due time.

"Harry!" The twins yell at him in unison, he looks up at them with a weak smile.

It's been about four days since the three of them had the talk outside in the backyard of the burrow. Currently the three of them find themselves in Diagon alley. Mrs. Weasley has already bought all his school supplies but there are still a few things Harry needs before this school year starts and the twins just so happened to volunteer accompanying him. Ron and Hermione didn't see the point of going again.

"Sorry, I got lost in thought... again." He rubs the back of his head sheepishly. Fred and George smile as they interlock their arms around Harry and wait for instructions.

"We'll be going to a place that I know here in Diagon, it's highly underrated. But the goods that they sale are of top quality. I'd like to go there. Also please let go of me, under other circumstances I wouldn't mind."

"Of course"


Harry chuckles lightly and shakes his head before leading the way to the less crowded parts of the alley. Wizards and witches buzzing around in the late summer sales and also for Hogwarts. He can also see the occasional Durmstrang and Beaubatons students. He sighs softly. He really missed the time before the war, the time before all the bloodshed and pain.

The alley around them slowly gets less lively and more tranquil. Smaller shops litter the sides of the streets, finer shops too. Harry stops in front of a small boutique, the walls painted white and blue but also green. None of the colours clashing with one another but rather complimenting and creating a calming ambiance.

"This place is beautiful. How did you even find this Harry?" George whispers in awe. Fred on the other hand just looks around the boutique.

The plate written in silver cursive writing the name of the place. "Un petite bout de Paradis. Is this french?"

"Yup, I stumbled upon this place while trying to get away from Ginny just before the sixth year at Hogwarts. I got my robes from there and I continued coming here. They got a lot more customers after I started repeatedly coming here. Un petite bout de Paradis is run by a French family. They are the nicest people you will meet."

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