
I'll be that person to take care of you when you're feeling blue

I'll be that person by your side if you're still looking for someone

There's only me and you, no matter what

My heart is yours and no one else's

Let's be together always, waking up and seeing you tomorrow

Being a gift every year

There will always be us, I won't go anywhere

To let you know that you're the best for me

[Pre Hook]



[Verse3] NICE CNX

I'd like you to be that person, I don't want you to go away (don't)

And now it's only you by my side

Ring ring my phone, I only want to know how you're doing

Pick up please, or do you want me to go away?

I've never been a playboy, that's the truth

There's only you, you'll be my princess

You're an angel on earth

Like a dream coming true

(ya ya)

I'll never make you sad yeahh

I'm trusting my dream with this song

[Pre Hook]



When the first take half record, I press the speaker

“P’mew let’s start from the beginning, it will suit using your baritone voice in the beginning. Okay?”

He gives me another sign and the recording continues. Until it’s almost 4 hours recording when P’boss come inside along with P’off

“Nong will its still take more time? Mew have interview at 7pm today “

“Hmm I think it’s okay now. Do you want to listen P’off ?”


I speak through the speaker again “ P’Mew we can wrap for today, try to listen the result here”

P’mew put back his headset and walks to us. And sit on the couch while I play the recorder.

After the song finish I see he look satisfy with the result before he speak “This is the first time working with you but I like the song to nong”

“Thank You”

“So we can end today, after I add my voice I would send you the final record”

“Sure do” Then I get going first. Thank you for today See you next time “ They left.

“Go record your part Gulf, I will take it from here”

When I finish the recording it’s around 8pm already, and my hungry belly is roar in angry. I pack my stuff inside my back pack and walk towards my car and start to head home.

When I’m in car my phone bip and I read it

“Do you want to have a dinner gulf?” –P’Mew-

I take a deep breath and don’t know how to respond the message. Well I don’t have the reason to reject since spending time with him also fun.

“Don’t you have an interview? I’m already starving right now. Can’t wait for another hour. I heading to home now. “ –Gulf-

“What do you want to eat? Do you have food at home?” –P’Mew-

“Yeah I made Pad Kra Pao “ –Gulf-

“You made it yourself?” –P’Mew-

“Yeah. I live myself for a while now. Of course I have to learn to cook”-Gulf-

“Can I drop by?” –P’Mew-

As much as I want to say he can, but when I remember my condo have a secret to keep I can’t allow him to come. Not when it all sudden like this.

“I’m sorry Phi. I’m not clean my place yet. Maybe another time?”-Gulf-

I wait for another reply but its take couple of minute before my screen pop words “Ok. GN Gulf” –P’Mew-

Did he mad? I think I hurt him.. when I suddenly press the vcall at my phone and wait till he pick up


“Sawadee krub P’mew”

“Oh Gulf what’s the matter?”

“Do you mad Phi?”

“What? Oh noooo.. It’s alright Gulf. I’m not mad. We’re not that close either to visit each other right? I’m asking too much. Don’t worry I’m not mad. “

“It’s not like I don’t want to invite phi, I need to clean my place first. If I already clean it, I will then invite you Phi”

“Really? “

“Really Phi.”

“Alright then. See you around Gulf”

“See you too Phi.”

I just close my eyes for a moment and imagine if P’mew comes to my place with all the picture of him and poster and etc he will find me as a freak. I can’t let it happen of course. 

Hi again

Hope you enjoy the story and today is the anniversary of Mewgulf

The meaning of Nan na is I love You so sweet right
Pmew love languange is loud and clear 😙

Lets wish to see our ship sailing 🤭

Till then lets keep support them ☀️🌻

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