3: "Birthday" Gift

Start from the beginning

Ay, mamá …” Tía sighs. “He doesn’t need to look like your definition of manly just to be a man. He could wear a dress and still be considered a man.” 

“I can make you one.” Mirabel offers. 

“Wear mine, you’d look cute.” Isabela smiles. 

“It wouldn’t fit him, you’re too tall.” Dolores rolls her eyes.

“Your dress would look ugly on me anyway. I’m so hot that everything looks terrible on me in comparison.” Camilo smiles. 

“He is not wearing a dress.” Abuela says with a note of finality. We sit in silence for a few more moments before tía breaks it again. 

“So, everyone is sure they want a balayage?” We all nod and she shrugs. “Then I’ll take you tomorrow.” 

The next morning, I wake up to my alarm clock again. “What the fuck.” I groan, holding my hand out. It floats into my hand and I smash it to the ground with all of my might. I roll over to find it laying on the floor in pieces. Goddammit. At least it stopped. I pull myself out of bed and stumble to the bathroom where Camilo is brushing his teeth. I bump him out of the way with my hip and grab my toothbrush. “Scootch.” He spits into the sink. 

“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” He rolls his eyes. 

“Whatever.” I put toothpaste on the brush and look at him in the mirror. “Why are you even up this early? You always miss half of breakfast because you sleep in.” I start brushing my teeth.

“Your fucking alarm clock was going off for ten minutes before you actually woke up. I can hear it all the way in my room.” He nudges me out of the way to try and brush his teeth. I spit into the sink and look at myself in the mirror. 

“God, I’m a mess.” I mumble. He spits again and comes up, looking at me in the mirror. 

“I think you look fine.” He shrugs. 

“Unexpected compliment from such an asshole.” I laugh. 

“You always look good.” He drops his toothbrush back in the holder, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and walking out. I finish brushing my teeth and stand in the mirror, thinking about his words. Does he really think that or is he just being an ass? 

“Out.” Isa says from the doorway and I hold my hands up in surrender, stepping out of her way. I go back to my room and choose an outfit. As it’s floating down into my hand, Mirabel appears in my doorway. 

“You ready to get your hair dyed, amiga?” She drums happily on my open door. 

“Yep!” I smile cheerfully. “Makes me a little unhappy that it’s for our quote unquote ‘birthday’, though.” I shrug, turning away from her and sliding my binder on. Camilo and Mirabel pitched in for it last year after I told them I was nonbinary and I love them for it.

“Yeah.” I can feel her eyes on me as I change. “You’re binding safely, right?” She asks in a motherly tone. 

“Yes, mom.” I groan. “I only wear it for eight hours max and I wash it when needed.” 

“Good.” She smiles. 

¡Niños, desayuno!(Kids, breakfast!) Abuela calls from downstairs. After we all finish, tía stands and looks between Camilo, Mirabel, and I. 

“You guys ready?” She asks excitedly. 

“Mhm.” I hum happily and she takes us out. It takes about two hours but eventually, we’re all done. 

“You look amazing!” They both gush over me. 

“So do you guys!” I smile, admiring both of their heads full of bouncy curls. 

“Best birthday gift ever. Thank you, tía!” Mirabel smiles up at her. 

“Of course, darling. We just needed you guys to pick one before the year ended..” She mumbles the last part, forking over the cash to the salon attendant. Mirabel starts running her hands through my hair, admiring it with great detail.

“Get your dusty ass hands out my hair.” We both giggle. 

“Your hair is too soft!” She defends herself and Camilo runs a hand through my hair once slowly. 

“Woah, she’s right!” He chuckles, doing it again. 

“Crusty and dusty hands in my perfect hair. Nice.” I giggle, showing it’s a joke. “Mirabel, you shouldn’t be surprised. I know for a fact that you use my shampoo and conditioner.” 

“Who else’s am I supposed to use? Isa’s? She’d have my head on a stick.” 

“Hmm… maybe your own?” I suggest and we all laugh.

Word Count: 1,230

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe, my dudes <3

Published: (1/28/22) (Month/Day/Year)

Final Word Count: 1,259

Love Geometry - Camilo x Reader x Mirabel [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now