Half an hour later and I couldn't take it anymore. I walked back into the kitchen only to find Michael crouched down on the floor picking up some letters that he had knocked onto the floor. As I bent down to pick them up one caught my eye and I reached for it at the same time as he did. It was addressed to McKenzie and had the royal navy logo printed at the top and my curiosity got the better of me. I knew it was wrong to be reading her letters but when Michael lunged at me to try and get it, it only made me want to read it more. My eyes widened as I read further down the page and if I thought my world was falling apart this morning when I heard she wasn't coming then it had been completely obliterated now. My hate rate increased and a lump rose in my throat as I fought back the tears.

"This is where she is isn't it?" I managed to speak but it was barely audible. "She's taking her fitness test isn't she?"

"Luke please don't you weren't meant to see that. I wasn't meant to tell you. Just don't be mad at her she was going to tell you."

"When?" I shouted. "When she was leaving me?"

"Do you not think I've had this argument with her before? Do you think I want her to enlist?" He shouted back just as loud and fierce.

"Sorry it's not your fault." I apologised putting the letter back into the middle. He could see the anger boiling inside of me and became slightly worried. Half an hour later when she sauntered through the door with a big smile plastered on her face I was just about ready to lose it. "Kenzie I'm so sorry." Michael rushed out running over to her and the smile quickly faded.

"What did you do?" She asked staring at me as I glared back at her. He didn't answer. "Michael what did you do?" She sounded more desperate this time, her voice holding a sense of urgency to it that it didn't hold a moment ago.

"I knocked the papers off the table. He saw." He gave about as little explanation possible but she understood every bit of it.

"Shit Luke I..." She started but I interrupted.

"Don't bother I already know and I think it's a bit late now to be telling me don't you." I snapped, my anger finally boiling over and getting the better of me. "It's quite obvious that you don't care what I think."

"Don't be like that. You know I care what you think but this is a decision that I had to make." She put the emphasis on I. "I've wanted to do this since I was little and I couldn't have you talk me out of it. I'm sorry."

"Sorry? What for? For leaving me? For ripping my heart out?"

"Stop being so dramatic I don't even know if I'll get in yet."

"And if you don't what then?"

"Then I'll keep trying. It's in my blood Luke I can't just give it up because it's not that simple."

"Yeah it was in your brother's blood as well and look where it got him. Do you really want to join him?" She gasped and I instantly felt guilty for what I had said.

"Luke there was no need for that." Michael interjected but she just turned to face him. "No Michael if that's what he wants to say then let him say it." She whispered but didn't turn back to look at me.

Fuck what have I done?

"Kenzie I'm sorry?" I tried to apologize.

"You've said it now. What difference does it make if you're sorry?" She whimpered. I know I said I wanted to break down her emotional barrier but not like this, not in this way. "Maybes I'll join him in the ground and then you won't have to worry about it anymore. Is that what you want?"

"I didn't mean what I said I was just angry because you didn't tell me."

"This is why I didn't tell you." She shouted causing both Michael and I to flinch. She's got a good pair of lungs on her. "You couldn't just see me happy if you weren't. Do you think I was happy you were going on tour? The only difference is that I dealt with it because it made you happy. Why couldn't you just do the same?"

Luke Hemmings - RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now