By the light of the few fires that are still burning, he can see people running away into the woods as well. They are fleeing something that is moving across the field toward them, something that is emitting odd flashes of light and noises like gunfire. Loud jeering, roars of laughter, and drunken yells drift toward him; then comes a burst of strong green light, which illuminates the scene. With a sinking heart he realises that Harry told him the truth. On one side he feels immense relief flooding his body but on the other hand extreme dread. Where is Harry? Is he alright? He can only hope for now.

A crowd of wizards, Death eaters, tightly packed and moving together with wands pointing straight upward, is marching slowly across the field. High above them, floating along in midair, four struggling figures are being contorted into grotesque shapes. It's as though the death eaters on the ground are puppeteers, and the people above them are marionettes operated by invisible strings that rise from the wands into the air. Two of the figures are very small.

Cedric feels vile rising up his throat as a strangled scream escapes his lungs, why could anybody do such a thing? His eyes widen and he shakes his head as fear slowly paralyzes his entire body. This is dreadful and what's worse the ministry isn't doing shite about it.

A body arms into his own and starts dragging him into the woods, at first he just let's it happen but then starts struggling.

"Quit struggling and start running, honestly Diggory, this entire situation could be worse. Get your shit together!"

Cedric recognises the voice and relaxes slightly, he still doesnt fully trust Nott, but still enough to let him drag him around. He knows it could be worse, he truly does, but that doesnt make the situation any less acceptable.

"I'm aware of that. But I mean..."

Nott sighs but smiles underneath his breath. "You're a great guy, no wonder. But you need to get your act together, we need to get to the clearing, we'll be safe there. My old man is with those ruffians doing shit and that. Not interested in watching like Draco, too much trouble for too little entertainment."

Cedric blinks at him and blushes at the small compliment. The duck a few way ward branches and pass other panicked wizards and witches. The path is packed with plenty of other people, all looking nervously over their shoulders toward the commotion back at the campsite. A huddle of teenagers in pajamas is arguing viciously a little way along the path.

"Come on this way, Diggory." By now Nott has let go of his wrist and Cedric cradles it close to his chest, running behind the younger teen. They are about the same height.

Cedric does not look back, never does. He can't take the horror of the flying writhing muggles in the air, and he feels ashamed for it. He's a coward and he knows it. A nobody for being a Hufflepuff and a fag for liking men. He looks down at the ground as he runs after Nott.

Farther along the path, they walk into a patch of silvery light, and when they look through the trees, they see three tall and beautiful veela standing in a clearing, surrounded by a gaggle of young wizards, all of whom were talking very loudly.

Nott rolls his eyes and turns to Cedric with a small frown. "Now dont go falling for their charm on me, will you. Those creatures get annoying after a while." He grumbles a bit more and Cedric sniggers in reply. "I'm not that susceptible to their charm, thank you very much. Let's just get going."

"I pull down about a hundred sacks of Galleons a year!" one of them shouts. "I'm a dragon killer for the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures."

"No, you're not!" yells his friend. "You're a dishwasher at the Leaky Cauldron...but I'm a vampire hunter, I've killed about ninety so far -"

A third young wizard, whose pimples are visible even by the dim, silvery light of the veela, now cut in, "I'm about to become the youngest ever Minister of Magic, I am."

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