"No! We're not doing that!" I shouted. Anger built up in my blood.

"There's a fucking contract! You have to!"

"I didn't write the contract, Jason did!" I screamed back. All of my brothers were present, I'm kind of glad Brie's with Scar tonight...

"It's nonnegotiable, we're not selling our own fucking sister!" Rocco scorned.

Let me explain our little situation right now.

Gi Yang, Don of the Korean mafia, flew from Korea to "pick up" Briella.
We were oblivious to the fact that Jason wrote a contract, behind my mothers back. Suddenly, Briella is "engaged" to Gi Yang, which is off the fucking table. I'm not letting my sister marry some man she doesn't even know!

"Okay then, let's meet in the middle here" Gi spoke. "I'll meet her, if she likes me, the contract will go on. If she doesn't, then it's cut."

"Deal" I blurted out. My brothers immediately looked at me, surprise in their eyes.
Rocco showed Gi out while I handled the fucking zoo of brothers that I have.

"WHAT THE FUCK MARCO!" Damon screamed.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?" Ian also screamed.

"I'm not too worried about it guys, she likes Scar" Beckham spoke softly in the back.

Exactly Beck, exactly.

"Exactly, she's with Scar, she wouldn't want to mess that up" Leo put out.
Alejandro seemed calm about it too, knowing she wouldn't pick Gi over Scar.

"Call the Lucido's, I want extra eyes on Briella tomorrow" I demanded, Alejandro quickly grabbed his phone, walking out of my office. Rocco finally came back, with a slight smirk.

"I'm glad Gi Yang respects women, we could've had a complete asshole for all we know" Rocco explained.

We've known Gi Yang for a while, we're alibis! He's a decent man but I know Briella wouldn't want to be with him. He may be a nice person but he's very violent, I don't want my sister to see his cruel acts. She's been through enough.

Then came the Lucido's, cold expressions on their faces, as always.

"What's up big M?" Angelo smirked.

"Shut the fuck up Angelo" I said. "We need training to start tomorrow, the Koreans are after Brie."

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, confusion clear on his face.

"What do you mean 'after' Briella?" He asked.

I took a deep breath in before explaining.

"Jason wrote a contract between the Koreans, once Brie turned 18, she's engaged to Gi Yang, I don't want another kidnapping."

Nicolo nodded, Draco seemed a bit concerned. Angelo on the other hand, was excited.

"Imma teach her some kick ass moves" Angelo smirked, earning a punch to his arm by Draco.

"Tomorrow, Nicolo you'll pick up Briella from Scar's penthouse. I'll text and explain everything to her" I informed.

The Lucido's nodded before getting up to leave, we arranged a meeting in the morning.

The Koreans can suck my dick.

"I can't do this anymore

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"I can't do this anymore..." I whispered, my eyes were closed shut.
"You have to, or I'll kill you" Marcus evilly groaned.
I opened my eyes to not only see Marcus...but Jason too.
"What the fuck!"
"Shhhh, just be good, or it'll be sore" Jason smirked.
I started fighting with all the strength in my body, I felt as if I couldn't breathe.

"Brie! It's okay!"

"Stop fucking fighting back!"

"Come on princess, it's okay, you're safe"

"I will never leave"

I jolted from my dream, locking eyes with Scar. He looked so worried, he tried holding my hand but I flinched.

"I'm sorry baby" he softly spoke.

I felt so bad, a look of hurt washed over his face when I flinched. I couldn't help but let my tears fall. Scar then pulled me into his lap, holding me so tightly. He stroked my hair while I cried, I felt so embarrassed...

"I-I'm sorry Scar I'm sorry" I cried.

"Don't be sorry habibi, you done nothing wrong" Scar replied before placing a kiss on the crown of my head. He lay his head on mine while I let go of my tears, I felt so weak. The pain slowly sinking my heart was too much to bare. I hid my trauma for a while now, hoping it'll disappear. But the longer I let it go, the stronger it builds.

How do you even break trauma? I've always held under water but it always survives.
How do I escape this mind that I've grown comfortable in? I can't live like this any longer...

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