I Never Go Camping Again

Start from the beginning

"So Caroline, how old are you?" asked Emily politely. 

"I turned sixteen about four weeks ago," I said.

"That's exciting!" she smiled. "Did Charlie get you anything?"

"Uh, yeah. A motorcycle even though he calls it a death machine," 

"Well! It isn't a death machine to you no more!" laughed Jared. "You fall off, heal, and get back up!" he said like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"I guess," I said, still not completely comfortable in a new place.

"So, how's your sister?" asked Emily.

"Throwing glass cups," I said nonchalantly. She froze, looking at me to see if I was kidding. "Oh, sorry. Was that something I'm not supposed to say at the table?" I asked, actually serious. 

"It's fine," said Emily concerned, waving me off.

"These are really good," I complimented, taking two more waffles and drizzling them in syrup and strawberries. I didn't miss the happy smile that crossed Emily's face.


I could feel the weight of every hair that was cut by Emily in an expert manner. She was humming a tune while she trimmed my long hair that once came to my mid-back.

"All done!" she smiled, waiting for my reaction. I stood up, shaking the hair off, and looked in the mirror.

 I stood up, shaking the hair off, and looked in the mirror

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"Thanks!" I said genuinely. "It looks really good!" she beamed before sweeping up the cut hair. 

"You can get in the shower. I have some more clothes that should fit you," she said kindly.

"Thank you very much," I said, not used to such kindness. She gave me a gentle smile, gave me a towel, and left. I quickly stripped down and stepped in the steaming hot water, a sigh escaping my lips. I could hear the four of them talking downstairs with my new enhanced hearing but couldn't determine their specific words.

I should probably call Billy, Jake, and definitely Charlie. The not-so-small scar that Bella had given me with her glass-throwing endeavor had healed over and turned into a thin pale scar. I scrubbed my new haircut with mint shampoo and conditioner, scrubbing the dirt and grime from the previous five days out. 

When I stopped the shower the mirror was completely fogged up and I drew a smiley face on it like I did when I was a child. I had definitely filled out nicely. I was taller and lithe, my skin didn't have a single blemish on it and my eyes showed brighter than ever. 

I quickly dressed in the white-washed jeans and gray shirt Emily had left. I brushed my hair and flounced down the stairs into the living room.

"Could I call Billy?" I asked. Emily leaped up and showed me the phone where I dialed his number.

"Hello?" asked Jake.

"Hey Jake," I smiled.

"I thought you died Ro! Dad told me you went on a camping trip with Sam and his cult," he said distastefully. I knew Jared, Paul, and Sam could hear him from the room over and I sighed.

"Not now Jake-"

"What do you mean not now? I haven't heard a word from you in five days Ro!"

"Jacob, can you put Billy on the phone?" I interrupted. He gave me an angry huff and yelled for his dad before the phone was fumbled from one person to another.

"Caroline?" he asked.

"Hey, Billy," 

"How are you?" he asked, sounding concerned.

"I just had the most splendid breakfast ever and I've decided that I'm probably a wimp, but I will never ever go camping," I said, referring to my five days as a wolf outside. I heard boisterous laughter from his side.

"I just wanted to call you and let you know I'm fine. I'll probably see you later," 

"Alright, Caroline. I'll see you later," he said fondly before the line went dead. I hung the phone back up and made my way back to the living room where everyone was looking a bit gloomy. I looked around for their source of sorrow, gently sitting down in the remaining armchair.

"Caroline, you can't be around Jacob anymore," said Sam after a moment.

"What? But he's my best friend," I protested.

"That's an order," he said and I fell silent against my will. "You also cannot tell anyone about the pack or shifting," he ordered, still using his Alpha voice. I stared at him for a moment before nodding.

"Okay," I said, a bit angrily.

"Paul can drop you off at your house," said Sam as everyone stood up. I thanked Emily again for the clothing and food and followed Jared into his truck. Most of the ride was silent except for the radio turned low.

"I'll definitely see you soon," said Paul, his mouth quirking up in one corner. I waved and watched as he drove away. I opened my front door and my enhanced nose picked up the smell of stale blood, mine, from the 'accident' days ago.

"Dad! I'm home!" I said. He came from the living room a moment later, smiling.

"How was your camping trip Carol?" he asked. Wow, for a cop he was pretty gullible.

"Great!" I chirped. I felt drowsy from my lack of sleep from the last five nights and the full meal I'd had and he picked up on it.

"Well, I'll let you sleep," he chuckled and left to resume his baseball game on the TV. As I made my way up the stairs I heard the creak of Bella's door. I was stronger and faster than her now. If I needed to defend myself, I would.

"Caroline?" whispered a sorrowful voice. My eyes glared a hole in her forehead and she cringed away. "I saw Paul dropped you off. How was your camping trip?" she asked.

"Fine," I said stiffly. "Got another glass tucked away somewhere you gonna throw?" I asked casually.

"I really wasn't thinking. I can't apologize enough," begged Bella.

"You're right. You can't," I said with a rude smile and slammed my door in her face. I was perfectly happy to hold a grudge for now. I flopped on my bed, the borrowed flip-flops falling off my feet as I immediately began snoring.

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