Chapter 53

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~~Bakugo's POV~~

I jumped the last 2 steps before running right up to dunce face "Denki you need to send out an emergency alert to all of 1-A" he stared at in with his mouth wide open while I stood there breathing heavily

"You-you used my first name"

I growled "don't fucking do the right now you need to send out an emergency alert" he nodded and quickly pulled out his phone and soon I felt my phone buzzing

"ok I did now are you going to tell me what's going on"

With tears filling my eyes I looked at him and without thinking he wrapped an arm around me and led me to the couch "MINA" I winced a little at the sudden loudness

"What, what's wrong"

She came running out of somewhere behind me (probably the bathroom) "something's wrong with Bakubro" she pushed since face out of the way and knelt down in front of me "what's wrong sweetie" she was like that mom or big sister of our group so she knew exactly what to say and how to say it but right now it's something I need.

Without saying anything I burst out crying and lead forwards on her so my forehead was on her shoulder and I cried hard while gripping her shirt tightly

~~3rd POV~~

It didn't take long for all of class 1-A to get back to the dorms and as soon as they did all they heard was crying and what surprised them was that it wasn't only Eri but Bakugo to

"What happened"

Momo's motherly instincts kicked into overdrive and she ran right up to Eri and scooped her up as Kirishima went over to Bakugo leaving Tetsutetsu awkwardly standing by the door wanting to leave but the look he saw on his best bros face scared him so he wanted to stay here to give any support he could

"Thank you all for coming as quickly as you could"

Everyone turned their attention to Shinso as he stood in front of the tv "now I know you all are surprised at Katsuki crying like he is but his emotions are being overwhelmed" he looked down as he felt sadness and anger push it's way up but he quickly pushed it aside

"Izuku has been kidnapped from inside the dorms"

Tetsutetsu's eyes widened as he pulled his phone out and made an emergency alert for his class since Izuku is class 1-B's head omega as well

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