Chapter 52

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~~Izuku's POV~~

Once we were done cooking we started to put everything on serving plates but Kaachan pushed me out of the way "wash your hands then go get ready you take the longest out of the 2 of us" I nodded and went to the sink and started to wash my hands off before kissing his cheek and skipping to our room

As I made it to the room I noticed that the door looked like someone tried to pry it open so I pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly called papa but as I dialed his number a clothe was placed over my mouth and nose and the person and pulled me tightly to them as I struggled to get free.

No matter what I did I couldn't get free and the more I breathed in what's on the cloth the more I started to get weak and black dots dances around in my vision and before I knew I slumped in their hold and I passed out

Though the only things I saw before passing out was Uraraka walking up to me but by the look on her face I knew she wasn't there to help me.

~~Bakugo's POV~~

Just as finished putting everything on the serving place I took off my apron and went to wash my hands but before I could I heard heavy footsteps running and usually I don't think much of it because it's usually Kirishima and Denki dicking around but since Kirishima is gone and Denki is busy I peeled out of the kitchen and saw Aizawa running towards mine and Deku's room so I took off running after him.

Once I caught up to him he had his back to me but he was giving off a sour scent and the more he stood there the more it sour "t-teach what's wrong" I saw him flinch a little and the sourness went down a little bit but I knew something was wrong

"Where's Izu"

I was confused at the question "I sent him to take a shower before the mixer party why" he turned around I saw that he was holding Izu's phone so I quickly unlocked the dorm door and durst in


There was no response so I ran to the bathroom to the bathroom to check and when i got in the bathroom I didn't see anything so I slid my hand along the shower wall to see if there was any water

"Dry, he didn't get a chance to take a shower"

I started to feel angry, sadness and desperation for my mate to be back in my arms "what does this mean" I looked at Aizawa and saw that he was in a trance so I went up to him and shook him "SHOUTA" he quickly snapped out of it

"Gather all of 1-A while I inform the teachers"

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