Chapter 47

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~~Izuku's POV~~

I ran to the door and flung it open and ran towards the explosion and it lead me to the boys bathroom/shower room where I heard yelling and of course I heard Kaachan's yelling over powering the others so I took a deep breath in and walked into the bathroom.

"I said that it was mine"

I heard growling and luckily it didn't affect me (which I'm thankful for) but as soon I walked in the bathroom I heard nothing but yelling and loud talking from almost all the guys in the dorm except for Tokoyami, Shinso and me.

"No Bakugo it's mine"

I looked at Iida as he argued back with Bakugo -well since our up right class President is in on this I guess it's me that braking this up- I took a deep and loudly cleared my throat and just as I figured it not no one's attention so I clapped my hands to get their attention and of course no one stopped.

At this point I'm getting frustrated so I walked out of the bathroom and to the kitchen to get a paper bag then went back to the bathroom and blew it up so I could loudly pop it.

Which made everyone stop talking and yelling and look at me "about freaking time" I threw the paper bag away and looked at them with my hands on my hips

"What in the hell is going on here"

They all looked at each other then started all stared to talk at once again "ok ok one at a time, babe what happened" he stared at me and started to growl

"we all used the same toothbrush thinking it our own ones"

I stared at him then everyone else and started to laugh "glad you find this hilarious" I smiled at him "oh come on baby you expect me not to laugh at something like this" I saw his eye twitching

"What the hell is going on in her"

I turned around to see papa standing there rubbing his eyes "all of them used the same toothbrush" he stared at me then at them "I'm to tired to deal with this" he then walked out of the bathroom which of course made another fight brake out

-papa you were supposed to help-

With a sigh and a deep breath I stepped in to break apart the fight but of course that got me punched in the face

~~time skip~~

"Midobro I'm so sorry"

Kaachan clicked his tongue as he handed me a ice pack "you should be sorry you punched the shit out of my mate" with a small smile I grabbed the ice pack and put it on my cheek where I can already feel a bruise forming

"No Kirishima it's ok I knew I would get hurt if I stepped in but I had to"

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