Chapter 26: Beautiful Selena

Start from the beginning

Everything about her pulls you in like a magnet. Her charm, her beauty, her humor, the way she carries herself, her personality... it's all so alluring. She also has a heart of gold, so he doesn't blame Johnny for missing her kindness. "And we hung out when she moved back, we were getting along. We even kissed so I thought I still had a chance," Johnny adds. Daniel's head snaps to him when he mentions the kissing part. "What? Wait a minute, you kissed??" he asks in disbelief. Johnny blinks, gazing at him blankly. "Yeah. She never told you?" he responds. Daniel gapes at him with furrowed eyebrows. "No. I mean, I knew you hung out but she never mentioned any kissing! When was this?" he yaks.

Johnny takes another swig of beer. "Like two months before school started. She had just gotten back," he nonchalantly answers. Daniel lets the information sink in. So it was before we met. Okay, that makes sense. Why did she never tell me this though? He ponders. Johnny gazes at the dark-haired man's face as he's lost in thought. "She really never mentioned it?" he asks. Daniel shakes his head. "No, not even once," he confirms, taking a long sip of his drink.

Johnny suddenly chuckles. "Yeah, I wouldn't have told you either if I was her. She probably didn't want you to feel threatened," he teases, laughing. Daniel rolls his eyes and gives him a pointed look. "Yeah, okay, laugh it up, Johnny." The blonde continues to laugh while Daniel rolls his eyes again. He turns his head toward the bartender and calls out, "another round!" I need to ask Rosalía about this later.


Miguel was doing fine until he got drunker and drunker. Selena tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen, he just kept chugging beer like it was water. Now he's just a moody mess, switching between flirty and upset. Selena was talking to a few other people before making her way back to the boy. As she nears, she catches him downing another bottle. "Another one?" she questions as he belches. "Okay, you should probably slow down-" she commences before Miguel interrupts her. "Selena!" he announces, raising his arms. He steps closer to her with a drunken smile on his face as he utters, "my beautiful, beautiful Selena."

That would've been so much cuter if he was sober, the girl thinks. "Your hair looks really pretty like this," he compliments, running a strand of her hair through his fingers. He's been either complimenting her or moping about Sam the entire time. "Miguel, you've had enough. Ya estás bolo [you're already drunk]-" Selena tries to speak again before the boy cuts her off. "Mee-gel," he repeats, lazily smiling. "I love how you say my name. Mee-gel. Or when you say it in Spanish," he chuckles before dropping his empty bottle on the ground and heading to the cooler. Selena pronounces it in Spanish when she's speaking Spanish to him but uses a combination of that and her American accent when speaking English.

Miguel loves it so much but never had the courage to say anything until now thanks to the alcohol in his system. The girl follows him. "Miguel, I'm serious," she voices as he reaches down and opens the cooler. Demetri is standing nearby and speaks up when he sees the boy open it. "Oh, they're all out of Mr. Pibbs. I got the last one," he claims. Miguel glares at him and roughly closes the cooler before sauntering off. Selena remains in place and sighs, shaking her head. "He's wasted," she remarks to Demetri, who nods. They hear a voice calling for Moon, so they turn in the direction it came from. They spot her and Hawk making out on a log. Moon pulls away and gets up to go with whoever called her.

"Looks like the mohawk's doing wonders for him," Selena comments, chuckling. Bewilderment takes over Demetri's features as he stares at his buddy on the log. "Yeah, I don't get it," he responds. The girl shrugs. "It's all about confidence, I guess. The new hair helped boost his confidence and people noticed," she opines. She glances at Demetri, who still looks confused. She sends him a small grin before walking away to converse with other people. As she's chatting, she suddenly hears a high-pitched shriek and whips around. Her jaw drops when she sees Aisha dangling Yasmine up by her panties. "No mercy, bitch!" she yells, shoving her to the ground.

Everyone laughs and Selena's hand flies to her mouth. All she can think about is how much that must've hurt. She deserved it though, for all the humiliation she put Aisha through. She watches Yasmine scurry away and lightly chuckles, hoping the experience humbles her. She goes back to her conversation, occasionally turning around to glance at Miguel, making sure he's not passed out or something. She sighs disappointedly when she sees him take another swig of beer. If only I knew how to get him to stop, she thinks. She sees him look up, glaring daggers at something in the distance so she follows his line of vision.

Sam and Robby are coming down the hill hand-in-hand. Oh, no, he's not gonna like that, Selena thinks. She approaches the two and pipes up, "Hey, prima [cousin]! Hey, Robby!" They glance at her, their smiles widening when they notice her. "Hey," they both respond. Selena's a bit confused as to why they're arriving together since they're not friends... until now, apparently. "What happened to you? You didn't reply to me all day," she addresses her cousin. "Ugh, my mom found out about the hit-and-run thing so I'm grounded. She took my phone," she explains. I knew it, Selena thinks. "Robby helped me sneak out," the blue-eyed girl adds, proceeding to depict how he helped her.

Suddenly, Miguel stumbles over to the trio, angry about seeing Robby with both girls. "He-he-hey!" he furiously voices. "Hey!" Sam cheerily greets him. Shit's about to go down, Selena thinks as she eyes the boy nervously. "Who's this guy?" he accusingly asks, even though he knows about him through Selena. He wants to see if Sam will tell him the same thing. "Hey, I..." Sam trails off, baffled by his behavior. "Wait, this... this is your boyfriend?" Robby asks her, recognizing the boy. "Yeah. Miguel, relax. This is Robby, he works for my uncle," Sam answers Robby before addressing her boyfriend. Miguel raises his eyebrows as he spits, "oh, with your uncle? Okay, that makes a lot of sense."

He frowns at the two. "Miguel, stop," Selena warns but he ignores her. "What is that supposed to mean? Wait, have you been drinking?" Sam asks, stepping closer to examine his face. "Yes! He has, so just ignore him. Everything's fine, he'll just walk it off," Selena chimes in, waving her hand dismissively as she talks and pushes Miguel back. She tries to push him in the opposite direction but he slips out of her grasp and goes back to the pair. "No, no, no," he chuckles. "You don't get to turn this on me. I texted and called you all day and you couldn't answer me back once??" he snaps.

"No, I literally couldn't. My mom took my phone!"

"Oh! Oh! That's so convenient!" Miguel talks over Sam as she tries to explain herself. "Miguel, she's telling the truth, stop acting like that," Selena jumps in, raising her voice. His behavior is worsening by the second. "Hey, hey, hey, man, just tell-" Robby tries to speak when Miguel suddenly shoves him harshly. "You get out of here!" he shouts. Robby falls to the ground and Sam shrieks, "Miguel, stop it!" Selena steps in front of the boy with a serious glare. "Hey, that's enough!" she powerfully states. Miguel doesn't listen, however, as pure rage courses through his veins. Robby scrambles to his feet and challenges, "Hey, man, you wanna try that again??" Miguel shoves Selena to the side and fires back, "try it again, huh?" Rude, the girl thinks.



The cousins simultaneously speak. Sam happens to be standing in the middle so she lifts her arms to keep the boys away from each other while Selena goes to get in between them at the same time. Without even considering that Sam is right there, Miguel extends his arm to punch Robby, hitting Sam with his bicep in the process and causing her to collapse. Selena's jaw drops when she witnesses this. If she had been a nanosecond faster, she would've been in the same boat. "Sam!" she calls as she and the boys rush to help her up. "Sam, look, I'm sorry," Miguel apologizes.

"God, you asshole!"

"Sorry?? Le pegaste, cerrote! [You hit her, asshole!]."

Both girls shout at the same time as Sam stands up, snatching her arm away from Miguel. "What the hell was that...?! My uncle was right about Cobra Kai. Good luck at the tournament. I won't be there," Sam furiously claims before storming off. "Sam..." Miguel calls, groaning. Robby glares at him before following the girl and calling her name. Miguel stares after them with the same angry expression before turning to Selena. His face softens when he looks at her cold one.

"Sel..." he trails off. The girl scoffs and storms away after her cousin and Robby. "Wait, no, Sel!" Miguel voices again. Selena sharply spins around to face him. "Nah, I'm leaving, that was pure bullshit. If you weren't trying to start something over nothing, this wouldn't have happened so goodbye, I'm gone," she strictly voices, waving her hand at the end and walking away to her car. Miguel exasperatedly throws his hands up as he watches her leave. Great, now they're both mad at me, he thinks.

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