I don't know Brie.
I don't want to ruin what we have

please listen to my wise words
nothing will ruin what we have you silly goose

I'll only take the opportunity if you're okay with it
I love you Brie

take it!!!!!!!!!
take it up da bum

I can't with you right now

I smiled at my phone, putting it back down, hoping he'll take the opportunity. I think it's a brilliant idea but only if he wanted it. I've never seen Scar being cold or anything...it'll be interesting seeing people's reactions to their Don...

My phone, once again, got another message. But this time it was the sibling cult.

Fat juicy slutty sibling cult

Demon👺: Scar just became Don

Marco Polo👨‍🦲: I know

Coco🤡: why the fuck does it smell like shit in here

Ham🦧: sorry I had diarrhea

Me: i told you not to eat those burritos

Ham🦧: now is NOT the right time Brie
Ham🦧: I'm shitting my life away😭

Demon👺: Stfu Beck.
Demon👺: Brie did you know about Scar?

Me: yup

Demon👺: And you didn't tell us?

Me: calm your titties my dude
Me:  he literally texted me five minutes before you

Demon👺: And you think this is a good idea?

Marco Polo👨‍🦲: Oh shut up Damon
Marco Polo👨‍🦲: He'll be able to protect her even more

Coco🤡: Beck I swear I will shove your diarrhea in your face

Lazy Leo🐒: Jesus Beck, that's bad

Beckham🦧: is there no sympathy for me?!

Me: you have my sympathy 🫂
Me: since i can't smell it

Ham🦧: thank you my dear sister


Ham🦧: then don't leave them in the fridge?



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