Chapter 1

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3rd person.

Whitehouse, Oval office, time unknown

Sitting in the oval office was JFK, or Jerry f Kennedy, doing his paperwork as the president of the Yankees and doodles, he was a descendant of the first JFK, John f Kennedy, so he was popular among the people.

"Hmm, it looks like we can supply ourselves pretty good here at the moment, Agriculture has risen as everybody volunteered to work in the public farms we set up, and protest has gone down, Racism has drastically Lowered to 20 - 5% in these drastic times so that's good, so all that's left is to set up trade." Jerry was a little worried the economy will fall, as electronics hasn't been sold ever since the transportation, which will lead to the collapse of the united states.

So he has given the current Ambassador, Ambassador Gary, to make diplomatic relations with nearby nations, the CIA has studied the area and concluded the name of the nation were gonna contact first was Carniua of the CARNIS imperium, congress was hesitant but agreed later on.

Naval base san diego, Unknown time.

Admiral Tarry was waiting in the USS-Ronald Raegan for Ambassador Gary alongside his escorts, USS-Barry, USS-Curtis Wilbur, USS-Leyte Gulf, and finally USS-Jimmy carter, Admiral Tarry was growing impatient until a Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk, carrying the Ambassador passed by him and beginning to descend to the carrier, Tarry quickly got up from his chair and went to greet the ambassador

The Seahawks doors has now opened revealing the Ambassador in a nice suit,

"Greetings Ambassador Gary, Nice to meet you in person!" Tarry Introduced himself to the Ambassador while shaking there hands, "Nice to meet you to Admiral Tarry, seems you earned yourself a title during Operation Dragonsky" Ambassador said shaking Tarrys hand and also reffering to Operation Dragonsky or the invasion of china

Skip this part if you want

What ended World war 3 was Operation Dragon sky, after the united states successfully intercepted 5 ICBMs Sent from china, NATO Started Operation Dragonsky, or the Invasion of China, the Operation went successful, china surrendered once NATO forces reached Beijing and freed both Taiwan and Tibet, China agreed to Demilitarize their force and rename it into "Self defense force" China had no choice to surrender as the casualties were in the 10s of millions during air raids and the NATO forces sweeping through weakened china after 2 20 Megaton Thermonuclear warheads successfully hitting Guanzhou and Shenzen, were the casualties reached 40 million as Guanzhou was hit with the civilian populous has not evacuated yet, killing 19 million, for Shenzen only around 7 - 15 million were estimated to be killed, the Casualties in the american side was impressively low, no nuclear strikes has even reached america, so the casualtys only reached around a estimated 6 million as America Began drafting Citizens.

"Thanks for the praise Ambassador, anyway pls walk this way to your VIP room, as we will arrive in 30 hours" Tarry began escorting the Ambassador to the VIP room, when Tarry left the VIP room, Gary relaxed in the King size bed as it was 4 PM, with exclusive signal, he got the remote and began watching some neftlix, AVATAR the last air bender, he was in season 2.

tho before he played AVATAR, he sighed layed down in the bed, "Gosh, how am I supposed to handle a world were nations could be really aggresive? probably even more aggressive then china during the war? ugh ill think about this stuff tomorrow, imma watch some Avatar" he Grabs the remote and begins watching Avatar the last airbender season 2 episode 3 enjoying the show

Carnis imperium, Port Clahad.

In the port, Admiral Antonio was in port Clahad, resting in a rocking chair while smoking a imported cigar from the 3rd world continent, Imperial Voland, the closest super power to Carniua.

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