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"Taehyun, look." Beomgyu pointed over at a kitten on a tree. "That's you."

"How is that me?" Taehyun questioned, staring at the kitten who was also staring back at him.

"You look like a cat, act like a cat, and is just savage like a cat." Beomgyu stated.

Taehyun hummed in agreement. He looked around the park until he spotted a bear cub climbing up the tree next to the kitten. It seemed to like the kitten.

"The bear is you." Taehyun said.


"You're just as cute and clingy as the bear. Berries of any sort are your favorite fruit which is also a bear's favorite fruit. Your hair is fluffy and that bear is fluffy. Hmm, you also like cats just like that bear right now." He explained.

"Observation skills, I see." Beomgyu nudged Taehyun's side then wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

The bear cub and the kitten were looking at each other. The bear cub then made a move on hugging the kitten, which the kitten replied with scratching and hissing. It soon calmed down and just let the bear do it's thing.

"That was cute." Taehyun and Beomgyu say at the same time. They smiled at each other and continue on their path.

Right now, they were on their way to Beomgyu's step parents' house. It would've been better if they took a car there, but Taehyun wanted to enjoy the fresh air as they went.

"Watch out, Tae!" Beomgyu exclaimed as he saw a ball flying at them. With that, Taehyun ducked to the ground, as well did Beomgyu.

"Phew, that was a close one." Beomgyu nodded. The two look over at where the ball came from.

"Ah! Sun!" Beomgyu said to the young boy in front of them.

The brown haired boy shyly looked up from his feet and waved.

"Sun?" Taehyun questioned as they were walking closer to the other.

"Yeah! Yoosung, my younger step brother." Beomgyu stated. "We're aren't close to home yet, so what are you doing out here?" He asked.

"U-uhm.. mom told me to adventure a little so I went to go look for you.. but then I got lost.." Yoosung said, so quietly the other two could barely hear. Gladly they did.

The shy little boy got a bit weary at the sight of Taehyun, but since he was with Beomgyu he felt a bit reassured.

"Come on then, let's go back home together, alright?" Beomgyu held his hand out for the younger. Yoosung smiled then nodded, taking Beomgyu's hand.

Taehyun took Beomgyu's other hand and they all walked to the huge mansion all together.

"Woah, I your house is smaller than I expected." Taehyun stated.

"Smaller? How big did you think it was?" Beomgyu raised a brow.

His house was big, so bigger would look weird in his neighborhood.

"Ah, never mind that." Taehyun just shook it off and they entered the 5 story house with fountains on either side of the doorway and bush fences with a gray brick wall around the perimeter plus a gate that keeps people out.

Beomgyu pressed a button which showed a scanner. It scanned Beomgyu and opened the gate on it's own. They all then walked in.

Taehyun was still mesmerized by the gate that he didn't even notice he was already in Beomgyu's room.

Yoosung had gone off into his own room as Beomgyu showed Taehyun the way to his own.

"This is my room. It's too clean at the moment since I haven't been here but uh if I did stay here you'd see about ten books stacked on top of each other.. eheh." Beomgyu chuckled at himself as he recalled reading until he had to stop.

"Your room is pretty, just like your dorm room." Taehyun commented. And he was right.

The room looked almost exactly like his dorm room, except it was bigger and had a lot more kpop things than he should. It practically covered all his walls and shelves, along with his desk.

He had 2 mood lamps in each corner of his room and led lights with nature like vines hanging from his ceiling.

Not to mention all the books he had on his book shelf. Stuffed animals were on his bed, enough to cover the headboard. His vanity was pure gray.

Now mentioning color, Beomgyu's room was an aesthetic of black, white, gray, green, blue, and yellow. Everything was mostly black like his bed and walls. The gray were colors of his desk and vanity. The green came from his vines dangling from the ceiling and vines wrapped on his bed and window. Blue was the color of his carpet floor and pretty star lights he also had dangling from the ceiling. And finally, white was the color of his fluffy carpet, just like the one in his dorm. Except, it is no longer there since the carpet is the same one he took for his dorm.

"Wanna play video games on my pc?" Beomgyu asked, pointing at his desk with his gaming set on it. Three high quality monitors and a white keyboard and mouse. His gaming chair was also white. Though, his gaming desk was actually black.

"Mm, yeah sure. What do you usually play on there?" Taehyun asked.

Beomgyu shyly answered, "Genshin Impact." He then started up his pc and let Taehyun sit. Before he could turn to sit on his bed, he pulled him onto his lap, making him flustered.

"Watch me play." Taehyun said. Beomgyu nods. He downloaded Valorant on the pc because Valorant is amazing and he signed into his account.

Beomgyu watched as the game loaded. Being the new Valorant player he is, he was amazed at the sight of Taehyun's chosen character, Raze. His gameplay was just as amazing as he one shot everyone with the flick of the mouse and his explosives destroyed everyone.

"Woah." Beomgyu said.

"Woah indeed." Taehyun repeated and giggled.

They then finish up that game and go down the stairs together to meet with Beomgyu's stepmom.

They just had a small talk with each other and then ate dinner together. Beomgyu suggested on going back to the dorms since they had class tomorrow, but Taehyun wanted to stay here because he was too tired to go back.

It was 5pm.

They ended up staying anyways since Beomgyu was also tired and decided to take a nap.

"Hey, Taehyun." Beomgyu's stepmom said as Beomgyu was napping. "You should take this money here and use it to buy anything you want. Could be for my son and could be for you. Whatever you want." She said, giving him 3000$.

Taehyun's eyes widened at the sight of how much money it was, but nodded nonetheless.

He then went off to buy some cute things for his boyfriend and a couple necessities for himself.


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