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"Taeeeehyuuuunnnieeeee! It's literally almost time for class and you didn't tell me!" Beomgyu exclaimed.

"Sorry Beomie, but two minutes is enough time." Taehyun said.

"No it's not. We're on the opposite end of this place from our class, no way we're gonna make it." Beomgyu retorted.

"Watch me." Taehyun suddenly picks Beomgyu up bridal style and went speed to the other side of the school in just 30 seconds.

"What the fuck-" Beomgyu said after catching his breath. He was screaming his lungs out when Taehyun ran.

"Oo, you cussed. Anyways we're here and not late!" Taehyun stated, he then walked inside the classroom, everyone staring at the two as Beomgyu is still in his arms.

"You can put me down now.." Beomgyu whispered, which Taehyun complied.

The room then went back to what they were doing, except Beomgyu can see past that.

People were talking about him, and maybe Taehyun.

"I thought Beomgyu had a boyfriend?"

"Why is that short dude carrying Beomgyu?"

"Is Beomgyu cheating on Kwanjun?"

"Taehyun looks good with Beomgyu, ship."

"Quiet you, Beomgyu was listening and now he's embarrassed."

That was true. Beomgyu, at the moment, was choking on air as he heard the word 'ship' come out of someone's mouth.

"Anyways-" Beomgyu grabbed Taehyun's hand and they both went to the table of emptiness and sat there together.

The teacher then came, so on with the lesson.

In the middle of class, Beomgyu started getting bored as he realized learning music notes that he has already learned is quite boring. Learning what you already learned is boring in general, actually.

"Taehyun.." Beomgyu whispered, turning his eyes towards the other. He soon stopped his talking as he saw the other was asleep.

Beomgyu smiled at him and admired his face a bit. Taehyun started shuffling around from the feeling of Beomgyu watching him, so he turned to look back at the blackboard of random music notes.

"Beomie." Taehyun whispered, making Beomgyu turn his head back again.

"Mhm?" Beomgyu replied, quietly.

"Can we skip class?"

Beomgyu blinked twice before nodding. "But how?" He asked.

"Watch." Taehyun raised his hand.

"Yes, Taehyun?" The teacher asked.

"Beomgyu feels sick, can I take him to the nurse?" Taehyun asked, nudging Beomgyu's side to make a painful look on his face.

Beomgyu did exactly that as the nudge on his side hurt a lot.

"Is that so? Alright, you two may leave. I'll get you two a hall pass." The teacher then wrote them a hall pass.

"Oh man, hall passes. It's like high school, who would've thought." Beomgyu whispered.

Taehyun rolled his eyes with a giggle. "I have some place to show you later."

"Do what you need to then." Beomgyu then stood up from his chair, 'limping'. Taehyun picked him up again, this time on his back.

"Oh, he looks terrible.. Taehyun please take good care of your friend, alright?"

"Yes Mr. Song." Taehyun bowed to their teacher as he gave them the hall pass.

They then walked out without getting in trouble.

"Mission accomplished." Taehyun smirked, putting Beomgyu down once they were at least 2 hallways away.

"God, that was terrifying. So what did you want to show me?" Beomgyu asked.

"Follow me~" Taehyun grabbed Beomgyu's hand and ran towards the exit.

One of the office ladies that were also guarding the front door tried stopping them, but they were too fast for her.

It takes ten minutes to walk to where Taehyun wanted to go, but he speed so it took 3 and once again, with Beomgyu in his arms.

"Are you kitten me? Kitty café. THAT'S KITTENLY ADORABLE!" Beomgyu shouted, ready to jump out of Taehyun's arms and rush in, but Taehyun did the honors of opening the door open and continuing to hold Beomgyu.

He only placed him down when they were met with a booth of many kittens.

"Oh my god, kitties!!" Beomgyu squealed, already petting them.

Taehyun tried too, but got hissed and scratched at. "Bruh, they're so mean to me.."

"Cause you're no kitty king." Beomgyu stated, continuing to pet them.

"Hello." Someone said from behind. "Do you guys want to order anything?"

"Not now, but thank you Ms." Taehyun said to the waitress.

"Oh! But I'd like anything strawberry flavored!" Beomgyu said, rubbing a kitten's head with his cheek.

"Ok, I'll go get you a strawberry milkshake if that's ok with you." The waitress said.

"Sure!" Beomgyu replies, now nose kissing the kitten.

The waitress then left to get the drink.

"These kitties are so cute~" Beomgyu said with a big smile on his face.

"You look cuter then them." Taehyun whispered, smiling at the other instead. "You're like a puppy, Beomie."

"A puppy? Hmm.. well you're like a kitty. A very sassy one." Beomgyu stated. "And.. c-cute."

Taehyun smiled. "You're an extremely cute puppy." Taehyun then did a thing and pet the Beomgyu.

The waitress came back with a cute sight. "You two are a really cute couple." She said.

The two then blush. "We're not d-dating Ms." Beomgyu stuttered.

"Oh my, I'm sorry for assuming then." She then gave Beomgyu the drink and left with a smile on her face.

"Why does everyone keep thinking we're dating?" Beomgyu questioned, his cheeks rosy pink with a pout on his face.

"I mean, we could if you broke up with your 'boyfriend'." Taehyun stated.

"Eh- maybe—" Beomgyu squeaked.

Taehyun giggled and pet the Beomgyu once again. "Yeah, maybe."

The drink that Beomgyu supposedly ordered was soon forgotten as the two had gone into their own world of staring at each other lovingly as everyone around them looked at the two with amusement.

"I want to break up with him."

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