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"Yo~ Beomie~" Taehyun said, jumping on the other's back.

"Taehyunie!" Beomgyu excitedly said, hugging Taehyun's arm as it wrapped around his neck.

"Guess what today is." Taehyun started, holding his phone out.

Looking at the date, Beomgyu's eyes widened. "Oh god, already? It's the first day of actual college. We should be going!"

"Yeah, it is. But no need to rush. I have your schedule and it says your first class starts at one. It's only nine right now."

"Oh? When's yours then?" Beomgyu asked.

"Same time as yours. We sort of took the same course." Taehyun giggled, showing Beomgyu his schedule.

"Hmm.. alrighty then! Can we go see Soobinie, Yeonjunie, and Hyuka while we're at it?"

"Sure, I still need to punch Huening in the face anyways." Taehyun then grabbed his bag. Beomgyu did the same.

"Don't punch him too hard, ok?"

"Fineee." The two then leave their dorm and head over to Yeonjun's dorm. Room #4.

With one light knock on the door, Yeonjun opened it right away. "Hey guys, need anything?" He asked.

"Yep. We're gonna hang out for a bit til class starts. When does yours start?" Taehyun asked.

"I got class at noon. Pretty sure Soobin's in class right now, along with Huening since they're roommates."

"Oh. Roommates have the same class time?" Beomgyu questioned.

Yeonjun nods. "Yeah, you didn't know that? Don't you and Taehyun have the same schedule?"

"Roommates have the same schedule?" Taehyun questioned this time.

The two recheck their schedule throughly this time as last time they only checked their first hour. Same courses, same classes. The course they're taking is music.

"Ohh, no wonder Kwanjun's dad didn't let us change his dorm doom. Phew, and here I thought he did it on purpose or something." Beomgyu stated.

The two others just stayed quiet. "Oh would you look at the time, I should be getting ready by now. See ya!" Yeonjun slammed the door on their faces.

"Rude?" Taehyun said. He then turned to walk away, Beomgyu following.

"Should we go get breakfast?" Beomgyu asked.

"Yeah sure, can't really learn on an empty stomach after all." Taehyun replied. They went outside and on Taehyun's motorcycle, going to a nearby café within school territory.

They ate a simple breakfast of eggs, sausages, and toast. They talked for a while as they ate, telling a few jokes or retelling things that happened in the past.

That is until they overheard someone say something that they really couldn't ignore.

"Oh my god, get off of each other. So disgusting." The voice said from behind Beomgyu.

Looking back, Taehyun and Beomgyu gave a look at the other in disgust.

A young woman with very bright yellow gold blonde hair that is probably not supposed to turn out like that who looked to be in her thirties and literally had the word bitch all over her was tormenting these high school boys in school uniforms. It looked like they were having a hugging session until that woman showed up.

"What are you, animals? Stay at least three feet away from each other and stop being so clingy in a public area! People are trying to not see this shit here!" The woman continues.

Taehyun stepped in, pushing the woman aside and blocking her view of the two boys. "What do you think you're doing, ma'am?" He questioned her.

"Ugh, how dare you push me! I am doing what is right here!" The woman retorted. "I can't believe such a handsome young man like you would defend gay men."

The people who were once talking and minding their own business suddenly silenced themselves as they heard what the woman said.

Beomgyu had enough this time. He stood up and walked up to her and looked straight into her eyes. "Oh! Gays! So disgusting! No! Don't fucking say shit like that around here. It's 2021! Get a fucking life! No one around here cares what you think and literally just fuck off!" He then turned away from her, rolling his eyes a lil, and walked back to his seat.

The woman stared at Beomgyu for a good 30 seconds, no words able to form out of her mouth when she opened and closed it. Scoffing, she knocked a few things from the two high school boys' table before storming out of the café.

Taehyun sighed in relief. "Are you two ok?" He asked the boys.

They looked shaken up a bit, but luckily no one got hurt.

"Yeah, we're fine. We've dealt with this plenty of times already.." one of the boys said.

"How did she even get in? This is school territory, no one is allowed in here besides people from out college and that high school near the gates that keep out bad people." Beomgyu questioned, his eyes up at the ceiling.

"We're not too sure. She probably snuck in to get the discount from the café. You know? Since we're all.. broke high school students?"

"Count me in as a broke college student." Taehyun added to the boy's comment.

"Uhm..." Beomgyu started, as he saw how the others looked at him. "Well, actually I'm not.. broke."

"Do you work?" Taehyun asked.

"Uh, no. But my dad keeps sending me money every Saturday. I don't even spend money on anything besides food." Beomgyu stated.

"..money to the poor?" Taehyun raised his palms out like a homeless person would when begging for money..

"Ah, Taehyunie! Do you really only need me for the money? How cruel.."

"No no! I didn't mean it that way~ I'm sorry Beomie! Please~ I was just kidding." Taehyun whined a bit as Beomgyu put on the most angriest face he could, facing away from the other as he walked away.

The two boys just laughed at their little 'fight' before paying for their food that they didn't actually end up eating and left the Café.

Taehyun and Beomgyu left a tad minute earlier, but what they didn't realize was the amount of money Beomgyu slipped into both of their bags with a little note that said 'from the rich college student at the café, Beomgyu Hyung..! :)'.

"Are you kitten me?"

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