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It's the first day of college, the day summer vacation was over. New dorms were to be assigned as was the classes and scholars.

Beomgyu had graduated high school and is now ready for his college life in this university that was bigger than his old school, which was pretty big before.

Looking around, everyone had that look on their faces, the look of happiness, hatred, and excitement all at once. The type of feeling you feel when you're at school.

Sometimes things get exciting, sometimes things get rough, and most of the times you just really really miss your friends and are happy to see them again.

Choi Beomgyu was different though. He didn't hate school, but he didn't like it either. To him, school is just neutral.

He's known as the 'star boy' of the school. Everyone called him that for his grades, looks, skills, and popularity.

But he hated it. He hated being the center of attention. Beomgyu, in fact, is a very shy and awkward boy. All the attention is giving him stress and anxiety.

Not to mention, his popularity grew a whole lot more when he became the boyfriend of the popular kid in school, and to be honest, he didn't actually like him.

One day the popular kid in school just came up to him and confessed. He was handsome and all, just not Beomgyu's type. But Beomgyu couldn't say no, so he gave him a chance.

Yeah, there are some homophobes out there, but they didn't care as long as it's Beomgyu.

Sucks that they stopped being a 'big fan' of the popular kid. Lee Kwanjun. And to be honest, he's only popular because he has money and his dad's the principal of the school.

His personality and actions were as bitchy as his face. No one actually liked him for him. They only cared about the money, but isn't that what everyone thinks?

Money is practically the source of life. Without it, you'd be nothing. Just stranded out on this filthy earth with nothing but your tired and weak self.

Enough of this, let's continue the story..


"Beom-ah~" Kwanjun playfully said as he popped up behind the brown haired boy with a smile on his face. "Let's go, shall we?"

"Oh! Ok!" Beomgyu exclaimed, jumping slightly from being surprised. The two then set off towards the dormitory together.

The people around them cooed at the couple, happy for them.

Now at the dormitory, Beomgyu and Kwanjun head over to the list of dorms, hoping they'd get the same room.

"Aw.. we have different dorm rooms.." Kwanjun whined as he saw two different room numbers next to their name. "Next time, I guess."

"I thought your dad could change the room number?" Beomgyu questioned, looking up at his boyfriend. 'He kinda sus.'

"I asked, yeah. I guess he just didn't listen." He shrugged. "Come on, I'll take you to your room." Kwanjun then walked off.

Beomgyu sighed in relief before following the taller from behind.

He then suddenly heard murmurs, side eyeing towards the sound to meet a few girls whispering something while facing him.

He gulped before catching up to Kwanjun. "Hey.. I don't mean to ask but.. are you sure your dad can't do anything about the dorms?"

"Beomgyu. Obviously not. Now stay behind me." Kwanjun sighed, rolling his eyes before walking off again.

Beomgyu frowned and nodded, following him.

They made it to Beomgyu's dorm room, Room #8. It was near Kwanjun's room, Room #20.

"Alright, in you go. Now give me a hug before you leave." Kwanjun whispered, smirking a bit.

Beomgyu put on a fake smile and nodded hesitantly before hugging him. From behind, he could feel Kwanjun touching his plump ass and his neck getting attacked with his lips.

He loved hugs. Just, not ones from Kwanjun.

He pulled away after Kwanjun managed to put a dark purple mark on his neck. He bowed at him before unlocking his dorm quickly and entering, shutting the door as fast as he opened it.

He sighed in relief once the door closed. 'Time to get unpacking!'

Skipping happily over to the dorm bedrooms, he noticed one door widely opened with nothing but a bed inside as the other was shut tightly. 'Guess someone has already claimed their room.' He thought.

Beomgyu entered the empty room and set all his things on the floor. One by one, he carefully made his room to his liking.

He made the bed with his black bed sheets that he brought, along with the pillows that matched the color of the sheets.

He also brought a few necessities since he can't live without them. A knock on the door was heard and Beomgyu opened it up. Two male worker dudes came in with a desk and a few shelves and drawers. Perfect for his room.

They then left when it was placed inside his room. After shutting the door of the dorm and locking it, Beomgyu went ahead to continue organizing his room.

He pushed the shelves in certain corners of the room, the desk right next to the door, a few plushies on his bed, books inside his bag that he shoved on the shelves, and a ton of BTS posters on his wall of the desk. He also brought kpop albums with him which he also shoved on the shelves.

He then made his way to the closet. It was pretty big for a closet in a dorm room but I guess that's just the luxury of this school.

He placed as much clothes as he could on the hangers and the drawers he brought, he placed folded clothes in there.

Moving onto the bathroom that he had to share with his dorm mate, he placed his electric toothbrush and towel inside. The shower inside was blocked off by a wall and the toilet was in a separate small room. The sink was connected to have two sinks next to each other. That way, they wouldn't have to get mixed up on each other's things.

Well, Beomgyu still had more things to do left in his room. He stepped out of the bathroom, bumping into someone on the way out.

"Are you ok..?"

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