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"Bruh, get up. We really need to go." Taehyun said, trying to pull Beomgyu off the ground with the pile of kittens surrounding him.

"Noooo! They're so cute- please let me stayy! Say I was super sick and had to get back to the dorms or somethingggg!" Beomgyu whined.

Taehyun was too strong for the Beomgyu. He lifted him up and quickly swung him over his shoulder. "We're going."

"Nooo!!!!" They then sadly left the kitty café. "Sigh.. good bye preciously cute creatures..."

"Wow. Beomgyu I'll take you here another day." Taehyun shook his head with a tiny giggle.

Beomgyu pouts and raised his arm to ruffle Taehyun's hair. "You better. Otherwise I'll end up petting you instead."

"That's kinda sus, but ok." Taehyun continues his way to the university.

"Hey Taehyun.. you know about our talk earlier..?" Beomgyu questioned, finally stopping his kicking and back punching Taehyun.

"Mhm, what about that?"

"I'm gonna break up with him.. for you." Beomgyu whispered at the end, Taehyun hearing it of course.

"Oh. I'll help you. I'm not having that guy hurt you again." Taehyun smirked, then lightly slapped Beomgyu's bootay, making him squeal.

"Hey! No touchie unless I say so!" Beomgyu whined.

"Aw, not even if it's supposed to be a surprise?" Taehyun brought Beomgyu down and into his arms rather than shoulder, showing off a pout.

"Ehm.. foine you can. But I swear if you do it that hard again." Beomgyu frowned.

"It wasn't thaaat hard." Taehyun chuckled. "No but seriously, I won't do that again if it makes you feel uncomfortable."

"Wow, you're so- well ok." Beomgyu dugged his face in Taehyun's chest, keeping his face hidden from his embarrassment. "You're so good to me.." he mumbled.

"Anytime. By the way, we're at the entrance. You sure you don't wanna come to class though? We're getting to meet our teacher." Taehyun asked.

"I'll come, only if you're in my classes." Beomgyu stated.

"Mm, that's fun. Because we have all the same classes, remember?" Taehyun said.

"Oh yeah." Beomgyu replied plainly. "Then I wanna go to the dorms." He added.

"Ok and after we rest we go break up with your bully stinkin boyfiend." Taehyun entered the dormitory.

"Pfft, boyfiend. Love that." Beomgyu giggled.


"Oh shit." Taehyun and Beomgyu said at the same time. Before another word came out of that person's mouth, Taehyun opened their dorm's door and slammed it close.

"Wow, your boyfiend came just on time." Taehyun stated. He then set Beomgyu down on the floor. "Stay here, love."

"Oh- oh- ok-" Beomgyu stays put.

Taehyun opened the door once again. "Oh heyy, you're the boyfiend- I mean boyfriend of Beomgyu's correct?"

"Ah, yes I am. May I talk to him?" Kwanjun asked, 'nicely'.

"Hmm, nah. You can talk to me instead." Taehyun gave him his signature smile.

"Oh, uhm.. you know what, I'll just leave." Kwanjun then left them alone.

"Wow Taehyunie, you keep scaring him off." Beomgyu said.

"It's more like I'm blocking his way from getting to you, ya know?" Taehyun closed the door and wrapped an arm around Beomgyu's neck.

"I didn't even get to break up with him because he was being a coward.." Beomgyu pouts.

"Eh, who cares. You have all the time in the world. I just rather have you be quick about this so I can fucking kiss you." Taehyun bluntly states.

"You did not just say that- same yo! Ehehehe.." Beomgyu said very awkwardly.

"You lil shy homo boi, oh my god." Taehyun ruffles his hair and drags them towards the couch, making them fall onto it.

"You a homo boi too." Beomgyu said.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm also Auto-Romantic soo~"

"How in the fuck?!" Beomgyu's eyes widen.

"What? I love myself." Taehyun poked Beomgyu's cheek with his pointer finger.

"That doesn't mean you're Auto-Romantic.." Beomgyu said.

"Yeah, but I could be."

"Are you sure you aren't just confused with your sexuality?"

"Mm.. to he honest. I think I'm Beomsexual."

"Eh? What?"

"Beomsexual. I only love Beomie~"

Beomgyu is now a very homo flustered boi. "J-Just.. let's just watch a movie or something." He said.

"Can we cuddle?"

"But I still have a boyfriend.."

"Friends can cuddle too you know."

"Yeah but-"

"Admit it, you can't handle me since your heart goes boom boom whenever you're near me~"

"I mean- yeah but-"

"Beomie loves me too~ I can't believe it isn't one sided!"

"You already knew that-!"

"Oh wow, I can't wait to court the one and only Gyu Gyu!"

"Jesus, Hyun! Let's just watch a movie, ok?! I really can't handle you, my heart does go boom boom whenever you're close to me and I am in love with you! But for now- calm yourself. Seriously, you can do whatever the fuck you want once I break up with Kwanjun." Beomgyu rants.

Taehyun bursts into a fit of giggles. "Oh my~ You're so cute Beomie~"

"Stahp complementing me!" Beomgyu whines, finally over the limit and hiding his face in his hands.

"Heh, cutiee. Ok I'll be good now. Choose a movie, I'll get the popcorn ready."

"Mmhm, yeah." He then removes his hands and takes the remote control and scrolled through Netflix. He smirked at the sight of horror movies.

Taehyun came back with normal buttered popcorn and a bag of gummy bears. "I got the gummy bears too- is that Nightmare on Elm Street?" He asked nervously.

"Yup! Come on, let's watch." Beomgyu pats the spot on the couch next to him.

Taehyun nods slowly and sat beside him. Now watching the movie, not even two minutes in Taehyun gets scared of something.

(I didn't watch this- :b too scary for me)

Because of this, he clings to Beomgyu for the rest of the movie until the end. "Wow, you're really scared of horror movies."

"I'm scared of a lot of thing in general.."

"Oh I couldn't really tell. You never screamed once." Beomgyu stated.

"It's cause I had gummy bears in my mouth. Heh, but you did many times." Taehyun said.

"Because that's what horror movies are supposed to make you do! It's the fun of it." Beomgyu giggles. "And making fun of the movie too so you don't get scared, but we didn't so that."

"I wish you did though.. look how much popcorn we spilled when flinching.." Taehyun frowned at the spilled popcorn on the carpet floor.

"Eh, we can just vacuum. Anyways I'm tired. Can we sleep now?" Beomgyu asked.

"Yeah sure. I'll clean this up tomorrow." Taehyun placed the popcorn bowl on the table.

The two then head to their own rooms to sleep, thinking of the other in the opposite end of the hallway.

"This is the end."

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