"I'm just curious, what's going on down there? Why hasn't it turned on yet?"

"I'm warning you Angel. If you don't stop I'm going to pretend I don't know you."

"Fine. Anyway I've decided to switch back to chicks for awhile. See if it'll work out better with them now than back in high school."

"Didn't you lose your virginity in high school? To a girl? What was her name?"

"Heather Downs."

"Yes that's her."

"She was captain of the cheer leading squad and the eleventh grade slut. She only went out with me to make her boyfriend jealous."

"I remember. I warned you about her. I told you that she had a boyfriend, that he was the star quarterback , and that he was on steroids. But did you listen?"


"And where did I find you the next day after the night of your first time?"

"Beaten, tied up, and jammed into a gym locker. Forced to look at your smug face."

"What can I say? I told you so."

"Nobody likes hearing that."

"But plenty love saying it."

Angel rolled his eyes and took another smoke.

"You know Al, you and I have the same problem."

"Oh? And what's that? No positive male role model?"

"Well yeah there's that but we share another problem. We both cannot seem to find that right person who was designed just for us. I mean think about it, neither one of us have ever had a really serious relationship. I mean yeah I've had good sex but none of my partners have ever really cared for me. It was all about sex for them."

"Wasn't it all about sex for you?"

"Yes but when you spend eleven years just doing it for sex you find that it gets really boring. I'm not looking for marriage mind you but I am aching for a little tenderness. But the point is we both want somebody but while I am trying too hard, you're not trying at all."

"Whatever gave you the idea that I want somebody?"

"Career Day, ninth grade, you were literally the only boy in the entire school who actually mentioned wanting to get married. You said your career was to be a radio host with a loving wife and children."

"That was ninth grade Angel. I don't want that anymore. Well I mean I still want to be a radio host but no marriage, no kids."

"Yeah right. You always wanted a big happy family. Something to make up for the one your psycho stepdad ruined."

"Beth is enough to make up for all of that."

"Oh yeah? And what happens when she grows up and leaves you to live her own life? You know she can't stay with you forever."

"I know that and when the time for to leave comes, I will be perfectly content living by myself. Human contact is not required for happiness."

"Tell that to the guy who got stranded alone on a deserted island and started talkin to a soccer ball."

"For once can we not talk about relationships? Why is it always relationships with you? Don't you have anything else in your life?"

"Fine. Here's something. You remember my novel? Exploring Different Desires? Well I showed it to my editor and she says that it has potential."

"Your editor? You don't have an editor."

"Yes I do."

Alastor looked at him skeptically.

"Alright I have Molly but she's majors in journalism and she knows this publicist who's looking for new material. If I can get my story to him and he likes it, I'll finally get my novel published. Problem is he's not willing to come down here to see it so I have to go where he is. Which is in New Jersey and I need a plane ticket."


"And I can't afford one."

"I'm not giving you money."

"I wasn't going to ask you for money."

"No but you were thinking about doing it. I know how you work."

"Well maybe I would have asked for a few bills but the truth is I don't need your money. I have a job that pays very well."

"That's great. Where are you working?"

"You know that circus that's opened up here? I now work as their custodian."

"You mean you clean up after the animals?"

"Pretty much." Angel groaned. "Don't judge me, it was the only employment that would take me. Everyone else is suspicious because I have a record."

"Fair enough. So what's it like over there?"

"Not too bad. Just animals and people wearing weird costumes and make up, doing tricks that would mostly cause the average man excruciating pain. But really the only downside is my boss Val. The man is a major dick."

"You say that about a lot of men."

"Well I mean it this time. He's demanding, violent, acts really creepy, and he'll swipe my pay if I'm not careful."

"Carnies." Alastor said. "They're just not right."

"Well actually the other employees are okay. I haven't met all of them yet but they don't really seem as freaky as advertising plays them up to be. Maybe you should see one of their shows sometime."

"Not a good idea. I've just been hired by Rosie Calhoun and she's in competition with that circus."

"Oh yeah. I've met her. Nice lady but I wouldn't dare let her find out I'm working for Val. She might break every bone in my body, tie me up, and use me as shark bait."

"Has she ever done that to anyone before?"

"No but we never did find out what happened to that spy Valentino sent to pose as one of Rosie's waiters."

"Listen Angel I have to get back to Beth. She's been alone all day and hasn't really been able to have any fun yet."

"Okay. See you around Alastor."

"You too."

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