°.•✮☽Bonus Oneshot☾✮•.°

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Yeah, I'm back for more blood! 💉🧛

Anyway, someone requested a Snake!Jay oneshot similar to the universe of Endangered, and since I had no other ideas, you're getting this one! :)

I hope you enjoy it!


She sunk deeper into the water, enjoying every second of it despite the low temperature.

She closed her eyes, taking in the sweet scent of the candle beside her, one chosen by her boyfriend just for her.

As much as Nya loved swimming through the polluted waters of Stiix, she couldn't deny that bathtubs were much better.

Alright, to be fair, her tail couldn't even fit in entirely, leaving it hanging outside of it and reaching towards the floor. Still, she couldn't help but enjoy being in the water once in a while.

A knock on the door interrupted her peace, followed by a thousand more.


Although she loved her boyfriend's voice, she couldn't deny that its arrival wasn't her biggest want at that time.

"Are you asssleep?"

The distinct hiss in his voice made her jump, and she didn't hesitate to speak this time.

"You can come in," she said. "Everything okay?"

He looked at her shamefully, his tail swishing slightly as he walked.

"I was typing this thing for work and I changed," he said, his eyes as sad as a puppy's. He glared at his claws and groaned. "I can't type with these things."

Nya sighed, knowing that that wasn't the first (or last) time it had happened. "When is it due?"


She gave in, putting her hands beneath the water to sit up straight in the tub. "Bring me the laptop."

His face lit up, though his smile was hard to see through his slit mouth. "On it."

She dried her hands off with the towel, and just as she finished, he came in.

Placing the laptop and his notebook at the edge of the bathtub, she was all too familiar with the situation. She started typing immediately.

The room went silent for a few minutes after, the sound of her typing being the only thing audible in the room.

Meanwhile, he occupied himself with either staring at random patterns on the tile wall, or, well, her.

It was very rarely when he would get to see her tail (I mean, it's not like you can take a bath with someone whose tail takes up the entire tub), and the sight didn't fail to impress him each and every time.

Of course, that didn't mean that she wasn't beautiful without the tail. Even after almost a year and a half, he still thought that she was the most beautiful person (er, creature) in the world, unlike him.

Although, she was the one to always reassure him of his worth. She would always try to have fun with the puppy-like behaviour that came with the transformation, fun that she couldn't have with Cole because he was "too serious", as she described it.

Not looking away from the screen, she smirked. "Your tail is wagging."

If it weren't his green scales, he would've turned red. He forced the gears to work in his brain, trying to come back with some sort of witty comeback.

Endangered | Ninjago Jaya AU [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now