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Ha, gotcha! Turns out Jay isn't a merman... So that eliminates that option.

What is he, then, if anything at all? 🤔


Her eyes slowly opened, yet she was met with darkness once again.

At first, she had thought that maybe she had fallen asleep with her face towards the ground; but the surface touching her nose was anything but dirty.

Then, she thought she may had been dreaming. A gentle squeeze around her body proved otherwise.

Wait, what?

She pulled away just slightly, realising her current position at last.

The strange surface was made of fabric (white, to be exact). The squeeze around her had been a pair of arms restraining her to the ground. And finally, her soft blanket had turned out to be a large, blue jacket.

She tilted her head up slightly, the sleeping face in front of her mere centimetres away.

Trying not to squirm, she buried her head back down into his chest, trying to clear her mind.

That was until...

"You're kidding me," she glared at her rumbling stomach. Even if Edna's cream biscuits combined with Ed's lemonade had been more than delicious, her stomach was anything but full.

And worse thing was, she knew the reason.

She looked back up again, staring at his neck hungrily. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"How does Kai do it so easily?" she told herself, pouting.

To be fair, her brother did have an onslaught of women behind his back, especially in his earlier days, but ever since he switched to animal blood packs, he refused to share his secret.

On second thought, his long-distance girlfriend might have been the reason of the switch.

Of course, Nya didn't have time to even think about that. She was in the middle of the woods with no animals or humans around.

Well, there was one human.

Leaving her no other option, she sighed.

"Jay." She poked his face repeatedly until she could get a response. "Jay, wake up."

Slowly, the young man opened his eyes; but upon seeing just how close they were, he jumped back with a yelp.

"Nya, I'm so, so sorry! I should have warned you about that."

"About what?"

He looked down, embarrassed. "About me hugging you, I guess..."

Before she could blush herself, he let out a yawn, rubbing his eyes as he ever-so-slowly descended back to the ground.

"What was it?" he said.

It was her turn to look away. "I'm hungry," she mumbled, though her words almost sounded like a pout.

"Oh." He blinked. "Well, I guess I could find a few wild berries around here. Though I don't know how to tell apart the poisonous ones..."

She coughed discreetly. "No, I..." She coughed louder. "I meant the other way."

Luckily for her, it didn't take long for him to catch on.


"You don't have to do it."

Endangered | Ninjago Jaya AU [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now