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Everyone is writing angst~
And I am feckin' sad~~
I am trying to write some fluff~~~
But the writers won't let me cause they like to see me in pain~~~~

I personally like to sing this in the tune of jingle bells with an added scream at the end.

Vent over, onto the story!


Just how long would these guys be walking for? And to think that it was the middle of the night...

Nevertheless, Nya continued. Although the sun wasn't of danger to her at that moment, something else was starting to bother her.

She was panting more and more frequently by the second, her mouth dry as a desert as she tried to keep it shut.

The sweet thought of water was keeping her sane; but only if you were to ignore the fact that there was no actual water to be found.

Upon exiting the forest at last, she made sure to stay hidden behind the two men. When she looked up, however, her eyes widened.

"Welcome to Ninjago City," the sign read in large, neon letters. The gate to it was wide open, not giving the two men trouble as they passed through.

As for her, however, she was too distracted by the enormous skyscrapers all around her to notice them moving on.

When she turned back, they were walking way ahead of her, Lloyd still in their grasp.

In her hurry to catch up, she tripped.

They spotted her.


She heard the taller one whisper something into the other one's ear. But she wasn't planning on sticking around to hear the rest, that was for sure.

She got up and almost stumbled upon her own feet, making a run for it through the surprisingly empty streets.

Her heartbeat only raised upon hearing heavy footsteps approaching her. Her eyes felt heavy as she kept running, though she was able to small a small opening between the blurry blobs her vision had created.

A tall, half-opened door leading to a block of flats; that was her saviour!

Not bothering to look back, she made a quick turn, practically jumping through the door as she slammed it shut with a kick on the other side.

She spun around for just a moment, seeing the man banging on the door.

Instead of waiting around, she made a run for the elevator, pressing whatever button her finger reached first.

As the door closed and the noise disappeared, she sank into the ground, hugging her knees.

There were too many things to process at that moment, but water was her main focus.

She had to find water.

As the doors opened, she stepped out, her arm latched onto the wall as she looked all around for an open door.

She knocked on one, with no response. She knocked on another, but her ears were only met with a baby's cries.

Nope, definitely not that one.

Slightly embarrassed, she ended up in front of the last one, the one at the very end of the hallway.

Hesitant but desperate, she knocked on the door.

Endangered | Ninjago Jaya AU [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now