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Y'all how did I write 2000 words in two days but when it comes to my original books I can barely write 100 a day? Help 😭


Nya had been through many weird days (well, nights) in the past, but that one had definitely been the weirdest one of them all by a long shot.

Despite not needing to sleep much (she was a night owl and a vampire, after all) she fell asleep within minutes of landing on the boy's bed.

What was his name again? Kay, Mave... Dave? Last night was a complete blur to her for whatever reason. All she remembered was that she had met a kind stranger with an amazing taste in bed sheets.

Speaking of which... she kicked said sheets off the bed, quickly tidying them back up as she realised her sudden gesture.

She rubbed her arm, only for a stinging pain to flood her senses as she finally looked down at the red rash on her skin.

Looking back hesitantly, she squinted at the harsh light coming in through the window.

She hissed slightly, closing the curtains as fast as she could, her breathing only becoming heavier by the second. The interaction had lasted for less than a few seconds, yet she felt as if she had run a marathon.

The door clicked.

"Oh, you're already awake... uh... are you okay?"

She looked behind her to see the boy sporting blue, striped pyjamas and bunny slippers while holding a water bottle in his hands.

Straightening up, she tried to hide her panting and stepped towards him. "Yeah, uh... thanks for letting me stay again..."

"Jay?" he smiled awkwardly.

She returned the gesture as she finally recalled his name. "Yeah."

It didn't take long for him to notice her staring hungrily at his water bottle.

"Do you need some water, or..."

"Yeah!" she perked up. "Yeah, water would be fine."

She followed him to the kitchen, finding him rummage through his mini fridge clumsily.

He tossed a bottle at her. "Hope you don't mind bottled water. Tap water isn't of the best quality in the neighbourhood... but, um, yeah."

She chuckled, taking more than a few sips. "It's just fine."

The silence that started to fill the room after their small talk was awkward, to say the least.

"Um, so... Are you planning on telling me about all this Mafia stuff? I have a distant relative who's a policeman—well, at least I think so. He's pretty old so maybe he's just dead, but y'know."

She couldn't help but laugh to herself as she heard him blabber on and on. She couldn't tell if he found her intimidating, but perhaps he did, considering her brother would act the same whenever she was mad at him.

"How can I trust you?" For whatever reason, she already knew she could. Yet a voice in the back of her head told her to put said trust to the test.

"I hid you from that scary dude, for the record," he said. "And, besides, it's not every day that someone breaks into your apartment and steals your clothes."

Right, she had yet to give him an explanation for that part.

"It was cold outside, to be fair, and it's not my fault you don't have central heating."

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