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Congrats to chocoqueen29 for guessing what kind of monster Jay is right (and right before the chapter that I reveal it, too)!

I recommend you keep reading instead of finding her comment, I think it'll come as a real surprise! ;)

Only one chapter left (along with an epilogue I've already written)!


He could neither see nor speak when he regained his senses at last.

He could tell he was sitting down, probably on wood considering how much his butt was hurting.

He couldn't move around, and the ropes tied around his limbs really didn't help his bloodstream.

Unfortunately, he had completely lost track of time, but just by hearing sounds of seagulls echo in the background, he could tell the sun had risen.

But, then again, he wasn't outside...

Then where the heck was he?

He heard a door slam open.

"Take out the blindfold," a raspy voice with a thick accent commanded.

In an instant, his vision cleared, only for his gaze to be met with a metallic monkey holding onto his face.

He yelped and fell back, much to the creature's amusement.

"Usually our visitors are braver than that." He looked to his right, seeing a burly monster dragging him back up. Her voice was deep, but it was nothing compared to the menacing tone of the previous one.

"We'll see how long he lasts," another voice said, that time belonging to a pirate with a large moustache and an even larger gun.

Jay gulped.

The menacing voice spoke again, that time appearing behind his ear.

"Haven't they taught you humans not to wander in Stiix?"

He gasped, looking up to see an old, evil face of a man staring down at him.

All four of his arms came to cup his face, his hook cutting off the cloth around his mouth.

He wandered back around to face him, and it was only then he realised that the man had no legs, an orange smoke covering the bottom part of his floating body.

He was surprisingly delighted. "You're a genie?" he exclaimed, but the man wasn't as amused.

"Djinn," he corrected him. "However, I can still grant wishes for you if you'd like."

He somehow managed to keep a cool head. "Do I get infinite wishes?"

"Just three," he said, side-eyeing his smirking crew. "I may be a pirate, but a Djinn always keeps true to his word."

He looked out the window, realising he was by a dock, inside a torn building, one which reached the skies with its height.

Unfortunately, that also caused him to realise the time of day.

It wasn't the morning; it was the afternoon.

No, no, no!

"Look, I'm sorry for coming here, but you've got to let me go!"

"I could do that... with a wish."

His eyes widened.

As the Djinn leaned down to face him, the golden necklace around his neck dangled over Jay's freckled nose.

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