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After minutes of lying down in the sand, her legs unfused at last, allowing her to finally walk.

She scrunched up her nose at the goo that was left behind, but the waves made sure to wash her new human (albeit a tad scaly) legs as they approached and left.

Luckily, her clothes had remained on the sandy shore (unlike last time when a certain Oni stole them), allowing her to walk back towards the town with no issue after a quick change.

The polluted waters of Stiix had always bothered her; she had always made an effort to clean everything she could, yet she could never succeed.

Her little underwater cave had been affected too; and despite wanting to complain, shout her frustrations to the world... she couldn't. It was a place only she could know about.

The lights inside of the previously abandoned houses being the only thing that lit up the streets, she looked around for her friend, yet no one was there.

Finally, she approached the largest building in town; one that housed not one, not two, but eight different people.

For such a large town, it would be reasonable enough to think that there would be enough space for everyone; but no. With most of the buildings already falling apart, it left her living with seven other people; five of which were of the opposite sex, much to her dismay.

Even then, she came to view them as a family of her own.

As she pushed open the squeaky, worn-out door, her face lit up the moment she locked eyes with the only other females of the house.

Sat on pillows scattered on the floor, their gazes turned from the chess board in the middle to face her instead.

The grey-haired woman spoke first, her face wrinkling as she smiled. "Welcome home, dear. Enjoyed your swim?"

Despite her being Lloyd's one and only human mother (tough genes on his dad's side, as she would always say) she always felt comfortable confiding in her. Maybe it was her motherly tone, maybe it was her passion about monsters and their history; she didn't know what she liked about her so much.

"As always, Misako," she smiled before noticing the elder man behind them, his legs crossed and his eyes closed. "Is he... asleep?"

"I can hear you perfectly well, Nya," he said, a smile on his face, though it was hard to see because of his long, white beard.

The only other human in this town, brother of an Oni and uncle of a hybrid; a freak, just like her.

Although, at the same time, she didn't mind that, for that was simply what they were; freaks.

"Good to know, I guess..." she said, turning back to the ladies. "So, whatcha doing?"

"Well, we were just about to finish another game of chess," Misako said, frowning. "I think I've got it this time."

As another chess piece moved across the board, she looked at her rival with a defeated sigh. "Well, clearly, I don't."

The Nindroid across her chuckled along with Nya before giving her an innocent smile.

"I've won seven times in total by now," she stated, the echo in her robotic voice louder than before. "Would you like to try again?"

"No, no, Pixal. I think I'm good for now," Misako sighed.

The silver-haired Nindroid chuckled yet again, her green eyes illuminating as she stood up from her seat. "Understood. I'll go and see if Zane needs any help with cooking."

"Have fun, lovebirds," Nya smirked, patting her back as she left. Despite her metal skin, the heat on her face didn't go unnoticed as she quickly exited the room.

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