Spring Arrives in Summer

Start from the beginning

"How did." I wasn't sure if I wanted to ask how he found us or how he knew why'd we had been crying. He smiled down at me and I blushed. Feeling horribly shy I looked down burying my face into Barty. Getting a chuckle from them both. "I'm a telepath. And Barty is empathetic. I have trouble hearing you most of the time but Barty. Barty is very loud though most of the time from what he's said he also has trouble feeling you." I peeked out at him I could hear the truth in his words. I sorta wanted another kiss it felt nice. He smirked at me and kissed the top of my head again Causing me to gasp. "Right now Barty is feeling all your emotions very clearly. And he's always loud so I know very well when it's something he feels or someone else." I started to mutter apologies and trying to wipe away my tears as I focused on emptying my thoughts and emotions into a box for later examination.

They both frowned at me. "Harry don't do that not to us and don't say your not doing anything cause your hair is white." Barty snapped at me. Giving a rather harsh tug at my hair. "I hate it when you do that. Makes me think you don't trust me with your feelings. I would never use those against anyone Harry and it's not healthy to do it." As he ranted at me I just felt worse and worse but I kept shoving it away. When he was silenced after a minute I looked up to see Barty had been tugged into a rather aggressive kiss with Rabastan. Gently I slid off his lap disentangling myself from them. I watched as Rabastan kissed him some more before I slipped away. I went to my office and closed the doors.

"Crashers can you help me not look like a mess for dinner please. And bring me the potions book I've been studying." With a couple of snaps he had me all tidy and the book placed on my desk. Crashers studied me for a minute then popped away I had just sat down at my desk when he popped back holding a tea service and a plate of finger sandwiches. I blinked thinking why but then I realized I had barely taken a few bites of a scone this morning and nothing sense. "Please don't say anything to anyone Crashers I should have remembered. But I've been upset due to well everything today."

He nodded to me "Crashers and Bells not be tattling on sir. Sir has had a hard day and needs time to sort himself. Barty and Rabastan are looking for you. Would sir like me to tell them after supper?" My eyes got wide were they going to be angry I left. I mean as hot as it was to watch Barty make out with Rabastan I just couldn't sit there. I gave a nod to Crashers. And busied myself trying to study. I mean that was really hot but I'm not sure I'm ready for being kissed like that or even admitting that I have both witch is something I should probably tell the person or persons I end up with. And that's if daddy ever let's me date. I sipped my tea and nibbled a sandwich my thoughts kept circling I needed to get out of my head. I got up and went to the kitchens. Once inside I was being stared at by a few elves. I cleared my throat nervously. "Baking always helps me calm down can I borrow some kitchen space and ingredients." When the elves nodded and pointed me to a counter I started with a simple chocolate cake but by the time dinner had rolled around I was decorating a three tear chocolate fudge cake with white chocolate icing and little hand made flowers. The elves in the kitchen looked impressed. But I felt like my piping was uneven and needed work.

"We be serving this for dessert sir?" One elf asked I shook my head I was just distracting myself and I wound up making a giant three tear cake. Figures I'd do something stupid like that. "We be serving it sir but we not tell who make it." I smiled at her. She frowned at me then snapped her fingers and cleaned up the mess I'd become. She handed me my over robe's and shoed me out of the kitchen. So I headed for the dinning room.

As soon as I entered daddy waved me over to him. As soon as I reached him to find out what he wanted he pulled me into his lap and shoved a spoon into my mouth. I tasted a rich brocade of beef broth and smiled. It was clear from the way daddy was behaving he wanted to feed me and spoil me right now. So I let him once dinner was finished the huge cake I'd made was bought out and set on the table along with pudding. When daddy took a bite of it he hummed. But I could see Fenrir looked like he was in heaven.

"Fenrir?" When he looked up at me curious yet still guarding his cake. I giggled at him. "Is being in love with chocolate common for wolves or is it just something both you and remi have in common?" He stared at me for a long moment then grinned at me. "It's because he hasn't found his mate and neither have I. So it is sort of a wolf thing. But also just something we have in common." He took a huge bite of his cake without looking away. Causing chuckles around the room. "Wasn't sure if you were actually talking about lupin for a minute. How is my cub do you know?" I frowned and shrugged shaking my head. "Haven't heard howl or tail of him since my third year. I do wonder sometimes though." When daddy shoved some cake into my mouth. I smiled. "Get it daddy howl or tail it's a wolf joke!" Suddenly Fenrir burst out laughing. I could feel daddy trying hard not to laugh. "Good one kiddo I didn't even notice at first. We are going to use that one." Fenrir proclaimed loudly. After that daddy finished feeding me then put me on mommy's lap. And she began to unravel my braid gently pulling her fingers through my hair. Then daddy informed everyone about the where I had gone and who I had meet with. And that the ones who would be at the trail were not to reveal any of it to the public and that they were to push for the dementor's kiss. While daddy conducted the meeting me and mommy talked quietly about my day and she calmed my fears that daddy might hurt Barty or Rabastan.

After the meeting I went back to my office followed closely by Barty and Rabastan. As soon as my office door was closed they Rabastan scooped me up and pulled Barty down onto the sofa with us. "We are going to take things slow Harry. I understand it's all new and frightening for you." He then kissed my cheek softly. "You were spiraling in the library weren't you." At my shy nod Barty coed at me. "I talked with Barty about letting you calm down in your own way. You hard a very difficult morning then got further upset by fear and panic. He understands better then anyone how overwhelming those emotions can feel." Suddenly Barty lifted my chin up looking me right in the eye before placing a gentle kiss to my lips.

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