Chapter 32 ~THE PLAN~

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Lilly's POV
Ponyboy and I were finally back in school we've been off since the week before Christmas. "Here let me drive you guys!" Two-Bit offered us. I looked at Ponyboy he looked at me and we both looked at Two-Bit. "So can I?" "Sure." It was our first day back to school, Ponyboy and I were coming up with ideas for Bob's revenge. We figured NOW was the appropriate time to attack. A:Bob would least expect to be punched in the face 10 TIMES!!! B: We're running of time to attack with our plan. "I'll race you to the car!! I'm gonna get there first!!" I yelled to Ponyboy who took off running. "Not if I'm there first!!" We both darted to Two-Bit's car. "I WIN!!-." "That's only because I let you win!" Pony had barked to me out of breath. "Awww I love you!" I hugged him almost knocking him over he hugged me back. We hopped in the car shortly before Two-Bit did. Two-Bit yanked on the handle of his door and hopped in. "How old is this thing?!" I asked out of curiosity. "How old do you think it is?!" Dammit, I forgot he always made us guess. I hate guessing. "'s ancient!" I yelled because I didn't feel like guessing. "1938 it's from."
"1938!!???....IT'S OLDER THAN A DINOSAUR!!" Ponyboy shouted out of surprise. "How many times do you think I've broke down?..." He smirked and went quiet. "Hmmm...64!" Ponyboy guessed. Two-Bit stopped smiling.... "...65...65 times." We all went silent. "65..TIMES!!?" I yelled. "Seriously 65 times." Two-Bit kept his eyes glued to the road. "You might wanna hurry or it'll be 66 times!!" Ponyboy said with worry. "Don't worry kid." Two-Bit dropped us off at school. "HAVE A GOOD DAY!!" Two-Bit yelled to us. The bell was about to ring so everyone was there. After he yelled to us everyone looked at us and laughed. The bell rang. I ran to my locker to get my binder I went to my first class which was a  study hall so Pony and I went to the library. We sat down at a table we knew what each other were thinking. "We need a plan." I sighed. "I know...we'll come up with one don't worry." Seconds later Johnny and Cherry came prancing on in...HOLDING HANDS!!!! They sat down and we chatted for awhile and got shushed by the librarian for being to loud. My opinion we were not talking loud at all. Our plan!!! PHASE 1: We lure Bob to a party...thrown by "socs" PHASE 2: Our "socs" jump Bob like a jump rope PHASE 3: Cherry and I get a few kicks and swings at his face which he calls perfect. if you ask me Bob's face is far from perfect. PHASE 4: We throw a threat and make sure Bob gets in trouble lots of trouble.... "That's....IMPOSSIBLE!!" Cherry lost the grin on her face. "What do you mean?" "Bob doesn't go to parties all by himself!" I looked at Ponyboy he looked at me, we all then looked at Cherry. "Guys....what are you thinking?.." She started to get nervous. "I'm sorry....Cherry." "WHAT?!?!?" "You've gotta go with Bob!" "That won't work...I already dumped his ass!" "Just say you've been lonely without him!" Ponyboy suggested. "BUT I'M NOT LONELY WITHOUT HIM!!" "Shhhh!!" The librarian glared at us. "Sorry!" "Anyways..HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT?!?!?" "It's called acting." She looked at me like she is the lab rat for a test in a lab. I gave her nod. She then looked at Ponyboy and he gave her a nod. She last but least looked at Johnny, his eyes sparkled. I was still a little thrown off when I rejected Johnny...I still felt really bad. "Listen Cherry...I KNOW you can do this..." Cherry looked down. Johnny tilted her head back up with his hand he then put his hand on her cheek...then...he KISSED her softly on the lips. My jaw dropped. I was so shocked!! "Now I can do this." Cherry looked over at me and saw my dropped jaw. "What?" The bell rang. "Meet at my house after school!" I yelled and ran out of the library.
Paul's POV
I went to the Curtis house. I knocked on the door. "Oh hey Darry..Lilly sent me here for some weird ass reason." "Yeah Ponyboy told me to invite you..I'm so damn confused." He looked at me. "Come on in." I sat down. "I also came here because I was quite bored." "Yeah I got lonely and bored too." "Apparently Ponyboy needed help planning something.." "Yeah Lilly said she needed a plan for something.." Darry made a puzzled expression. "She left me a note.." The note read "Dear Paul I know your probably confused why I left you a note but..YOU NEED TO GO TO THE CURTIS HOUSE and talk to DARRY. Ponyboy and I are trying to plan revenge to get back on Bob. Stupid Bob ruined Ponyboy and my relationship so we need a way to drop him on his head. Please brainstorm ideas with Darry. Love "Lil Bill"
P.s. Show Darry this note..OR ELSE!!" "Oh wow...she's not the type you'd mess with." "OH believe me!!" "I'm no party planner but I have some ideas.." "Darry told me his ideas. I stayed awhile. We talked about how idiotic the wages are for people to trade their life for coal dust to work in the mines. "Well I've gotta go pick up Lilly!" "Alright see you around!" "Bye." I left and fired up my truck. I sat in the truck waiting for 10 minutes. "Hey Paul!" "Hey Lil, hi Ponyboy. Cherry..and Johnny. Wow I didn't expect all of you." I laughed. "Yeah we've got business to attend. "May I ask what kind of business?" "REVENGE!" "Oh yeah, your plan what did you need help with?" "You dig okay!"
    Cherry's POV
We got to Lilly's house. "We're going to tell you in full and complete detail!" "I'm all ears." We went up to Lilly's room. "Sit it!"
  Lilly's POV
"So our plan involves punching and kicking ass!!!" Paul laughed. "Alright..kid sister..I'm in!" We shook on it. "Our plan is...Cherry is gonna lead Bob to a party thrown by us but we're gonna say other socs threw it. That's when our GREASERS oops I meant "socs" will jump Bob so hard he'll be a human jump rope. When our "socs" are finished with him that's when we'll get a couple wacks at his face and mess it up!! Also this isn't just for us...this is for all the jumps...all the fights....and all the rumbles...all the comments...all the boasts...ALL OF IT!!" Paul looked at me wide eyed. "Uh buddy...who ya gonna get to be our socs besides me?" "Oh I've got people...Their names are, Twi-Bit, Steve, and Dally!!" Paul laughed. "How are you gonna get them to fight?" "!!" I pulled out my wallet. "Are you sure that's actually gonna work?" "Why wouldn't it?!"

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