Chapter 13 Darry's point

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        Pony's POV
"What's for dinner?" Soda asked "ramen" Darry replied, we mostly ate ramen sometimes we'd eat also eat different items too. "So Pony how was your kiss with Lilly?!" Soda asked as I was taking a sip of my milk then spit it out like a mist. Milk everywhere on the food on the table and even on Darry which was a mistake, "HOW DID YOU FIND OUT??" I meant to ask Soda then out of surprise Darry responded with "Two-Bit" "you KNOW TOO? Ugggghhhhhh dang Two-Bit" at this point Two-bit was gonna now be Two-Bitc*. "Ponyboy, you should tell her how you feel about her" "ARE YOU CRAZY!!" "No Pony, I'm just trying to help you, I told Carolynn how I feel for her" "yeah but what if she Lilly doesn't like me back" "then that's one less thing you gotta worry about kid." "I can't take that kind of a rejection" "kiddo I know how you feel" " yeah totally" I said sarcastically " what do you mean?" "I mean every girl you talk to falls for you because your so muscular, I'm just a twig." "You think this has to do with looks?" He laughed than said "Pony it's your personality."
I wish I was as good looking as Paul Newman. Today was Wednesday, I saw Lilly and nearly fainted. I was nervous to see Lilly I mean what if the deal about me kissing her got out I was really nervous around her now. I was waiting in courtyard as usual when I saw Lilly walk through the front entrance, everyone stopped and stared so did I, she had her red curly hair tied back in a clip she was also wearing a pair of heels matched with a plaid cute skirt with a matching green shirt.I'd never seen her dress like that before and was she was wearing a ton of makeup. I couldn't tell weather to look amused or to look in dissatisfaction. Pardon my French but I really hate it what the he** is that, she's pretty in all but I really miss her greaser style. She came over to me and gave me a curtsy "like it?"  "Yeah you look great" I said almost choking on the lie that had spewed from my mind. "Pony what's wrong?" "Nothing" shoot she's on to me I thought, the bell rang when the day was over all I could think about was Lilly. When I got home I immediately ran to the phone and dialed Paul "Paul we've gotta talk!"  I went into the bathroom with the phone and asked if he'd caught the way Lilly was dressed. "Paul listen...I don' too" "don't know how to what?" Paul said concerned "I...I like Lilly a lot" I said so quickly like a rabbit running from Steve, I was surprised when I said that clearly. "Pony I kinda knew that" "DAM* just how do I ask a girl out?"
       Darry's POV
I was walking by the bathroom when I saw that the phone line was through the door, I thought Lilly was here. Then I heard Pony ask "how do I ask a girl out" I stopped and listened more closely I'm not much of an eavesdropper. It came to the sense of me that Pony was talking to Paul, I felt something inside me break I walked away in devastation that Ponyboy wouldn't EVEN ASK HIS OWN OLDEST BROTHER. Okay I know it just would've been just peer awkwardness but that hurt when he asked Paul. I was making dinner to take my mind off Paul, I made shredded chicken and seasoned it, while that was cooking I sat down and read the paper. Pony had just come out of the bathroom, Steve and Soda came through the door at the same time "hey Darry" they said perfectly in time with each other. I don't have anyone to go to about my own personal problems everyone says I've never been the same since mom and dad passed. Within 4 minutes Dally, Two-Bit and Johnny came through the door, our house was usually really busy. I miss being able to laugh and smile I just can't be happy right now and probably will never be happy again. When I really need to clear my mind I usually go for a walk or workout I'm quite healthy. The chicken was ready it smelled so good, "Dinner" I yelled everyone came flooding to the table. To calm my nerves I asked Pony, "how was school?" "Good I guess" "Oh Ponyboy did your girlfriend Lilly talk to ya" Two-Bit said in a jokingly manner. "Ponyboy you should make a move""Ooooooooooo" everyone said Ponyboy started blushing, Johnny didn't get a lot of girls we wasn't worried about them. "GUYS LAY OFF" I yelled in what everyone calls my Dad voice, I stood up and went into the kitchen I was followed by Soda " hey you seem hacked off" "I'm fine" is all I would respond with unless I was talking to Paul. "You sure,don't seem fine" I sighed "I'll tell you later" "okay" he responded with. It was 7pm the latest I let Pony stay up to is 9 and Soda can decide for himself, they usually go to bed at the same time. Pony was doing his homework the gang left . Soda had pulled me into my room "soo what was it you wanted to tell me?" I could tell he had been waiting to hear what I had to say " Pony had been on the phone with Paul earlier and asked him how to ask out a girl, it kind of hurt I would've gladly helped him and told him some good advice." Soda stood there listening of what I had to say, he looked kinda hacked off too.

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