"I'm not letting you go in there alone, Thomas," she shook her head, standing her ground as she followed him into the building. He gave up the argument, having more important things to worry about.

"Alfie!" he yelled the second he stepped into the building, making the workers turn to look at him with wide eyes. "Alfie!" he called again, storming right into an office, Celia hot on his trail.

"Tommy Shelby! To what do I owe this surprise visit, eh?" the man, who had a bushy beard and small glasses perched on his nose, asked as he looked up from what he was doing at his desk.

"You crossed the fucking line, Alfie!" Tommy exclaimed, wagging his finger in the man's direction, anger clear across his face.

"I crossed the what now?" he was clearly confused. "And who is this lovely woman?" he asked then, his gaze falling upon Celia.

"Your fucking workers were out and about trying to make passes at my woman. Using your name for their fucking gain," Tommy explained, glaring at the man who didn't seem to care as much about this matter as he did.

"And how is that me crossing the line? When I never even fucking met your woman?" Alfie squinted his eyes as he looked in the other man's direction.

"Because you shouldn't be hiring pathetic scum like that!" Tommy raised his voice once more. Celia sighed at the conversation. "I need their names," he said in a low voice then.

"Their names?" Alfie asked for clarity even though he knew exactly what Tommy was asking for, his eyebrows raised now.

"Yes, their fucking names. I need to know who did this...need to fucking talk to them and set the record straight."

"Now you know I can't do that, mate," Alfie shook his head, much to Tommy's dismay, "I have no fucking clue who you're talking about. Now what am I to do? Give you my whole fucking payroll and let you go out on a hunt for the men you've got a problem with? That doesn't sound like a good fucking idea, now does it, mate?"

Tommy let out a frustrated breath at the man's words, running his hand over his face before he quickly pulled out his gun, holding it in Alfie's direction. Celia audibly gasped at his move, but the man staring down the barrel didn't seem to care. "Give me the fucking list of men you've working for you, Alfie," he demanded, his voice low.

"If you're gonna stand here and aim that thing at me, you'd better have a good fucking reason to do so...not just because you're pissed that I won't give you a fucking list," Alfie's tone didn't change, and he was still taunting Tommy, almost like he was calling his bluff. Celia couldn't watch anymore.

"Give me the list, Alfie!" Tommy yelled, tensions rising even more.

Now Celia certainly couldn't watch anymore. She reached out and grabbed hold of Tommy's hand that was gripping the gun, manually bringing it down to his side before she managed to take the weapon from his hand. "Ok, that's enough," she stated sternly, glaring over at her partner, who was now looking over at her with raised eyebrows. He couldn't believe she'd just done that.

"Yeah, Tommy. Listen to the lovely woman and cool yourself down, eh?" Alfie chimed in, the taunting nature back in his voice, making Tommy send a glare in his direction. All Celia had to do was utter his name, and she had his attention again.

"It's not worth it, Tom. The problem was handled...I solved it yesterday. I'm sure I won't be seeing those men again," she told him, looking straight into his eyes in hopes that her words would stick in his brain.

Of course, Alfie had something to say about that, "ohh, I see. This lovely woman is your woman," he stated in realization then, making the couple's eyes fall back into him. "Right then, well she's doing just fine by the looks of it," he grinned as he looked between them. "I'm Alfie Solomons, love," he extended his hand to her and Celia shook it.

To Be Alone | Tommy ShelbyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon