Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*y/n pov*
I woke up again to one of the bodyguards tying my arms together.
The plane had landed, but I saw still in the same seat I had fallen asleep in.
"Hey get off!" I struggled as he tightened them.
I tried to kick him but my legs were already tied together.
I looked over to see Zemo still sitting in the chair opposite.
"Seriously what the hell is this? You're tying me up now?"
"Sorry my love. Just taking precautions."
"Precautions? I thought they weren't necessary."
"That was before. I changed my mind."
"Are you shitting me? What the hell am I going to do? Fight back one against like 10 people?"
He smiled as two bodyguards picked me up and started dragging me off the plane.
"Ow" I winced as we went down the stairs. "At least let me walk on my own?"
Zemo gestured and they bent down to untie my legs.
"Thank you."
He took my arm instead of the guard and walked me off the tarmac towards a van.
He opened the back doors "get in".
"Hm. No."
I shook his arm off and walked to the front of the van. I struggled to open the door, then climbed in when I did.
Zemo sighed and sat in the seat next to me.
The driver started the car and I turned on the radio.
"No" Zemo said and turned it off.
"Yes" I turned it back on.
"If you'd prefer I'll sing instead?"
"Ok fine. Listen to the radio."
I was vibing to Russian songs the entire drive.
Zemo finally turned it off again when we drove into a large building in the middle of a woods.
"Seriously? Mid song?"
Zemo got out the car and slammed the door before I could get out.
I tried to open the door but he locked it and walked away.
"At least turn the car back on so I can listen to the radio!" I yelled but they were out of earshot.
"Damn it!"
I started looking around to find something I could use to get out.
I tried to use my teeth to undo my restraints but it didn't work.
I patted my pockets and found my phone where I had put it.
There were no new notifications as I unlocked it and turned on my data.
I opened the messages app and sent a text first to Peter, then one to Bucky.
Crap, I thought as they didn't go through. There was no service.
I put the phone back in my pocket and continued searching for a way out.
No luck.
Eventually, four men in suits appeared in front of the van. They were the same four that escorted me at the airport.
"Hey you're the cute bodyguard" I said as he opened the door. "Do you still have gum?"
He ignored me and they started walking.
"Where's Zemo?" I asked as I walked with them.
"No? Not going to talk to me? Okay fine. Lucky for you, I like talking."
Still no response.
"Did you know that my ex boyfriend is an assassin? Well of course you knew that or I wouldn't be here. But he's not my boyfriend anymore. He got a new girlfriend. Sharon. I actually hate her. She's such a bitch. But she makes Bucky happy so I guess she's okay. You know she makes him so happy, he doesn't care about me anymore. And THAT is why this plan isn't going to work. You'll do what you plan on doing, probably involving killing me I don't know, and he won't come because he doesn't care anymore."
They didn't say anything still.
"Do you know I'm friends with the avengers? Well I was. Most of them died or left the Earth. But did you know I trained with THE Black Widow?"
That caught the attention of the cute bodyguard, and he looked at me.
"I'll prove it if you like?" I blinked innocently.
He didn't say anything, so I turned around and punched the guy in front of me on the left. I ripped apart the cloth around my wrists and turned to kick the one behind me on the left. The one behind me on the right picked me up from behind and I used it to kick the other two down again, then grabbed his arm and pulled him over. I stamped on his hand, then turned to the cute bodyguard. He had his gun aimed at my forehead.
"Shoot me. I dare ya."
He paused and I grabbed the gun from his hand then kicked him backwards. I pulled the gun on him and shot his leg before he could get up.
"This could still happen anytime. You'll know how to find me" I winked at him and walked off.
I found Zemo in a room round the corner.
"Zemo, baby, there you are" I smiled.
"My love, where are..."
"The bodyguards? They got boring. You need better friends." I walked over and put my arm around him and stood with him at the table.
"Whatcha working on?" I addressed the other people he was with.
They exchanged glances with Zemo.
"Working on how to bring in the Winter Soldier" Zemo replied.
"Great. Well while you do that, is there a kitchen anywhere?"
"Are you serious?" One of the other guys said "you're thinking about food while we're figuring out how to get a hold of your ex boyfriend."
"Yeah. Because like I told your friend Zemo here, he doesn't care enough to come get me. So I'm going to make myself at home."
"Kitchen is down there my love" Zemo pointed "make me a sandwich will you?"
"No I don't think I will" I smiled as I walked away.

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