Chapter Twenty-Seven

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*narrator pov*
"Hello y/n" Zemo smiled.
"You were trying to leave so soon?"
You didn't reply.
"I thought Bucky didn't want to let you go."
"What do you want?"
"The same thing as you."
"And what's that?"
"The Winter Soldier."
"What do you want with Bucky?"
"James is what made me powerful. He is my success."
"Why do you need me?"
"You said it yourself. He would do anything to protect you."
"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Maybe try Sharon."
"We both know she's not as important to him."
"So? He'll still try to save her. And that way, I can go home."
"Bucky won't risk everything for her."
"Yeah I don't think he's going to do it for me."
"I beg to differ."
"That's it? Just 'okay'?"
"Yeah. What do you want me to say? You want me to beg for my life? To beg you to leave him alone? It's not like it will change your mind. It's just a waste of breath."
"Waste of breath?"
"Mhm. Like I said, he's not going to do anything. So why do I bother to argue?"
"Is this some kind of revere psychology?"
"No. I just couldn't give less of a shit."
"I am so attracted to you right now."
"That was random. I'll ignore it. Can I borrow your phone?"
"No, why?"
"Call my friend. Tell him I'll be late for dinner."
"I'm not giving you my phone."
"Why not?"
"Because you'll just tell someone I have you."
"No I wouldn't. And I thought that was the whole point? You wanted Bucky to find me?"
"Uhhh- Shut up I'm not giving you my phone."
"Fine. Can we listen to the radio?"
"I said no."
"Shut up!"
You sat back in your chair, and looked at the bodyguard next to you.
"Are you single?"
He looked at you, then at Zemo.
"What?" You asked when Zemo stared at you "he's cute."
He looked unimpressed.
"Do you have any food?"
"I'm hungry."
"I don't have any food."
"I bet you're lying."
"I'm not lying."
"I don't believe you."
"I have some gum" the cute bodyguard said.
You smiled at him "I'd love some gum."
"Don't give her gum" Zemo argued.
"Why not?!"
"I'm fucking hungry!"
"I don't care!"
"You just want the gum for yourself."
You snatched it off the bodyguard and put it in your mouth. You chewed for a second, then leaned forward and kissed Zemo.
You sat back in your chair.
Zemo spat the gum back at you. You shrugged and put it back in your mouth.
"Where are we going?"
"An airport."
"What the fuck we were just at an airport."
"A different airport."
"What? Was that one not good enough for you? Too many people around for your incriminating activities?"
"What are we doing when we get there?"
"Getting on a plane."
"No shit. Where to?"
"Another airport."
"This is fucking ridiculous."
"Bruh Russia is cold though."
"I'll buy you a coat."
"How sweet" you said sarcastically.
You took the gum out your mouth and stuck it to the roof of the limousine.
"Why'd you do that?"
"Cause I can. So are Russians nice?"
"Oh for God's sake do you ever stop talking?"
"Hmm. Nope? Why are we going to Russia?"
"Do we have anything to gag her?" Zemo asked the men either side of you.
"Kinky" you smiled as one of them put a cloth in your mouth.
You frowned when they did not give you any more restraints, and you used your uncuffed hands to take it out of your mouth.
"You know you would generally tie someone's hands and feet together too if you kidnap them. To stop them getting away."
"Yes well I did not think that necessary."
"Ok. Is this your first time? You know kidnapping someone? Cause you're really bad at it. Like maybe read a book on it or somethi-"
You were cut off as Zemo leaned forward and kissed you to shut you up.
You laughed.
"Bucky did that too."
He kissed you again.
"So are you a sexual assaulter now as well as a kidnapper?"
He sat back in his seat, looking very annoyed.
"I'm kidding" you cried and went to sit on his lap.
You started to kiss him back.
If you were going to be kidnapped, you might as well enjoy it.
The limo eventually stopped and Zemo smiled at you.
"We're here."
"Ok good cause I need to stretch my legs."
You opened the door and hurried out the car. You skipped around in the fresh air.
The men in suits came and grabbed you by the arms.
"Hey! Get off!"
They dragged you back towards Zemo.
"Let her go" he said.
"Thank you" you replied as they let go of your arms.
You took off to see what they would do and turned to see they weren't following you.
"Seriously?!" You yelled across the tarmac. They were just watching you.
"I could run off right now!"
"I know. Or you could come on the plane, where there is food." Zemo yelled back as he walked up the stairs onto a private plane.
You sprinted back and followed him.
"Ok. Only because I don't want to be abandoned in a small airport with no one around for miles. And also because food."
He laughed as you ordered almost every single thing on the menu and the private chef went to cook it all.
You groaned with regret as dish after dish was placed in front of you.
"Are your bodyguards hungry?"
Zemo invited them over and you sat around a table and finished it all off.
Zemo fell asleep and you pulled out your phone to take a photo. He looked really stupid with his mouth hanging open and drooling.
You sent it to Bucky and then opened tiktok.
The plane experienced a bit of turbulence, which woke Zemo up.
"Oh hey Zemo" you noticed him sit up.
You watched him stare at you, wide eyed.
"You have a phone?"
"Oh yeah. Bucky got it for me. Cool, right?"
"You have a phone?!" He repeated.
"What's the big deal?" You laughed and scrolled to the next tiktok.
He grabbed the phone off you.
"Hey what was that for?"
"You had a phone this whole time and didn't use it?"
"Well i was! But you took it off me."
"Did you call or text anyone?" He asked as he looked through the phone.
"No. Oh wait I sent a funny pic to Bucky."
Zemo frowned then he opened the chat to Bucky and saw an unattractive image of him sleeping.
A text below read "lmao this bitch tryna kidnap me to Russia send help" followed by a sequence of emojis.
"Wow. Are you kidding me with this?"
The message was left on delivered, so he quickly deleted it.
"Okay can I have my phone back now?"
"Absolutely not."
You went and sat on his lap and kissed him. "Pretty please."
"" he hesitated.
"Oh come on. I'll sit right here and let you watch what I'm doing?"
He handed you back your phone and you continued to scroll through tiktok.
After a while, you kissed Zemo again as a distraction, and slowly slid your phone into your pocket. You were probably going to need it later.
"Oh. I'm tired. How long until we get there?"
"At least another hour."
"Is it okay if I go to sleep for a bit? I woke up like really early this morning."
"Of course doll" Zemo smiled.
You sat up and slapped him suddenly across the face "don't call me that!"
"Sorry. What can I call you then?"
"Don't give a shit, just not that."
"Okay my love."
"Much better."
You slid off his lap and sat in your own chair.
You gradually let yourself fall asleep.

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