Chapter Fifteen

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The next summer after the blip...

*Peter pov*
I was so excited to be going on this trip.
It was like the first proper distraction.
It was going to be so fun, and I knew exactly what to do when I got there. I had a plan.
See, ever since I lost y/n, I was spending more time with Ned and Michelle. I didn't really have anyone else. And as I spent more and more time with MJ, I realised I kinda had feelings for her.
And I was going to tell her on this trip.
I had it all worked out.
The summer was going great, and I was ready to tell MJ how I felt. I had bought her a necklace with her favourite flower, a black dahlia, and was going to give it to her.
I skipped out the store to go find her.
If I was with y/n right now, she would have called me a dork.
I paused and smiled when I thought about her. I hadn't happily remembered her before. The memories were always sad, until now.
It gave me new motivation to talk to MJ now, rather than wait until Paris like I originally planned.
MJ made me happy, and I wanted to be happy. With her.
I could eventually see her, but I suddenly felt my spider sense.
"Convenient timing" I muttered sarcastically to myself, and ran down an alleyway to change into my suit.
time skip to after the attack and after the other one in Prague so like skip to the bar coz I have nothing to write before that.
I sat with Mysterio and told him all about me, and my life. I told him about Stark, and MJ, and y/n.
"And last year, when Thanos happened, I, uh, lost her."
"Wow Peter I'm so sorry" Mysterio sighed.
"Yeah me too. She was my best friend. She meant everything to me. I wish there was a way I could see her again."
"And then you lost Stark too? That must've been really difficult."
"Yeah, he expected so much from me. I just, feel like I'm not doing enough. I don't know. Maybe he made the wrong choice, picking me."
Someone behind me tapped on my shoulders, and I saw them holding up the EDITH glasses.
"Ugh I dropped these? See this is what I mean, I can't even look after a pair of glasses. How am I meant to protect everyone else?"
"Don't say that. Hey, try them on. I want to see how they look on you" Mysterio suggested.
"No, man" I said at first, but put them on as I kinda did want to show them off.
"Wow. Just, wow" Mysterio said.
"Thanks" I smiled "here, you try."
"Me? No I couldn't" he protested.
"No just try them on" I insisted.
He put them on. They looked dope.
Then, I realised something.
"Keep them."
"Yeah. You should keep them. Maybe Iron Man didn't trust me to be the next Iron Man, maybe he just trusted me enough to pick who would be. I can't give Edith to Nick Fury, because he would just use them himself. But I'm nowhere near ready. But you are. You have the capabilities to be the next Iron Man. I mean you just defeated the elementals!"
"Peter..." Mysterio handed back the glasses.
"No, yeah" I put on the glasses "Edith, I'd like to transfer control to Quentin Beck."
"Peter this is crazy."
"Please confirm you would like to transfer control to Quentin Beck" Edith spoke.
"Confirm" I said and smiled at Mysterio. I handed him back the glasses.
"Thank you Peter."
"Thank you Mr Beck" I got up from my seat. "I'll see you... when I see you. Bye!"

*narrator pov*
Beck watched Peter walk out the bar, and down the street.
The bar began to change.
"Well that was easy" Beck said.
When the bar had become nothing more than an old tattered room, the few people remaining cheered.
"Ok. Let's get to work" he stood up and addressed the crowd. "I can't believe it was that easy."
Everyone started moving, getting to work.
Beck stopped someone in their tracks.
"Hey. Can you find and tell me everything you can on y/n y/l/n? I need to know who she is" Beck said to them. They nodded and walked off.
"I am Spiderman" Peter told MJ "and I really messed up."
He looked back at the projection of the elemental, with the projection of Mysterio fighting it.
It made no sense, yet it all came together.
"Great! Now I have to kill Peter Parker! And William, I hope you know that his blood is on your hands!" Quentin yelled.
"Um sir. We found something. For y/n y/l/n" someone else said from behind him.
"Great. Cause I need to know everything I can about Peter and his weaknesses right now."
Beck walked over with the person to the corner of the room.
"Tell me what you know."
The guy pulled up some photos of you and Peter as you were growing up. He scrolled until the most recent photo... you and Peter one month before the spaceship.
"And then there's nothing for five years. I thought it was the blip at first, but there's nothing since..."
"Damn it!"
"Except an address" the guy finished.
"An address?"
The other guy nodded.
"Ok" Quentin slowly nodded "Ok where is it?"
"Go and get her."
"If you don't mind me asking, why?"
"Actually I do mind you asking."
In Beck's head, millions of possibilities were running through his head, of how he could use y/n to get to Peter. To kill him.
*y/n pov*
After the funeral, I had to get away from it all. It was best now everyone thought I was dead. No one would look for me, I hoped.
It's not like I was hurting loads of people by leaving.
And it wouldn't take long for the total of the two people who would care to get over it.
I moved to London.
I had always wanted to visit, and I thought now was the perfect time.
A fresh start.
It was a normal day, I guess. I was reading a book in the kitchen, snacking on some crisps.
I heard a knock on the door.
As sad as it sounds, I hadn't made friends. I couldn't risk someone somehow recognising me. I was laying low. Or trying to.
I grabbed my gun from underneath the counter and edged over to the door.
"Who is it?" I called out.
There was no answer.
I lowered my gun when no one answered again.
Then they knocked for a second time.
"Seriously who's out there?"
I went over and slowly opened the door, my gun in my hand where they couldn't see.
There was a man who I didn't recognise.
"Y/n y/l/n?"
"Sorry wrong person" I replied and went to shut the door.
He blocked it with his foot. "Wait. We need to talk."
"Who are you?"
"Just open the door."
I reluctantly shut the door, undid the chain, and opened it again.
My finger was still on the trigger of my gun behind my back.
"Drop the gun" the man spoke.
I tilted my head at him.
"Tell me who you are, or I'll use it" I warned.
"Go ahead."
I pulled the gun from behind my back and shot him in the stomach until I ran out of bullets.
I had shut my eyes as I was shooting, and I was shocked when I opened them again.
Parts of the man were still left, and there were some projector looking things on his feet. He glitched slightly.
It was all fake.
Three more men came around the corner at the end of the hall, and walked towards me.
I started to shoot at them again, but the gun was empty.
I ran into my apartment and shut the door behind me. I looked around, figuring out an escape plan.
The men outside started banging down the door.
I jumped out my window, onto the fire escape outside. I looked over the side; I was three floors up. But it was the only option. I stood on the railing and prepared to jump.
Someone pulled me back into the apartment.
I grabbed his arm and pulled him over my shoulder onto the floor. I was bent over him and I punched him in the face. Two other men came back and held back both of my hands. They pulled me up, and I kicked my leg back, hitting one of them right in the dick.
He let go of my hand, and I used it to punch the other one.
When they were all on the floor, I sprinted out of the apartment.
I looked back quickly as they stood up, before I turned to the stairs.
"You've got to be shitting me" two more men walked up in front of me.
Before I could hit them, though, one of the guys had ran out my apartment, and had put a bag over my head.
They used something to tie my hands behind my back and my legs together.
Someone lifted me over their shoulder and carried me down the stairs.
I was thrown into what I think was a van, as it started to drive away.
*Peter pov*
"I know this isn't real." I said as I saw MJ.
"Do you though?" Beck said, as an illusion grabbed the fake MJ around the neck.
I couldn't get help but to go after her, as she screamed and fell.
I hit the ground, hard, and the fake MJ disappeared.
"I don't think you know what's real, Peter."
I was thrown around, through a city, punched by a large fist, back through glass. I fell down for what felt like ages.
This is all fake!
"You need to wake up!" Beck yelled as I fell onto a car.
I rolled off the car, and watched more projectors fly down above me.
I became surrounded by mirrors, and I was dressed in my old Spider-Man suit.
I reached forward to touch a mirror, but my reflection grabbed me and attacked me. All the reflections did the same. They were all on top of me.
I managed to push them away, and when I stood up I was in a different suit. The very first one I had made.
I looked around as everyone fighting me had disappeared.
Suddenly, Mysterio jumped down and started firing at me.
I tried to web away, but rocks started falling down as I grabbed onto them.
One fell and pushed me over, and when I got up I was in yet another Spider-Man suit.
I looked up as the rock disappeared as green smoke, and in front of me was Tony's grave.
"If you were good enough, maybe Tony would still be alive."
I stared at it for a moment, when suddenly a fist came up through the ground.
Iron Man emerged, but a sick zombie version of him crawled out. Half his mask was off, and behind it was a skeleton.
I pushed myself back away from him.
Spiders crawled out of the holes of his eyes and all over his face.
One of the spiders got bigger, really big with his green eyes in front of me.
Then each eye became the head of a Mysterio.
Millions of Mysterios appeared behind him.
Just then, the one at the front was shot.
The illusions all disappeared.
Beck fell to his knees and Nick Fury walked up behind him.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I just. He came at me with all these drones and... and the illusions."
"Ok. Peter. Who else did you tell this to?"
"I, uh. Just MJ, and Ned, who probably might have told his girlfriend Betty."
"And where are they?"
"O-on the school trip."
Fury started laughing.
I looked at him confused.
My face filled with anger as Nick Fury became the face of Mysterio.
"Oh Peter. You make it too easy. First you handed over the glasses. Now this. Simply telling me what I want to know. So stupid" he laughed.
"No! No leave them alone. They have nothing to do with this."
"They do if they could ruin my chances of becoming the next Iron Man. And knowing what they know... I have no choice but to kill them."
The illusions started again, and I was surrounded by a black void.
Standing around me, I saw MJ, Ned and Betty, standing about 10 metres away from me in each direction.
"Say your goodbyes Peter" Becks voice boomed out in the void.
Then all of a sudden they disappeared, and I heard a voice behind me.
I spun around.
Before me, I saw y/n.
She was just standing there, like the others were moments before. But her face was covered in blood and bruises.
I walked towards her cautiously.
It was an illusion, I knew it was an illusion, but something felt off.
Y/n was dead. This couldn't be real, it wasn't real.
But I still found myself getting closer to her.
As I did, I started to notice little things.
Her hair was longer than I remember, her face looked a little older, but not too much.
Around her neck, she wore the locket Bucky had given her.
But how?
She had only had it a week before we went to space.
How did Mysterio have this image of her?
I took another step towards her and everything disappeared.
I looked to my left, as a train came full speed before me.
This, now, was real, I thought as I felt the full pain of being hit by the train.

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